Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Glacial Moon ❯ In Which Diana feels inadeqeaute and Ed takes a Test! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Glacial Moon
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist.
Summary: Diana Elric is the only daughter of Hohenheim of Light and the only female State Alchemist in Amestris. When her half-brothers arrive to take the State Alchemy Exams, she finds that keeping her promise to her father to take care of her trouble-magnet brothers is all but an exercise in futility.
Chapter 1
Edward Elric was not one who lost focus while performing daredevil stunts, not that he was stupid enough to perform daredevil stunts for no apparent reason at all, but as he struggled to keep his balance on the train roof, he couldn't help but wonder what his elder sister would say if she could see him now. Certainly she would be surprised, and maybe angry that he hadn't told her the full truth about what he was doing with the money she sent for him and Al after mother died, but really, she never came to visit despite her promise to do so, and a letter or a phone call was nothing like talking to her face to face! He missed his sister terribly, and wished that she would speak to him outright instead of through letters or other people, such as the night that Granny Pinako installed his automail. He had no doubt that if the Lieutenant-Colonel Roy Mustang had told her what he'd seen and what train he'd insisted that he and Al take, then Diana would be waiting to chew them out at the station. Or so he hoped.
He was knocked out of his thoughts by a low shrub protruding from the cliff side, and his gloved fingers scrabbled at the metal as he fell. He closed his eyes as he slipped off the roof altogether, bracing for impact against either the tracks and the impact of the wheels crushing him, or for him to hit the hinge that allowed the train to turn and connecting one car to the other. Surprisingly, the impact was a lot more concentrated and yielding than he had expected, nor did it hurt.
“There's something of an art to train walking. I'm shocked you actually made it this far.”
Edward opened his eyes to find a dark haired man with glasses had caught him.
“Uh, not that I'm not grateful, but who are you? Who are you?”
Maes said, “So you're Edward Elric hmm? The Lieutenant-Colonel told me all about you. I'm Major Maes Hughes.” He grinned, “I've known Roy for a very long time.”
Diana paced her office irritably, her face as dark as a thundercloud. Her staff had long ago fled from their commanding officer's ill temper, and Diana had the uncharitable thought of dragging them all back to the office and freezing each of them to their seats. Or maybe she should do Hawkeye a favor and freeze Roy to his seat with the threat of emasculation if he pulled such idiotic stunts again.
The phone rang, and she jumped. A dagger of ice slammed into the phone, knocking it to the floor in a shower of metal and plastic. Diana blinked and smiled sheepishly at the damaged object.
The phone on Maes' desk rang, and she picked it up and said as calmly as she could, “Von Hohenheim.”
“The train should be arriving in Central in five minutes, Anise,” Roy's voice was smug.
“Roy,” Diana sighed, “Are you laughing at me?”
“In that case, I will emasculate you.”
The quiet “Eep,” on the other line made her day.
“Don't kill anyone, that's all I asked,” Roy smirked at the leader of the terrorists who had been captured, “And like a good boy, you did exactly as you were told.”
“So you're Roy Mustang huh?”
A blade extended from the extremist's damaged automail arm, severing the rope that had been restraining him and he leapt toward the man, blade thrust forward, intent on causing grievous bodily harm.
“Lieutenant-Colonel!” Hawkeye cried.
Roy hardly blinked and slowly lifted his hand and snapped. His attacker seemed to freeze in midair as he burst into flames with a bloodcurdling scream. As suddenly as the fire appeared, they vanished, and the terrorist fell to his knees, face frozen in an expression of extreme pain.
“I restrained myself,” Roy said calmly. “The damage to your skin isn't as bad as it feels. You may call me Roy Mustang, or simply Lieutenant-Colonel. Hell, you may even call me the Flame Alchemist. But whatever you do, remember the pain.”
“So that's Roy Mustang?” Edward grinned, “Guess it's time to do as Big Sis says and make life difficult for that line-stealing pretty boy.”
