Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

I'm back, and still goin' strong! Once again, a HUGE thank you to all the reviewers! I live for these reviews, and I love your compliments and suggestions. (And as for the lime request, some passionate kissing is probably as far as it'll go in that respect. Sorry! ^^)
Enjoy Chapter 6!
Kyou-kun simply sat there wide-eyed, stunned by Yuki-kun's presence. Yuki-kun's eyes darted from Kyou-kun to myself, and back to Kyou-kun again. It felt as if we continued this way for several minutes, though I'm sure it was only a few seconds. Kyou-kun's mouth kept opening and closing like a fish out of water in what I'm guessing was a series of attempts to explain what he had just walked in on. But I only saw this out of the corner of my eye - I wasn't paying much attention to Kyou-kun at that moment.
Whenever Yuki-kun's eyes connected with mine, I saw something there that I had never seen before. I was painfully aware that there was a look of such deep hurt and sorrow in his eyes, and I couldn't understand why. But I had no more time to muse on this while searching his eyes for signs of happiness, understanding - hell, any emotion but sadness - for at that moment, he tore his now watering eyes away from mine and looked at the floor sadly, mumbling something about being a baka and interrupting before closing the door and slowly walking down the hall to his room. Kyou-kun looked at me, apparently at a loss of what to do.
“…Now what?” asked Kyou-kun, snapping me out of my reverie. I was still staring at the space where Yuki-kun had just been, and was still too upset by the look on his face to be able to give Kyou-kun a coherent answer, so I settled for saying, “I suppose we can decide in the morning.” He nodded, and I numbly began walking out of his room.
“Tohru?” asked Kyou-kun softly, and I looked back at him, suddenly feeling guilty for my unresponsiveness - he was as shocked as I was by the interruption, and clearly thought I was upset with him now. I walked back over to him, leaned down and kissed him, giving him a reassuring smile as I left, and earning one in return.
But as I lay down in bed, I didn't feel as reassured as I had acted. And I knew as soon as my head hit the pillow that I wouldn't get any sleep that night. I just couldn't forget the look of sorrow in Yuki-kun's eyes. It was the same look Kyou-kun had had when he used to talk to me on the roof about his past. All the loneliness of being hated and feared because of his true form, the shame of being hidden by his mother, and the hurt of being exiled even by members of his own family - all that pain had been in Yuki-kun's eyes tonight. And if I was ever going to get them out of my mind, I needed to know why.
A/N - Sorry for the short chapter, but I just had to end it that way. I can't see the chapter continuing after that. But never fear, there will be some friendly, and not-so-friendly, confrontations next chapter, which I plan to have up VERY soon!