Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Tohrus Choice ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tohrus’ Choice

By: iceprincess85

Disclaimer: I do not own fruits basket. (I wish I did though I’d love to hold claim to something thats so well done.)

A/N: hey everyone. Hows it going i hope that you are all well. This may be a sadish fic i dont know yet im in a bit of a downer at the moment. Anyway this is a one shot, ummm i think I’ll have it rated m just to be safe nothing overly bad in it. So anyway i hope you enjoy reading it please let me know what you think of it, i love reviews, so please review.

Warning: this well be a sad fic coz i wasn’t in the best of moods when i planned it. It is m just to be safe; there is no real pairing. And please no flames.

Tohru sighed as she washed the dishes. School was almost over. Kyo would be put into a cage for the rest of his life; all the other Sohmas fates weren’t much better. They were to be confined to the Sohma estate. And she couldn’t even find a sign of there being a way to break their curse.

She would be all alone again. "Oh mum what am i going to do?" she asked her beloved dead mother, whom was quite often a source of comfort in times of need.

However all that answered her was Kyo and Yukis' heated words as they argued and Shigure pleaded with them to take it outside so they wouldn’t damage his house.

Tohru felt a pain in her hand and lifted it from the soapy water. A deep gash was across her palm where she had been gripping the knife. Slowly she looked at the cut, wondering at how it had happened, she hadn’t thought she had been gripping it tightly.

Silently she tore off some paper towel and placed it under her hand so she wouldn’t drip blood on the floor.

"Umm excuse me Shigure, if its not to much trouble could you call Mr. Hatori for me?" Shigure turned from the fighting boys to look at her. His expression immediately changed to one of concern when he saw her hand and the paper towel, which was already soaked in her blood.

"Oh Tohru of course I can. Are you ok? You just sit down and one of these two will look after that until Hatori gets here." He looked at the boys giving them instruction that one of them stay with her while the other get the first aid kit.

Kyo stayed by her side while Yuki rushed up stares to get the kit. Kyo looked at her hand then at her. There was so much blood how had she done this, and how was she being so calm about it? "Ah Tohru are you ok?" she just silently nodded.

Yuki ran into the room with the bandages in hand, only to be stopped by Shigure. "‘Tori said not to bandage it." Yuki just blinked and looked at Tohrus' hand.

"And what are we meant to do just let her bleed?" Kyos' voice was quiet as he spoke. The other two Sohmas looked at the cat in amazement, it wasn’t like him to speak quietly in such instances.

A/N: So there you go what do you think? I will try to update soon as I can. If there are spelling mistakes, I’m sorry and you can blame it on spell check.
For those of you who read Hakus’ Secret I am looking at it and possibly revising it, just to fix up the lil things. I have put it on hold for the moment but as soon as I come up with something decent for the next chapter I will update. Check my profile for any info on my fics (though this is only my second one)