Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ D R E A M S ❯ First night ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Boo ya, chappie 2
ignore that, please




Winry panted loudly as Edward pushed into her. She didnt think she woud ever get this far with him at age 19. Edward seemed the type
to be modest when it came to something like sex.

Yeah right.

"Yes...uhhhh" Winry only panted more. It was a good thing they convinced Alphonse and Pinako to go into town that day, they would never
hear the end of it.

The whole time Edward said nothing. Small grunts escaped his soft lips every now and then, and maybe a few kinky remarks. Winry liked
it, all of it. He never pushed too hard, nor too soft. He never said anything too affending either. And no matter how much Winry begged, Edward
wouldnt pull her hair or smack her. Winry was into the hard core sex. Ed preferred to keep it cool and quiet, seeing he was used to it. No, of course
Winry wasnt his first. He had plently of girls, and guys for that matter. when Edward brought someone home,he would have to keep guiet so Al
couldnt hear.Edward, when it came to relationships, was nothing but that person's sex toy. But winry could tell that with her it was different, and
that they would have a healthy relationship and maybe even get married one day.

Edward finally released, screaming loudly. He was always quiet, then he would let it all out at the end. He fell over next to Winry, panting. The
sex and the scream had left him short of breath. He always reminded himself not to scream too loudly, but he usually did anyway.

Winry looked at him then rolled over top of him, causing Edward to grunt.

"Your boobs are crushing me.." Edward coughed. Winry laughed and kissed his soft lips. Edward was the only guy she knew with lips as soft
as a womans. Edward ran his hand through winry's long blonde hair. Her hair was long, but Edward had beat her. Her's only reached the
middle of her back, Ed's was down to his ass. Winry liked keeping it short though, to keep it out of the way of her work.

Winry rolled back off of him, forgetting which side of the bed she was lying on. She landed with a thud on the floor. Edward sat up slowly
and looked down at her."Huh?"

She stood up and left for the shower."I'm taking a shower, dont come in~~"

Edward could tell that it actually meant, 'Come on in, the water's great.'

Edward didnt, though. Instead he left for the downstairs bathroom. He wore a robe, and it was a good thing he did. Alphonse and Pinako then
returned home.

"Oba-chan, oto-san.."Ed mumbled."Why are you home?"

Pinako scoffed and looked up at Edward."Uh, aint it obvious short stuff? We live here.."

Edward growled."I'll have you know that I'm no longer short. I'm as tall as the General now, so deal with it you miniscule hag."

The old woman only laughed and walked to her workshop."Where's Winry.?"

Edward choked on his medication."Er, she's in the shower.."

Alphonse grinned. He knew what was going on, he heard the two lovers talking about it the night before while studying automail books. Ed
decided to get more involved in automail to help Winry, that way when Pinako passed, he would be able to help her. Of course, he kept his
state alchemist position.

Edward shushed Alphonse, noticing that he was about to say something. Winry came downstairs in a robe of Edwards and Ed choked again.
They would figure out!!! Edward quickly rushed her back upstairs.

"Edo, what's going on?" She asked dumbfoundedly.

Ed sighed. "Your grandmother is home and so is my brother!!! Get dressed! Out of my robe!!! they'll figure out!!'

Winry nodded and Edward helped her out of it. Bad idea. Pinako and alphonse showed up in the doorway. What was going on REALLY wasnt
what it looked like. The two grinned while Edward quickly covered her up with a blanket.

"Well, give me five minutes to think of an excuse.."Edward said.


For the next few days Winry puked her brains out. Edward was always there holding her hair back and rubbing her back. He would kiss the back
of her neck or her head, trying to make her feel better, but she would always complain about her period becoming irregular. Edward just listened
to her, trying not to think of the substance in the toilet. It always made him sick.

"She's pregnant." Al said. Edward gave him a funny look.

"what are you talking about?"

alphonse sighed."the puking, the fact that her period is late...face it brother, you're gonna be a dad."

Edward spit out his coffee."How do we even know it's mine?!?!"

"You took Winry's virginity, that's how." Al smirked. Edward just leaned back in his chair.


"She already knows, by the way."Al said."She was the one who told me."

Edward cringed."She didnt tell me first?"

"She wasnt sure on how you'd react to it, so she asked me for help."

Ed nodded, then smiled slightly."What do we name it if it's a boy?"

al smiled back at him."Van?"

Edward glared at him.

"Sorry, you're right, that was a stupid idea..."

Ed leaned back again."I really like Zepherence.."

Alphonse nodded."That's a good one. What about a girl name?"

Edward quickly sat up in his seat."Estlin. I've always really liked that one too!"

The two kept talking about it while Winry secretly listened in on their conversation. She smiled, then got another urge to throw up.


Edward went shopping with Winry that night for groceries. Actually, Winry only thought it was for groceries, until Edward took her into the
jewelry department of the store. She giggled excitedly as he let her pick any ring she wanted. They planned on getting married so Edward
could help winry, and so that he would never end up like his father.

It was 4 months later that they got married, even though Winry already had her baby gut going. Edward only thought it was cute and that it would
add to their photo together.

Winry woke up the next day feeling wierd. The house was still the same, and Edward was still gone.

Did she have a dream about what went on three years ago? Is that how they ended up married and pregnant? Winry smiled, then started
crying to herself.

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Okay, there goes chapter 2, right off my computer and on to the other computers of you peoplez............................................
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did that seriously just make sense?
(no, the story isnt done yet..)