“Brother!” Alphonse's voice was shocked. He'd known that he and his brother had an elder sister in the military, but he had not known that Diana would tell Edward to pull something like that. Surely having spent almost seven years in the military she'd be careful as to who she took out her temper on?
Maes Hughes nearly swallowed his tongue as he struggled not to laugh as he watched the blonde run toward the Flame Alchemist.
"Hey!" Edward shouted, drawing Mustang's attention to him. "You knew. That's why you made us take this train. You put us at risk on purpose!"
Mustang smirked at the smaller alchemist. "Come on, Ed, you think I got the whole world on strings? Anyway, you should focus on the good news; the General heard about your exploits saving the train, and has decided to make a special exception; he's letting you take the State Alchemy Exam. You're going to be the talk of the military, kid!"
Edward stared at him. "Exception?"
A threatened gleam shone brightly in the blonde's eyes, and he pointed an accusing finger at the Lieutenant-Colonel. "But you always said we could take it; that's the reason we came!"
Mustang raised a slender black eyebrow at the blond alchemist, the smirk still present. "Be realistic, Ed; the State's never let a kid take a military exam before... but I guess luck's on your side. Good thing you took that earlier train, don't you think?
Edward stared at him for a moment, and rubbed at the bridge of his nose, where he could feel a migraine forming.
As Mustang walked past, he paused, laying a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Whether or not you take the test is still up to you. I'm not trying to run your life." He said softly, so only Edward could hear him.
Edward whirled around, shaking a fist at the retreating man. "Of course I'll take it! And pass! I would've done it anyway!" There was no acknowledging response from Mustang, but Hughes flashed them a grin and started after Mustang with a small wave. Alphonse moved up to stand by his brother's side.
"Those people had us dancing right in the palms of their hands, didn't they? I guess it doesn't matter what we do; we'll never be the ones in control."
Hidden in the crowd, her distinct golden hair covered by a hat and clad in a classy beige pantsuit with a stylish handbag slung over a shoulder, Diana chuckled, covering her mouth with white gloved hands. Roy was going to be very angry with her when he found out about her part in this, but it's a good thing that ice was made of water and water doused the flames, and although water was made of Hydrogen and Oxygen, both of which were very flammable gases, Roy wasn't very innovative when angry.
She was going to have a lot of fun now that her spunky little brother was in Central, and siccing Ed on Roy was a lot more creative than siccing Maes on him. At least Ed would be innovative about the way he tormented Roy, unlike Maes who was predictable in that he would wave photos in a person's face and blather their ear off about his precious family. Diana slipped her hand into the handbag and pulled out her watch chain, and checked the time. Oops. She had paperwork due soon. It was time to go. Too bad, and she was having so much fun too.
The Next Day…
"So, boys... You're really convinced you're ready for this?"
"That's right!" Edward smirked, knowing full well that the Colonel was trying to get under his skin. "Just tell me what to wear to graduation!"
"Careful, Ed; I'd hate for you to get cocky." Mustang slid a file across his desk and the golden haired boy picked it up, scanning it quickly. "As you know, you find your own training; I suggest him."
"The Sowing Life Alchemist, huh?"
"Shou Tucker. Practically wrote the book on bringing things to life." The Lieutenant-Colonel's features were kept expressionless and neutral at this revelation. Edward glared at him sharply, startled by the man's words.
Roy Mustang personally accompanied them as a prepared car drove them to their new residence, probably to avoid the paperwork that was building up on his desk, or so Edward believed. As they drove through the city streets of Central, the older Alchemist gave them some background history on their new 'guardian'.
"Two years ago, Tucker used alchemy to create a chimera that could actually speak our language. Quite a feat." He lowered the file he had on the Alchemist in discussion, and was greeted by Edward's wide-eyed look of... awe? Disbelief? He shrugged mentally.
"How the heck did he do that?"
