Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ wolf ❯ the perfect places ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6
Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits basket however I do own Misha and Miss kitty they're my cats in real life.
When the 4 of them had gotten home they found a couple of strange things. First one was Kagura who had come for Kyo and the second was grandfather. “Hello grandfather, what brings you here?” “I'm just dropping a couple of your things here like your guitar and your furry little friends.”
“Misha!!! Miss Kitty!! It's good to see you.” She said as she kneeled down to see them. The cats came running out of their carrier to see her. Misha a fat gray-brown tom with a black collar and red round license was the first to greet her. Miss kitty a female tortoiseshell with a neon blue collar and round red license was the second one to greet her.
“Umm… Kyia what on earth does Misha mean?” Shigure asked “Misha is Russian for Michael.” Kyia replied. “I thought it sounded very proper when I found him and was doing a name search online.”
“Well I better be headed home Billy otherwise your grandmother will have my head!” Buhbye grandpa.” “Why does he call you Billy?” It's just a nickname.”
“Okay Misha, Miss Kitty let's get you all outside. Oh yeah Shigure! I'm going to come back in, change and then go on a hike.” “Okay.”
On the hike she had gotten about a couple miles out when she heard a howl come up from the sky. “Awesome!! Lots of wild dogs or wolves. Lets find out. Shall we???” she thought. Decidding that was what she was going to do she threw her head back and started to howl when she heard a reply to the first howl a little to her north. Suddenly being reckless she ran towards the howl only to discover that it was a huge black wolf!! Guarding a den. She apologized in wolf and backed off back to the trail from there she found a hollow!!
A place where she could train and practice maybe even just hang out when she wanted to avoid the family. That sounded perfect to her. “Well now all I need is some things like a shed to hold some tools, a ring to practice in, and some other things other then my boom box.”
That night kyia brought it up to Shigure and he said that she could she could use it. Then she brought it up that she had found a pack of wolves on the property instead of looking worried he looked comical. “Maybe you can find yourself a boyfriend in the pack. Suddenly kyia was on top of him struggling to hold him down and beat the shit out of him. `I'll kill him tomorrow.” She thought.
What the hell did he do to get what she's giving him? Kyo asked yuki “No idea she just came in and started to attack him.” “Ohh. He must have said something to her again.” Then they heard a huge yowl coming from outside and a growl. Kyia in a flash jumped up to find a tiger and a wolf standing outside growling at each other. “What he hell is a tiger doing here? And why is the wolf here, I must have called it. Wait where are my cats?' kyia wondered then spotted Hiro and Kisa playing with her cats while the tiger guarded Kisa. “Nice bodyguard Kisa!!” kyia yelled “hi kyia!” Kisa yelled “ `lo wolf.” Was all Hiro would say. “Well let's call the animal play date off shall we? And we can take the cats inside and feed them and Tohru would love to see them. Although I'm not sure about yuki.” Kyia said to the two of them.
“Good morning yuki. Get a good rest last night?” kyia asked when she saw that he cousin had woken up. (She hadn't noticed him earlier) “I've been up for a while.” “Ohh I didn't notice you.” “Well you seemed so busy tackling Shigure. What about?” “Oh something trivial, I guess.” I gotta do some stuff today. She replied. Ohh you gonna fix up that hollow? Shigure asked. “yeah. But first I gotta get some lumber, installation, and some other things first.” Well I'll be back.” “See ya.”
Kyia was walking around the lumber shop and looking for a 24'x36' piece of wood when she saw Hatsaharu come up to her. “Hi there miss do you need some assistance?” “No I'm fine haru.” “Wait how do you know my name?” Ohh I've known you probably since you were born. It's me Kyia.”
“Kyia!? It's been forever since I last saw you!” “Hello Hatsaharu kyia.” Said a voice they both knew to well.
To be continued
Kyia - KEY-ya
Misha- MEE-sha
So far the only ones but there will be more names that I'll tell you as they come in.
A/n Misha nad miss kitty are really my cats. The wolf pack will show up more in the story and there is another character I'm going to add to the story.