Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Dispair and Revival ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it!!!
Chapter 6
It was frightening. He sat there letting the doctor check him and the nurse rebandage his wounds without making any sound of protest at all. His lips were curved just faintly and he actually ate when the nurse brought his breakfast. All without protest. He allowed himself to be pulled from his bed and into the wheel chair and taken outside into the bright, cheerful sun. He appeared to listen to whatever Winry and Pinako said and didn't even raise a protest when Major Armstrong nearly crushed his ribs in one of his hugs. He just accepted everything silently, that damn faint smile on his lips the whole time. Winry wanted to hit him. And the damn doctor that kept saying that it was normal for someone recovering from stress to act differently.
"How can he say that?!" Winry shouted angrily, her grandmother watching her pace the room that the military had given them while they tried to help Ed.
"He doesn't even know that Al is dead and now he's just taking everything without protest and have you actually LOOKED at him?! He's SMILING. There's a damn smile on his lips now like he knows something!!" Winry threw her arms in the air as she made her way to the window and watched the streetlights and people moving about central and going on with their everyday lives like nothing was happening. Pinako was silent for a long moment as she watched her granddaughter. She had seen Edward earlier that day and spent most of the day with him as well as Winry. She had to agree though, something was wrong with Edward, something more then his injuries.
"Let's just wait for a while, Winry, and see what happens. Maybe in the next few days he'll get better,"
"How can you say that like it's nothing?! 'He'll get better?!' Grandma, he's snapped! We have to take him home and get him out of central!"
"You know we can't do that, Winry, all the best doctors are here and they'll be able to help him more then we can."
"Physically!! He can't stay here in Central to heal! They don't know how to help him!" Pinako sighed and looked to the floor. Winry did have a point... again. Pinako sighed and let her granddaughter continue her rant as thoughts of how to get Edward home entered her mind.
“Let's just wait until we see him tomorrow, Winry,” Pinako said soothingly. No sooner had she said the words and made Winry calm down and agree to them that a chill flew up her spine and some type of fear stab violently into her brain. This fear was justified as soon as they walked into Edward's hospital room. Most of the morning proceeded as per normal with the nurse bringing in breakfast, checking him over and leaving. Usually it was Winry or Pinako that started the conversations with Edward, trying to draw him from his shell but, much to their surprise, it was Edward that spoke first, eyes turned to the outside world beyond the window but not really seeing it.
“Winry,” he said, voice low and slightly rough with the sudden use of it.
“Yes, Edward?” Winry asked, walking over to the bed and taking a seat on the edge of it, her fingers winding with his mechanical ones. Edward was silent for a moment more, smile still on his lips. It amazed Pinako that he could say such cold things with a smile still dancing across his face.
“Where are they keeping Al's armor?” It seemed to echo in the room for several minutes, both of them to stunned to say anything.
“What are you talking about, Ed?” Winry asked, breath barely making the question little more then a whisper.
“Al's armor. Where are they keeping it? It should be buried in Risembool, next to mom's grave an—“
“What are you saying?!” Winry nearly shrieked this. Edward turned his lifeless gaze to her, finally looking at them. Winry's heart fell into a more sluggish pace as she gazed into those eyes. Eyes that were once so bright with life, joy, happiness, laughter. Eyes that would spark with anger, dim with sorrow, twinkle in mischief. Now… those eyes of his that she had felt herself drawn to all those years ago, those eyes that could speak volumes and hide nothing from her, those eyes that could sympathize and sooth her, infuriate and amuse her, sadden her and make her feel a warmth of added family were staring back at her with such ice glittering in their depths that it shook and stung her to the very core of her being. She wanted to smack that damn smile from his lips and light a fire under his ass to get life back into those eyes. But even as she thought these things she knew that he would only stare back at her with the same damn smile and those same damn, lifeless hunks of gold in his eye sockets as he was now. Those eyes still haunted her as she flew from the room. They lingered in front of her and taunted her with their cruel coldness, almost laughing at her as she ran back to her hotel room. Her heart stung violently in her chest, pounding harshly, clawing at her chest and nearly ripping her chest cavity open to leave a big gaping whole there as her heart bounced about the room leaving blood splatters everywhere for the hotel staff to clean up. It was a long time before she felt those eyes leave her and a greater amount of time to realize that she was still in Ed's hospital room, staring into the hunks of gold that inhabited his eye sockets as he waited for an answer to his monstrosity of a question. Her lips trembled upon the question, her throat clogging, stomach lurching to try and empty itself on the hospital's clean floor.
“You can see him when the doctor proclaims you well enough to see him, Edward,” came a voice from the doorway. Edward turned his gaze towards the door and cocked his head to the side.
“Colonel Mustang,” he said softly. “What are you doing here?” Louder this time. Colonel Roy Mustang walked over, uniform in perfect position as usual, hair styled to perfection. His face was nothing more then carved marble before the broken Fullmetal Alchemist and he stared back at Ed with eyes of cold onyx.
“I do keep up with the health of my subordinates, Fullmetal,” he said, voice firm. Ed nodded slowly. So it was back to that then was it?
“Though that won't be for several more weeks. You'll just have to be patient and wait,” Ed sat back against his pillows, eyes lingering on Mustang for a short while longer before turning to the window again. Birds continued dancing through the branches but they held no sort of interest for him anymore. He could hear the murmurs of the other people in the room, now distant to his ears drift around on the wind until everything just blended into blessed silence. The sun was warm where it seeped through the window, the wind soothing against his over heated flesh. A laugh broke into his silent, washed out world and drew his attention to internal memories where he could watch Alphonse chase after him, trying to beat him home. It was such a funny thing really, all the little things that he could remember now. Deep down in his heart he knew that Al's soul was now on the other side of the gate with his body and that he had probably already been reborn into his new life where he could be more happy and not burdened by his fading memories, constant knowledge that he was just a soul bound to armor that could be destroyed so easily. Deep, far back in his mind and heart he wished his little brother well on his new life as a new thought stole to the forefront. It warmed the cold feeling in his chest and he had to suppress his laughter as he thought it. This would be such a fun quest indeed.
I'll bet that they won't even be expecting a damn thing, he thought, laughing on the inside. Unbeknownst to the rest of the room, his smile grew, eyes sparking with familiar lights of rage, determination and a new spark of murderous intent. Oh how fun indeed. But back to the question at hand.
Where were those Homunculi?
A:N// Hey guys!!! Sorry this took sooooo long but I've been in a little bit of a slump lately. But tonight, I have inspiration so I wrote this and now I have posted it!!! Send me comments please and I shall have another burst of inspiration!!! Arigatou!!!