"Beats me. I guess it was some kind of composite using several animals with different genes. Had the brass in an uproar. Needless to say, he's passed the Exam."
Edward and Alphonse were enraptured with their soon-to-be tutor. "Sounds awesome!"
At the house, they all piled out of the car, and Roy held them back for a moment. "Now, it's not just the two of you. Tucker also has a four-year old, so be polite."
"What about his wife? Isn't he married?" Al asked.
Mustang didn't answer the question, and his demeanor seemed to grow just a touch colder. "Let's go in."
The two Elric brothers stopped dead in their tracks just a few steps into the gate, staring completely dumbstruck at the house they would call their home for the next couple of months.
"THAT'S HIS HOUSE?! It's so..." Edward trailed off, his voice cracking.
"Yeah, it's pretty big!" Alphonse was in perfect agreement with his older brother.
"Come on, boys! The door's over here!" Roy called back to the two alchemists, who were jolted out of their stupor. They started for the door, but a rustle in the nearby bushes caught Edward's attention, and he heard a distorted kind of howl, and that was all the warning he had for what happened next. A strangled scream rang out in the air, and all attention was on the blonde, as he struggled to drag himself out from under the biggest dog he had ever seen, which was currently lying on top of him.
Alphonse was alight with amusement, well, as alight as he could be as a suit of armor, anyway. "I guess everything's big here!" The dog on top of Edward just whined for attention and wagged its tail happily.
A little girl opened the front door of the large house, her large eyes frowning at the dog. A pale, almost sickly looking man stood behind the girl.
"You know that's bad, Alexander!" She said, pouting.
"Oh my. I'm sorry." The man said, the sunlight reflecting off his glasses, bowing a little at his guests. Edward watched them for his position on the ground.
"No problem. Just don't... say 'roll over'!" he grinned ruefully.
Once the dog, Alexander, was pulled off of Edward, Mustang escorted the young alchemists into the house, following the man that could only be the Sowing Life Alchemist. The inside of the house was in disarray; books were in piles everywhere, and everything was in need of a good organizing. The Alchemist picked up a few random books from the floor, apologizing once again.
"Sorry about the mess; we just lack a woman's touch here. Oh! That was sexist, wasn't it? I've been so out of sorts, lately." He smiled nervously at them, gesturing for them to make themselves comfortable where they could.
The little girl, presumably Tucker's daughter, with wide blue eyes and brown pigtail braids, rushed over to Alphonse and started tugging lightly on his hand. "Hey daddy? Bigger brother's clothes are funny; they're like our pots and pans...?" She trailed off before looking up and up at Alphonse's 'face'. "Are they heavy?"
If the suit of armor could have smiled, Alphonse would have. "That's okay; bigger brother's very strong!" He looked up from the girl, feeling another set of eyes on him.
Mustang saved the younger brother from a potentially dangerous situation, as the Elrics had decided to keep hidden the fact that Alphonse had no actual flesh-and-blood body. They felt it would only cause them more unnecessary problems.
"Mr. Tucker!" The Liutenant-Colonel gave the other Alchemist a stiff smile. "I'm sure you'll have a chance to talk to these boys about their unusual traits... until then, please, just take them as they are." Tucker focused pale blue eyes on the Flame Alchemist before turning to his daughter.
"Nina, why don't you play in the courtyard for a while?" The girl, Nina, whined a bit. "I'm sure Alexander's lonely."
She looked up at Alphonse with a small smile of her own. "We'll play later, okay?" She said before running out of the room to go off and play.
Tucker seemed almost sad as he watched his daughter leave the room. "Sometimes, I wonder if I have the vigor to raise her right..." He trailed off before focusing on his three guests. "Ah! You're so young to be taking the Exam; I'll be happy to help."
Edward was eager to start with his studies. "And we thank you for it, Mr. Tucker, and to start, we'd love to see that chimera you created."
"The talking one!" Alphonse sounded very much like the child of ten he was, excited and overeager.
