Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Fullpersocom Cardcaptor ❯ And So Our Journey Begins ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Even though you're human on the inside, you've got a persocom's body," stated Ed as he, Sakura, and Syaoran got ready to go out the next morning. The three of them had spent the night at Minoru's and were heading out to pick up some supplies for their journey back, "And I don't think the public is too keen on the idea of an autonomous persocom."

Syaoran pulled at his ears as he looked in the mirror by the door, "Are you sure it's okay that I go out like this?"

"Of course," said Minoru as he entered the room, "Persocoms are a common sight here. They're usually seen with their masters or running errands. Some even have jobs."

"It's all right, Syaoran-kun!" piped Sakura. She took his hand, he could almost feel her warmth which made him long for it more. "I'll be right here with you!"

"Where are we headed?" asked Syaoran as they set out down the street, resting his arms above his head.

"We're going to Resembool, where I grew up. There's a few things I want to check in on." Ed replied.

Ka-clunk ka-clunk ka-clunk.

"So, Syaoran-kun, what foods do you want?" asked Sakura, she instantly covered her mouth, "I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!"

"It's all right!" said Syaoran smiling bravely as he lowered his arms to rest one on Sakura's shoulder, "I forgot too."

Ka-clunk ka-clunk ka-clunk.

"What about you, then?" he asked, "You like omlets, don't you?"

Sakura nodded, "Though I think they'll be hard to make on the road... I'm fine with anything really!"

Ka-clunk ka-clunk ka-clunk.

"Do you hear that?" Ed stopped to listen. He knew that sound.

"Now that you mention it..." Sakura stopped too, listening as the noise get louder and louder.

"It's coming from behind us." stated Syaoran, turning around. Running towards them was a large metal suit of armor. Pedestrians moved to the side, laughing nervously at the sight as it passed.

"Nii-san!" it called in a young voice, waving its arm. Ed smiled.

"Al! It's about time!" he said happily. When Al caught up, he stopped, "Let me introduce, my... little... brother, Alphonse."

"Nice to meet you. You can just call me Al." Al said, bowing politely. Neither Sakura nor Syaoran knew what to make of him. After all, it's not every day that a giant walking talking hunk of metal introduces themself to you. Sakura stepped up first.

"I'm Sakura Kinomoto!" she stated a little more cheerfully than she felt as she bowed. She turned around and pushed Syaoran in front of her, "And this is Syaoran Li-kun."

"N-nice to meet you," he stammered.

"You're the one nii-san was talking about! When I was given a message to come to Tokyo to meet you, I came as fast as I could!" Al was excited. He hadn't met many people like him that didn't want to kill him at some point.

"You wanted to meet me?" Syaoran asked.

"Well, of course! We're the same!"

"Are you sure this is enough food, Elric-kun?" Sakura looked in her bag. It was hardly enough for two days.

"Yeah!" Ed replied cheerfully, "After all, it's only you and me eating and it's just a quick plane ride to Central. From their, just a little walk to Resembool!"

"You're right! I supposed it just feels akward not picking anything up for Syaoran-kun or Al-kun..." she hefted her bag over her shoulder.

"Sakura, let me carry that for you!" Syaoran took the bag in his hand. It weighed 3.5 kilograms, 7.3 pounds.

"Are you sure? It's not heavy." she said. Syaoran nodded.

"It isn't heavy at all for me. Besides, you carried my body all over. It's the least I can do!"

"Thank you,"

"I hate to break this up," began Ed, "But, I just noticed the time. We have to be at the air station in less than ten minutes!"

"Shoes stay on," Sakura reminded herself as she entered the plane. Ed was already collapsed in his seat when she stored her bag in the luggage rack.

"No, I'm not cargo!" pleaded Al.

"If you're going to board the plane, I must insist that you remove your armor," said the flight atendant. Not wanting to repeat their baggage search fiasco, Ed got up and tapped her on the shoulder.

"It's all right ma'am; he's with me," he said, holding out a silver pocket watch. The attendant nodded.

"Please proceed." she said, almost defeated.

Once the plane finally got in the air, Sakura had decided that a nap was in order. She laid her head against Syaoran's shoulder just as the in-flight movie was begining. It was a popular American space movie and Syaoran couldn't help but watch intently. He found himself more inthrawled as the story went on. He wasn't interested in the young hero, the dashing rogue, the brave princess, or even the wise old warior. What he was most interested in were the droids. What were they made of? When they were distraught or pleased, were they really feeling like that? Or when they stated that something was against their programming, why didn't they just ignore the program?

"If you won't be needing me, I'll switch off," said the droid. Syaoran stared as its eyes went dark and its body went limp, fingering the switch behind his ear. What was it like when it "switched off"? Was it like sleeping? Did it dream?

"Don't think about it too much," advised Ed from the seat over. He rested his arms above his head and leaned back, "In a few hours we'll arrive at Central..."

"An emergency landing! What for?" the blond outbursted as the four of them walked out into the blazing desert.

"Who'dve thought, airplanes have trouble running on two engines." commented Syaoran amazed that his eyes adjusted to the bright sunshine.

"I think we should count our blessings, nii-san. The plane could've easily crashed." added Al.

"I guess you're right, Al," Ed replied, "Well, we've got no food, no money, and about a week's walk to Central if we make it through Ishbal alive. Life's great, just great!"