Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Keeping A Secret ❯ Why are you here?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Keeping a Secret


Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for Lizzi.

Authoress Note: Ok heres chappie 2! Im gonna try the script form. And then time changes and things like that will being these: ~~~blah~~~ As for their lunch I took one of my mothers cooking books and whatever I saw first they were having...

Kurama13-Thanks a lot! And Im not so sure about fighting taking place in this fic. *hands plushie*

animegirl411-Thank you! Once again, Im not so sure about the fighting..but probably towards the end...*hands plushie*
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Lizzi: What do you guys want for lunch? I will be more then happy to cook, and one of you can help.

Nikki: Let's have Bouillabaisse!

Raven and Kyou: What the hell is that?!

Lizzi: Its fish soup...

Raven and Kyou: Oh...

Lizzi: I have to go get the ingredients for it, Kyou can go with me to town.

Kyou: Why me?!

Lizzi: Do you want a taste of my electric shocks?

Kyou: Hn, fine.

Lizzi: Good.

~~~In town~~~

Kyou: *Is loaded with about 5 bags of food things*

Lizzi: There is everything we need for lunch.

Kyou: Dammit! Are feeding a whole town or something?

Lizzi: No, I also got stuff for dinner. And your helping me cook so you know.

Kyou: What?! No way am I helping you!

Lizzi: Are you sure? *A creepy aura is surrounding her*

Kyou: Hn.

Lizzi: I thought so.

~~~Shigure's House~~~

Nikki: Im soo hungry...

Raven: Me too....

Shigure: I think Im dying! Mii, can you postpone the deadline?

Mii: *on the phone* We can't postpone it Shigure! Im coming by to the manuscript...

Shigure: Im dying Mii. Please postpone...*hangs-up*

Mii: ...'Why me?'

Lizzi: Lets go make lunch Kyou.

Nikki: Did you get enough?!

Kyou: She got dinner too.

~~~35 Minutes Later~~~


Nikki and Raven: -_-

Shigure: Oh dear...

Nikki: Hopefully, Kyou won't make her to mad...

*The front door fly's open*

Nikki: Uh, Raven do you think thats a guy or a girl?

Raven: I think its a girl...

Shigure: Aya! What you doing here?

Ayame: I came to visit my dearest brother!

Lizzi: *pokes her head in to see what all the commotion is about* ...

Yuki: You are no brother of mine!

Lizzi, Raven and Nikki: O__O YOUR A GUY?!

Ayame: Shigure, surely you haven't forgotten about me?

Shigure: A day hasn't gone by, that I haven't thought about you.

Kyou: You are not staying!

Ayame: Lucky Kyou, your still here.

Kyou: Don't call me that!

Ayame: Gure, you have a place for me to sleep?

Kyou: NOT IN MY ROOM! Sleep in Shigure's room!

Ayame: But Gure would have me up all night...

Shigure: Aya, not in front of the children.

Lizzi, Raven and Nikki: O_____O

Lizzi:...Heh, I guess I better get another plate out...heh. Kyou get in here and help!

Kyou: ~_~

Haru: I'll go help Lizzi and Kyou.

Lizzi: Haru, you can set the table. Kyou carry lunch in, and Im gonna find something that will calm my


~~~After luch~~~

Shigure: *hands out copy's of his latest novel*

Raven: *eyes suspiciously and starts to read* ...*a few pages in* Lizzi Nikki PUT DOWN THOSE BOOKS!

Lizzi and Nikki: Huh?

Raven: *Grabs the books* I will not have you poisoning there innocent minds with this...smut!

Lizzi and Nikki: ??

~~~After Yuki called Hatori to pick up Ayame and Dinner~~~

Lizzi: Ahh, I have never loved the quietness so much.

Nikki: Yes, I know how you feel.

~~~Around 10:30~~~

*Lizzi comes into the room dragging an unconscience Shigure who's twitching*

Lizzi: He's lucky hes not dead!

Haru, Yuki, Nikki, Raven, and Kyou: -_-U

Lizzi: I am going to bed.

Raven and Nikki: Me too.

Yuki, Haru, and Kyou: 'Night.

Yuki: What are we gonna do with Shigure?

Kyou: Leave the sick bastard there.

Lizzi: I'll see you all in the morning.

~~~Next Morning about 7am~~~

*Lizzi wakes up*

Lizzi: 'Nnn..I hear...footsteps...on the roof? ...Kyou...

*Lizzi exits the room and walks outside to the ladder to find Kyou laying out on the roof*

Lizzi: Why the hell are you up this early?

Kyou: I could ask you the same thing.

Lizzi: Your footsteps woke me up.

Kyou: You must be a damn light sleeper.

Lizzi: Answer my question.

Kyou: Im always up this early.

Lizzi: Why?

Kyou: I dunno.

~~~Downstairs Inside~~~

Raven: I can't believe Im reading this junk.

Shigure: So..What do you think?

Raven: ...Do you really want to know, Shigure?

Shigure: Eh...You don't have to tell me...

Raven: Good...

~~~Upstairs in the Hallway~~~

Nikki: OMG! Im so sorry, Haru!

Haru: -_- Its okay.

Nikki: Its my fault and Im sorry!

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Ending Authoress Note: I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. And now I have to go get ideas from Kyou and the rest of them.

Chibi Yuki: Please Review!

Me: AWW!!! Next chappie will be up ASAP!