Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Lost My Sister in San Francisco ❯ Letters and Chemistry ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well here it is. The sequel to “East Side, West Side”...this one should be really interesting. I normally don’t like sequels but...yeah. So here it is...the first chapter.


The day was quiet. Too quiet. For anything. It had seemed that way for almost five months now.

It was so quiet that he couldn’t think or concentrate. Something was missing. But what? No, who?

Tohru was making lunch, Yuki was putting up with some school work, and Shigure was on the phone with someone or other.

So who was missing as Kyou sat up on the roof of Shigure’s house once more?

“Bye Kyou-oniichan...” The voice echoed through his head, slowly fading into the depths of his mind.

“Kasumi...” Kyou sighed. He growled. It wasn’t fair. The last time he managed to form a brotherly bond with her, she ended up going away for seven years. Now it was just Deja vu. He’d probably have to wait just as long to see her again.

“Lunch is ready!” Tohru called from inside.

Kyou jumped off the roof, landing on his feet on the ground. He joined the others inside.

They all ate silently until Shigure spoke up.

“I have an idea.” Shigure smiled lightly.

“Not interest–...” Kyou started.

“Why don’t we go to California?” Shigure asked before Kyou could finish.

Kyou stopped.

“California?” Yuki questioned.

“In America.” Shigure nodded.

“What’s in California?” Yuki asked.

“Kasumi’s boarding school.” Kyou said quietly.

“Kasumi’s boarding school?” Tohru repeated.

“That’s correct.” Shigure nodded once more. “So how about it?”

“What about school?” Yuki looked to Shigure.

“You can afford to miss a few days. Winter Break is just about here. Besides, I’m sure Kasumi would be as glad to see us as we would to see her.” Shigure said.

“And how would you know that?” Kyou arched a brow.
“Her letter!” Shigure smiled, holding up an envelope addressed from Kasumi.

“She sent you a letter?” Yuki looked at the envelope.

“Why didn’t you tell us she sent a letter?!” Kyou yelled.

“You didn’t ask.” Shigure blinked.

“Did she ask us to visit her?” Tohru asked.

“No, actually I wanted to surprise her.” Shigure stated.

“Surprise?” Yuki blinked.

“You know, show up at her boarding school unexpected. See her reaction.” Shigure explained.

“Let me see that.” Kyou snatched the envelope from Shigure’s hands. He took the letter out and began to read it.

“What’s this, Kyou? Excited to hear from your sister?” Shigure teased.

“Where are they?” Kyou glared.

“Where are what?” Shigure asked innocently.

“The letters she sent me, Tohru, and Yuki!” Kyou roared.

“Woah, touchy.” Shigure slightly backed away. “I had almost forgotten about those.”

“On purpose again?” Yuki accused.

“Of course not!” Shigure defended.

“Sounds like it.” Kyou growled.

“Right here!” Shigure held up three different envelopes with their names on them.

Kyou tore the letters from Shigure’s hand and passed them out to Yuki and Tohru.

“She sounds like she’s having fun back in California.” Tohru commented as she finished reading her letter.

“Sounds like it?” Shigure let out a small laugh. “She’s practically begging to see us again.”

“Let’s go.” Kyou said immediately.

“Hm?” Shigure looked to Kyou.

“When do we leave?” Kyou asked.

“Is it just going to be us?” Tohru asked.

“I don’t know...Kasumi seemed to like it when Aaya and Ha’ri were around...” Shigure began.

Yuki and Kyou both glared at Shigure instantly.

“Don’t you dare.” Kyou growled.

“I’ll kill you.” Yuki threatened.

“Eh...of course I’m sure Kasumi would be just as happy with just us four.” Shigure laughed nervously.

“That’s what I thought.” Kyou got his letter and left up to his room.

“That was a wonderful lunch, Kokoro. Your cooking is getting much better.” Sachiko smiled as she helped Kokoro clear the table.

“Thanks, Aunt Sachiko.” Kokoro smiled.

“Kippei, before you go off to play video games in your room, I need to talk to you and Kokoro.” Sachiko looked to her nephew.

“Whatever it was, I didn’t do it.” Kippei automatically stated.

“I’ll remember that whenever I do need to accuse you and Kokoro for something.” Sachiko joked. “Help me and your sister take these dishes to the kitchen.”

“Do I have to?” Kippei sighed.

“Do it, Kippei Okurimono.” Sachiko commanded.

“Yes ma’am.” Kippei got a few dishes.

“So what did you need to talk to us about?” Kokoro asked as she followed Sachiko into the kitchen.

“I got a few letters,” Sachiko put the dishes in the sink. “From Kasumi...”

“You did?” Kippei stopped. “How is she? Is she alright?”

“She’s fine.” Sachiko smiled lightly. “At least, that’s what she wants us to believe.”

“What do you mean?” Kokoro blinked.

“Reading between the lines, she really misses us. Us and the Sohmas.” Sachiko explained.

“So...?” Kokoro fished for something more.

“How about a trip to California?” Sachiko smiled.

“Really?” Kippei asked.

“Really.” Sachiko nodded. “Just us three. There’s no need to take the entire twelve-pack.”

“Are you sure?” Kokoro started running the water to wash the dishes.

“Of course.” Sachiko said. “So here are your letters.” She handed Kokoro and Kippei their letters.
“Thanks, Aunt Sachiko.” Kokoro took hers.

“Yeah.” Kippei took his.

“Now go get packed. I’ll take care of the dishes, Kokoro.” Sachiko shooed them away.

Kokoro and Kippei went to their rooms, closing the doors behind them.

Kippei opened his envelope and took out the letter.

Dear Kippei,
You have no idea how much I miss your family. They were so awesome. But I miss you more. You were a great friend to me and I wish I could see you again. In fact, (and don’t laugh) I think we had some chemistry last summer. I just felt something when I was around you. Well, I’m sixteen now. My friends’ parents threw me a Sweet Sixteen party. It was pretty fun. It just made me miss you all more though. I hope I can see you soon.
Kasumi Sohma

Kippei blinked as he finished reading the note. “Chemistry?” He pondered. “Isn’t that just a class?” He put his letter on his bed and went to Kokoro’s room. “Sis?” He called.

“Whaddya want?” Kokoro asked while she packed her stuff.

“What’s chemistry?” Kippei asked.

“A class in high school.” Kokoro stated. “Even you knew that.”

“Well when someone says ‘we had some chemistry’, what does that mean?” Kippei tilted his head.

Kokoro stopped packing and started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Kippei arched a brow.

Kokoro just started to laugh harder.

“Kokoro!” Kippei yelled.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Kokoro apologized. “Geeze, this curse has affected us so much that not even our sixteen-year-old Scorpio knows relationship terms.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kippei glared.

“When someone says ‘we had chemistry’, it’s a way of saying ‘we had something special’. As in an almost relationship.” Kokoro laughed lightly. “My poor little brother...”

“Shut up!”

“Kippei, let me ask you something really serious. And be honest...”


“Do you like Kasumi?”
“Like I’d tell you!”

“Kippei and Kasumi sittin’ in a tree!” Kokoro began to sing.

“Shut up!”


“Shut up, Kokoro!”

“First comes love, then comes marriage!”

“I’m gonna kill you!” Kippei charged at Kokoro.

“Ah!” Kokoro yelped and fled the room.


And there’s chapter one. Poor Kippei, he's so clueless. XD This is gonna be such a fun fic to write! I’m gonna love it! I already do! Just think...California. San Francisco, California! I love California! So in this fic there’s actually gonna be a villain-type person, but I can’t tell you about it yet. You’ll have to find out yourself. Bye by~e!