Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ A New Pair of Gloves ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

First FullMetal Alchemist Story. Grammar corrections and other story line corrections (such as Hawkeye's rank…I think she's a lieutenant???) are welcome and greatly appreciated.
DISCLAIMER: Yeah, don't own it. Get over it.
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“I left the package with Hawkeye. Do you think he'll get it?”
“I don't think he'll leave it unopened, nor do I think that Lt. Hawkeye will forget to give it to him.”
“Do you think they'll work? I mean, I can do alchemy. I can't exactly sew.”
“The array is right and that's what matters. I checked it over for you, brother. They'll work, even if they don't look great. And they look fine.”
“I just hope he doesn't laugh when he sees them. Colonel Shit-Head,”
“Must you call him that every chance you get, Ed?”
A pause from the red coat lump on the floor…“Yes.”
The suit of armor made a noise that was akin to a sigh while his brother sat on the floor and worried the edge of his coat with his fingers. “But do you think he'll really like them, Al? I mean, he hates his birthday. And what if my package gets lost in all the other gifts he gets? Every single woman in the base knows it's his birthday. I heard he burns them as soon as they reach him…Oh shit! Al! What if he burns it?”
There was a small creaking noise as the armor turned to face his brother.
“It won't get lost and it won't get burned. I made sure of that.” Ed looked up at Al, with a question on his lips but Al cut him off. “And he'll like it. They are from you. And you're the apple of his eye, you know that brother.”
Said brother blushed furiously and picked up a heavy alchemy text to throw at his brother.
Across Town
“Um…Sir? There's another package here. Addressed to you. Doesn't say who it's from,” Hawkeye handed the brown paper package to her superior officer. The Flame Alchemist took it in his hands and observed the messy wrapping job. It was his birthday…a little known fact around campus. Little known to everyone minus the entire female population of the base. Even Hawkeye had gotten him a card.
He had promptly burned it. Along with the flowers, the candies and one woman had the gall to send him a pair of fluffy, leopard print handcuffs. Those were the first to burn. Roy sighed slightly and snapped his fingers, igniting the package. Hawkeye frowned.
“Something wrong, lieutenant?”
Hawkeye looked up. “Permission to speak freely, sir.”
“When have you ever had anything else?” Roy dumped the burning package in his waste bin and sat at his desk, facing the window.
He heard the metal water pitcher that was on his desk scrape across the wood and a `whoosh' as it was dumped on the burning package. Roy put a hand to his forehead. It was just one of those days.
“Care to explain why I now have to get my carpeting done, Lieutenant Hawkeye?”
“That package was from Ed. It was a new pair of gloves for you. I doubt they'll work well burnt, Colonel. Excuse me,” and the door to the Colonel's office slammed shut.
Roy had never seen Hawkeye really angry before, but he was pretty sure she was close to being really angry now. “Glad she didn't have her pistol on her,” he thought. He hated his damned birthday. Who honestly cared if he was a year older? He certainly didn't.
He sighed again and went to the trash. The smoldering box was there, the paper wrapping half burnt, half soaking wet. The box was fished out of the trash bin and was set on the Colonel's desk. Roy sighed and tried to open the box. The lid crumbled to reveal another box inside. This small, black box, had an array on it. Roy recognized the symbols for `fire' and `oblivion'. It was written in neat little symbols and Roy did not recognize the writing. As he slowly turned the box over in his hands, his eyes came across a minute picture of a smiling mask of armor.
“Al,” he said, and couldn't help but grin a little. He had made the box fire-proof.
The colonel opened the box and sitting on white tissue paper was a pair of plain white gloves, identical to the ones that came with his uniform. Expect the array was done in blue thread and had streaks of gold thru it. It was also a little off center, Roy realized, but the array was otherwise perfect, the symbols meticulously sewn. He took the right hand glove out and held it up, the sunlight from the window catching the gold strands in the array.
He took off his old gloves and threw them in the wet trash bin. The new gloves were a perfect fit and he stopped to read the inside of the right wrist.
To: Roy
From: Ed
Happy birthday
He sighed and in spite of himself, smiled. His birthday wasn't all that bad after all.
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Ah yes. I heart RoyXEd. They're so cute. Can you see Ed trying to sew? Haha! Anywho…review please! Thank ye all!