Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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In case you didn't know, I do not own any of the characters (or anything, for that matter) from the Fruits Basket anime or manga.
The rain poured down in apocalyptic sheets - thunder rumbled in the distance, and I began to see faints flashes of lightning every now and again. It was the worst thunderstorm I had ever seen, and I was worried about the Sohmas! I figured Yuki was stuck at school, and Shigure-san had probably been stranded at the grocery store. Meanwhile, Kyou and I were left in the now dark house - the lights had shut off about an hour ago, and I had cleaned basically everything in the entire house from top to bottom by the candlelight. I had just wrung out the mop and put it away when I realized that I hadn't seen Kyou-kun in a few hours. Where did he go? I thought, and with a puzzled face climbed cautiously up the stairs, the candle glowing before me, lighting the stairs step by step. When I finally reached the door to Kyou's room, I knocked softly. “Kyou-kun?” I questioned uncertainly, and when I received no answer, I decided to take a tentative step inside. I saw no one there, and was at first very confused - until I saw the open window leading to the roof. He couldn't have! I thought to myself. I knew Kyou-kun liked to be go up onto the rooftop to think - it was a very peaceful place - but it was raining inus and nekos out there! (A/N - oh yeah, baby, who knows her japanese?! ^^) Nevertheless, I tightened my sweater around myself and climbed out the window.
To my left, I saw Kyou's stationary figure just sitting and staring into the sky. He looked over at me and jumped, clearly startled by my presence. “Tohru! What are you doing out here?!” He yelped and immediately removed his sweatshirt to cover my shoulders, which was needless to say a sweet gesture, but one which left him in only a wet t-shirt - I was blushing furiously by the time I sat down next to him, but I soon forgot all about my embarrassment when I realized why I had come out here in the first place - um, maybe to ask why he was sitting alone on the rooftop during the APOCALYPSE?!!
“What are you doing out here?!” I countered. He shrugged and stared wistfully up into the sky and, closing his eyes, lay down as the rain fell into his hair, rolling down his face in tiny droplets.“I just….love the rain. The most peaceful times are when it's raining.” I found myself smiling as I watched his face. It had a calm serenity to it, which was rare for Kyou-kun. He cracked open one eye and caught me staring at him. “What?” he asked. I blushed.
“Nothing.” I replied, and lay down next to him. Our heads were touching, and he glanced over at me. “Why aren't you scrambling into the house squealing about your hair getting wet?” He asked, half-smirking. “Why would I do that?” I asked, confused. “That's what the girls at school do whenever it rains,” he said, shrugging.
“Are you implying that I am just like every girl at your school?!” I asked in mock indignation, putting on a hurt face. He laughed, seeing right through it. “Of course not - you know you're special. After all, you're up here with me right now, aren't you?” I kept up the act and frowned at him, trying to hold back a laugh. “I won't be soon if you don't stop teasing me. Is that all I am to you - just another girl like the ones at school?! You would think after all this time you would like me a bit more than that!” He laughed again and widened his eyes. “Wha-?! I'm not doing anything!” I turned my head away from him, still trying not to laugh. “Oh, c'mon. Of course I like you more than them! What else do I have to do to prove it to you?!” He paused, as if trying to muster up the courage to say his next sentence. “You are the only one who sees me. Not the me I want everyone to see…the real me. You've seen both my forms…yet you're still able to be around me and not hide the fact that you know my real self.” I turned my head to look at him, realizing he was being quite serious. He gazed into my eyes, and almost whispered his last sentences. “You are…my best friend, and the person I trust the most. That's what you are to me.”
I smiled at him, my heart almost bursting with joy. I couldn't believe he cared that much for me! The boy lying next to me, the same Kyou-kun who put up a barrier of hostility to everyone and was determined to hide his feeling at all costs…trusted me. He gave a small, adorable smile, and began to move his face towards mine, as I, heart pounding a million beats a second, did the same. I closed my eyes, and………… “Heloooooooooo?! Anybody home?!!! Tohru?! Has my publisher called? You told her I am almost finished with my book, right?!” A voice from downstairs called.
Kyou-kun and I both started as our eyes snapped open and we looked toward the window regretfully. He smiled at me and sat up, holding out his hand to help me up. I took it, and he crawled through the window first. I crouched on the rooftop for a moment and stared into the hazy blue sky. I had no idea when the Sohma curse would be broken, and Akito sure as heck wasn't keen on me staying to find out. “Tohru? You coming?” “Oh! Gomen,” I said as I crawled in after him.
Yes, we certainly had a lot of problems to deal with, but at that moment, none of them seemed very important. Kyou-kun trusted me and cared for me like a best friend - and for the moment, that was enough.