Tucker paused and looked down, almost forlorn. "I'm sorry; you've come too late. It died shortly after it was made." Both Elrics gasped at this, taken aback. Tucker smiled then, but it almost seemed a little strained. "Besides, studying for the Exam comes first! It's a monster! You'll need more than an overnight cram session to pass!"
The Sowing Life Alchemist offered to show them his library, which the Elrics eagerly leapt at the chance. It was probably one of the largest rooms in the house, with bookshelves to the ceiling and everywhere; there were books, books and more books. Roy watched in amusement, as Edward and Alphonse seemed like two kids in a candy store...
Edward rushed over to one of the shelves, pulling books down from the shelves at random, opening them and reading them as he went.
"This is the reference room; you're welcome to it."
Alphonse looked around with as much glee as the armor could portray. "Wow! I've never seen so many books! And they're all about alchemy?"
"This collection is nothing, really. You should see the Alchemy Floor they have in the National Library in Central. Books are the best tools we have; pass your Exam, and you'll have access to dozens, no hundreds of times more knowledge!"
"Really?" Alphonse turned back to where his brother stood, enraptured by the knowledge at his fingertips. "Brother, we should get started!"
"Too late, Al, he already has,” Mustang's voice was amused, and sure enough, there was Edward Elric in front of a book shelf, a book in hand, his eyes moving quickly over the page. Mustang made no attempt to hide his amusement. Now if only the Glacier Alchemist could see her brothers acting like the children that they were…
As Roy left the home of the Sowing Life Alchemist, leaving in his care the two Elric brothers, he paused and looked back at the large domicile with narrowed eyes. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about Tucker.
Two Days Later…
Roy Mustang stormed into Diana Anise Elric von Hohenheim's office irritably, not even bothering to acknowledge the staff, much less Hughes, and dropped a cooler onto her desk.
“I think this belongs to you,” he growled.
Diana opened the cooler and chuckled as an icy fog drifted out, flowing slowly over the sides of the cooler. “Dry ice?” her voice was amused.
“You…” Roy took a deep breath and said harshly, “I have no words for you.”
Diana cocked her head to the side, “I don't see what this,” she waved a hand at the cooler, causing the mist to swirl and shift, “has to do with me, Roy.”
“Why must you put things in my quarters?” the dark haired man's voice was tired.
Diana's lips curled in a satisfied smirk as she said, “Because you put my brothers at risk.”
There was a brief moment of exasperation and amusement shared between friends before all expression was wiped off her face and she leaned forward, her eyes intent as she said quietly, “So what's this I hear about you sending Alphonse and Edward to stay with Shou Tucker while they prepare for the exams?
Roy sighed. The Glacier Alchemist's strange mood swings were the one thing he would never understand. Hell, they weren't even predictable!
“I thought maybe they'd be well matched,” he admitted gently, “The boys might benefit from being so close to Tucker's research. Although Tucker's somewhat absentminded, his little girl will keep the boys from getting too absorbed in their studies. In fact, having the boys over might inspire him to make a better showing at his next assessment.”
“There's more to the creation of chimeras than simply combining the genetic data of animals,” Diana said quietly, “No alchemist worth their salt has not researched chimera creation at some point in their career, even if it's only reading about the creation, but Tucker… To create a chimera that can speak the human tongue… Added to the fact that he has an assessment coming up and combined with his poor showing in the previous assessment, its do or die for him. I just don't feel comfortable knowing that there are children living under the same roof as a desperate man who researches and creates chimeras for a living.”
The Exam date dawned and Alphonse and Edward entered the exam room together. They choose seats in the same row, though far enough apart that they could not be accused of cheating.
The Fuhrer caught the attention of all those applying for the Exam and smiled at them all. "We are now commencing with the preliminary exam; good luck."
"Begin!" The General beside the Fuhrer declared, his voice echoing slightly in the hall, and so the Exam began.
