Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gateway to Anime ❯ Sucked In ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Gateway to Anime
Chapter 1, Sucked In
Age thirteen and I thought my life was going great. Everybody always told me that I watched too much TV....and maybe I did. They told me one day I'd be sucked right in. And I always laughed along at the joke....until one day.
My name is Tezuki Hirachi, and I'm thirteen years of age. My favorite shows are animes, including InuYasha, Yu-Yu Hakusho, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I have a lot of others too. I want to put it plain and simple. I used to watch too much TV…. But not anymore. Never again.
It was a Saturday night. All my friends wanted me to hang out with them, but I wanted to watch my favorite shows! So I refused and stayed home. I was watching InuYasha when it happened…. A commercial came on and said this:
`Do you watch too much TV?' Wow! This is like a sign from heaven, only on TV.
At the time, it seemed like a good idea.
`Ever wanted to be IN the shows?' Oh yeah, this is for me. Some kind of contest, right? `Then all you have to do is press the `Warp to show room button!'' …..what? I don't have a button like that! `Yes you do! On your remote!' ……..What the fuck? That's never been there before!
And so I pressed the button. It was really scary….at first I was in my room, then I was in this room with a whole bunch of doors, each had a name of one of my favorite shows printed above it, but the names were dimmed, except one that said `InuYasha' on it, lit up in a bright yellow…. And I was awfully curious at the time….
Me: Oh…..an InuYasha room huh? This should be interesting. *opens the door*
Me: HOLY SHIT! *screams and ducks*
InuYasha: WHAT THE FUCK? *stops and trips over me* WHAT THE HELL?! WHERE'D YOU COME FROM?!
Me: ….Are you talking to me?
Kagome: InuYasha…..sit!
InuYasha: OOF!
Me: …..where am I and how'd I get here?
Kagome: *helps me up* You're in Feudal Japan, and how you got here, I have no idea.
Me: Feudal Japan? ….So….you're….Kagome! And he's InuYasha! *hops from person to person* AND YOU'RE MIROKU, YOU'RE SANGO! AND SHIPPO! AND KIRARA! AND WOW! SESSHOUMARU! *shakes his hand dramatically* OH WOW, I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN LORD SESSHOUMARU!!!!!! Is it true you have the hots for Rin?
Sesshoumaru: *pulls his hand away* Wench! *knocks me over* Don't you ever touch me again you vile human whelp!
Me: Testy testy….answer my question!
Sesshoumaru: What question?
Me: Don't play dumb!
Sesshoumaru: Fine. What is the `hots'? *Both get into a big argument*
Everyone else: *watches*
Me: Agh! You're hopeless! Stupid mutt!
Sesshoumaru: …..*eyes go red*
Me: *sweat drops* You idiot….
-Five minutes later-
Me: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! *running for life*
Sesshoumaru: *in dog demon form, barking and chasing me back and forth*
-Door opens in front of me-
Me: PLEASE LET THIS LEAD HOME! *takes the door and winds up back in the many-doored room* Not this place again! *sudden flash comes into my mind* Why is the InuYasha sign lit up? …is it because that's the show that's on? Come to think of it….I was watching the episode where Sesshoumaru and InuYasha fight!! This is getting creepy….
That's my story! So far, it's kind of interesting….I'm gonna add more shows and plots later on in the story, and even later, an explanation of what is happening! Please read and review!!!