Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

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A/N - Warning: Tohru is a bit zany today because…well…I am. Lol ^^
Chapter 13
The day trudged slowly by, and although I usually love the first day of school, I found this one particularly difficult to concentrate on - mainly because of a certain beautiful, orange-haired person sitting next to me in EVERY CLASS! Honestly, I don't know how I'm going to get through this year! My studies have always been very important to me - Okaa-san always hoped I would do well, and I've always tried to make her happy by working hard and studying - but this year there are so many things to worry about besides school! Just for fun, let's list them, shall we, diary?
I really REALLY REALLY REALLY want to do things to Kyou-kun that I can't bring myself to write in a diary and are also impossible because of the STUPID CURSE!!!
Shigure-san and Ayame-san have decided to begin “teaching Momiji about the origins of life” now that he's thirteen - which is code for warping his mind to be as perverted as theirs. Reminder to self: Rescue Momiji next time you catch them in the middle of one of their `lectures.'
Hatori-san has been acting strangely lately, and it worries me.
Momiji keeps asking me questions about what Ayame and Shigure are teaching him. I swear to Kami-sama, if I have to hear him ask “strictly educational inquiries” about vaginas one more time I will….do something drastic!
I miss the days of summer when everything was less complicated. What am I going to do?! Excuse me while I have a nervous breakdown:
And as if this weren't enough, the day I had today doesn't help matters at all. First I woke up to a half-naked Kyou-kun striding down the hallway. WHAT THE ----!!! I'm biting my lip to refrain from swearing, but come on! Does he HAVE to always walk around topless? Is it so hard to clothe yourself completely before coming out of your room? It's not that I mind the half-naked part so much…actually, I kind of love it…mmmm…….ah! Stop being a pervert, Honda! Back to the subject - it's pretty darn tempting and that makes me angry. Sometimes I think he's TRYING to tease me and show me what I can't have - but then I remember that I'm paranoid and that he's really just a baka who is too lazy to put on a shirt. *sigh* And of course, after that hellish ordeal we just HAD to go downstairs and see Shigure making obscene gestures and then explaining them to a wide-eyed Momiji. After punching him a few times, Kyou-kun, Yuki-kun and I left for school.
The day passed by basically without incident…until Health. We all sat down in our seats just as the bell rang, and Hatori-san stood at the front of the classroom, clearing his throat to get our attention.
“Good morning, class. As you all know, a large portion of our time together will be spent discussing things of a rather adult nature - things related to sex.” A ripple of snickers wove its way around the classroom. Hatori-san put up a placating hand. “Yes, yes, I realize that although you are young adults, you are still of a very young mindset. But I ask you all to have a certain amount of maturity concerning the things we will be discussing, all right?” He said, with a pointed glare at Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun, who immediately put down the note he had been reading and gave Hatori-san an angelically innocent look.
As the class wore on, I realized more and more how much I hated the Sohma curse. And it was then that I realized keeping my self-control wasn't going to get easier any time soon.
A/N: Just a bit of insanity because….I felt like it. Reviews, please.