Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ If Only... ❯ If Only... ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hatori and Tohru meet quietly on the sidewalk. Without a word, he takes her hand and kisses it gently. Tohru blushes, but maintains her composure. It's not the first time, but the slight risk of being seen together this way is enough to quicken both their pulses. They walk together, simply enjoying each other's company...

Somehow, I'm not could this be right?...yet when I'm with him, I feel so warm. He's not as cold as he thinks he is, in spite of what he's been through. I don't think I'll ever truly understand the pain and suffering he's had to endure because of the curse. Even if I've been through some pain too, it just doesn't compare -- Still, I want Hatori-san to be happy. If I can do anything to take away his pain...even forget him... No. I don't want to go that far. I want to keep my memories, even the bad ones, but if he must take them away, then I forgive him. I want to love you, Sohma Hatori...if only I could make you mine...

They find a quiet spot in a local park. Tohru spreads out a blanket for them to sit on while they share the lunch that she so thoughtfully prepared. No words are necessary -- for now, togetherness is enough.

Somehow, I'm not could this be right?...yet when I'm with her, it's as if the snow was melted -- an eternal spring. I don't deserve this was only like this once before...with Kana. All I did was hurt her -- I deserve her forgetting me...even if I was the one who caused her to forget. I cannot -- will not, hurt anyone again, even if it means I can never love again. That's what I've always told myself. Yet, Tohru still invites me in. Still wants me near her, even knowing. How can I bring myself to take her memories away, should Akito order it? No...I can't let that happen. long must I deny myself? I don't want to be lonely forever, Honda Tohru...if only I could make you mine...

After lunch, Hatori walks Tohru back to the spot where they met earlier. "Same time next week?" he whispers. "I'll be here." she replies just as softly, and they walk unobserved in opposite directions, to return before they're missed.