Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wolf ❯ what is the wolf's job?? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket. Although if I had my way I would just own my favorite character. Besides I don't want to own it because I would have to draw it and I cant draw very well.
As kyia walked down the path that had led her to Shigure's house she stated thinking on which way to go. `Oh Shit!!!' she thought `I forgot the way to the main house, wait it's to the left!! I am such an idiot.' She walked right up to the main house and looked away when she saw the house where her parents had lived-where she had lived until her mother died- and still live. I owe grandmother and grandfather so much. She thought to herself.
As she found herself at the gate she saw Hatori come up and unlock it. “Do you all keep Akito locked in??” she asked Hatori” No you know us better than that!!” He replied. “Come on in none of us bite, well Shigure might but he's not here.” “Yeah I'm glad about that, although I could keep an eye on myself.” Came her reply. “Well you know that Akito wants to see you.” `What about?' “I have no idea.'
She had come to Akito's room and she knocked on the door before she heard the “okay” to come in. As kyia walked in she saw only Akito. Kureno was nowhere in sight. “That's strange,” she thought. She was ripped from her thought as Akito firmly greeted her.
“Hello wolf.” Kyia bowed and gave her greeting “Hello Akito.” “Sit down… I wish to talk to you about your training. I hear from your grandfather that your training has gone further than he had even hoped. You have completed it in fact.” Yes Akito I have finished my training.. But I'm sure you didn't call me home just to tell me that?' Yes I didn't call you home just to tell you that.
I called you home for good to stay here and do what is expected of the wolf.” “You mean guard the family with my life? Make sure that anyone outside of the family who knows is…. Killed?” Yes.” What about Tohru Honda? Don't hurt her. But anyone else who finds out… Kill them.” Yes Akito.” “Very well. You may go.” Good-bye wolf. I hope you enjoy your day Akito. She said startling him.
Oh I have another question Akito. Where am I staying? I thought he told you already, you're staying at Shigure's house. Oh thank-you Akito.
Hatori was standing outside of the door apparently having heard everything that had gone on for the last hour, made no comment except “have fun at Shigure's house kid.” I think I will be having fun because look at whose living there!! This is going to be fun.”
Later upon arriving back at the house she found yuki and Kyo having a huge argument right on the lawn. “I'LL BEAT YOU SOMEDAY!!! I WILL BECOME PART OF THE ZODIAC!!!” It was very funny because Kyo was yelling and Yuki was very calmly answering back at him with insults. “Well grandfather always said that critsim always bounces off of Kyo. He he this is going to be lots of fun” she said. “Kyia???” said Kyo turning around to look at her. “You're back!!'
“of course I am you dolt.” She said coming up to them. “ And apparently I am staying here.” “yes you are.” Said a voice. All three of them looked up to see Shigure had once again snuck up on all three of them. “WILL YOU STOP THAT YOU DAMN DOG!?!?!!?!?!!?' yelled Kyo. Something's never change. Kyia thought.
I hope things are all right out here came the worried voice of Tohru. Things are as fine as they've ever been. Came kyia's reply. “oh alright.” Well dinner is ready. Let's all eat. “sounds fine to me honda-san.” Came yuki's reply. So they all went in to eat dinner, which had Kyo falling asleep in the middle of it, but other than that it was very quiet.