Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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She was scared of her feelings for him. She was three years younger than him which made her sixteen. She was entering her second year of high school and he….well he on the other hand was in college…. He was like a brother to her….. Her best friend. He had always protected her… even when everyone else turned the other cheek…..but he was happy with some other women…. A woman who's name was Rin Sohma. She goes to school with him; she even shares a dorm room with him and Momiji Sohma. His name…. Hatsuharu Sohma… the love of my life, and my name is Kisa Sohma. There coming home for Golden Week and I cant wait I get to see him again for one whole week!!! Over the phone he told Uncle Shigure that he had big news. I wonder what it is.
He came home today…with a smile on his face just like he always does. I moved in with Uncle Shigure after Tohru and Yuki got married and then a little while after that happened Kyou moved in with this woman named Kat…. She's really pretty and has awesome purple hair…..but anyways…. Haru, Rin, Momiji, and Momiji's girlfriend Ashleigh are all staying with us. I am so excited. After a couple hours of getting reacquainted and what not Haru decided to tell us the big news….it shocked the hell outta me…. I'll tell you that for sure. Haru stood up and grabbed Rin's hand… showing off an expensive looking engagement ring….. My heart skipped a beat… I literally felt like crying….but I smiled and told him how happy I was for the two of them…. Then I went to my cry. I flopped down and my bed…and only then did I cry. I was so caught up in my own misery that I didn't notice the door up and close. I felt someone set on the edge of my bed. I could already tell that it wasn't Haru…. He always sat cross-legged on the bed… this person danged there feet over the edge. Then a sweet voice said to me, “You love him don't you?” I rolled over and looked at Ashleigh in amazement. `How did she know?' I nodded shyly…. Wiping the tears from my eyes. “It's okay. He doesn't really love her I can tell. Maybe if you talk to him… you can find that out for yourself.