Four hours later, Edward and Alphonse were stumbling out of the building, where Nina waited for them.
Nina ran to them, Alexander at her side. "Big brothers! How'd it go?" She asked, slowly taking in the exhaustion that oozed from Edward's entire being. Despite not having a flesh and blood body, Alphonse didn't seem to fare any better,.
"I didn't finish, and my wrist feels like spaghetti." Edward moaned.
"I got through it, but next is the interview." Alphonse said quietly.
Diana entered the office of Lieutenant-Colonel Roy Mustang quietly, watching as the Flame Alchemist scanned the Examination Results.
“I never thought the younger one would pass as well,” Roy's voice was pensive.
“And is that a problem?” Diana asked, drawing the attention of the officers in the office.
Roy glanced at her. “No,” he smiled, “You must be proud.”
“Pride is a sin, Lieutenant-Colonel,” Diana said sharply, “And considering the condition of the younger brother I would think twice about letting him continue.”
“You know I wouldn't put your flesh and blood at risk, Anise,” Roy said gently.
“Not knowingly, no,” Diana replied tightly, “But when the orders come from above, what then?”
“Then we protect the children in whatever way we can,” was the quiet rebuttal.
Diana's only response was to close the office door gently behind her as she left. Back in the office, Roy sighed. It was as close to an acceptance as he was going to get from her at this point. That is until he looked at his desk and the message left behind in ice.
“They get hurt, you get fixed. I mean it this time, Mustang.
Roy shivered as he left the office in search of the Elric brothers.
Diana was worried. She knew that Mustang would have no problems convincing Alphonse not to take the second exam, especially if Edward agreed with the logic Roy would use. Still, it didn't stop her from being concerned about her brothers. She had chosen not to oversee the Exams, knowing that her brothers would be there, and while she could be objective in military affairs, she certainly didn't want to give her enemies anymore ammunition than they already had. That she was a State Alchemist and commissioned officer irked them, and to add insult to injury, she was also female. No, if she had been overseeing the exam, it was likely that the General Hakuro would not have arranged for her brothers to be able to take the exams, if only for propriety's sake. As long as she kept her distance until the exams were over, there would be no complaints about favoritism or unfair advantages. Edward was a son of Hohenheim. She had to have faith in her brother.
Roy walked out toward the courtyard, looking for the two Elric brothers. As dark eyes searched for the duo, he wondered faintly why it was so hard to find a seven foot tall suit of armor, and then answered his own question at the sight of the two siblings sprawled out on the grass. Edward noticed his approach first, and made Alphonse aware of it. The younger Elric waved as he approached, and Roy couldn't bring himself to smile, not when he knew that the reasoning he was going to use to get Edward to agree to stop Alphonse from continuing in the exams to protect him would likely reduce the armor bound boy's self confidence to little more than tatters.
He studied their reactions as he spoke, noting that Edward seemed almost relieved to hear that his brother was going to have to drop out of the Exam. As expected, the younger Elric did not like the news he was receiving.
"No! You can't say that! I've worked so hard for months; I'm not dropping out now!"
However, Roy could not afford to be lenient. "If you want to go on without revealing your past, you have no choice."
"That's not good enough! I'm not getting split from my brother! We've come too far for that!" He seemed ready to continue protesting his only option, but Ed cut him off.
"Easy Al; you remember what Aunt Pinako said, right?" He grinned, the smile seeming a bit faked, as he continued. "State Alchemists are Military, and get thrown into service whenever war breaks out." Roy watched, face blank as Ed talked. "You have to do what they say, even hurt people for some good that you don't understand." Here his grin seemed bitter and almost self-mocking. "It means you're a dog of the State, with a leash around your neck!"
"But Ed..."
The grin was wiped clean from the blonde's features, serious in an instant. "One of us has to join to get what we need, but we both don't have to. Let me go alone, and I promise I'll fix things and get us back the way we were."
Roy knew the moment Alphonse gave into his brother's reasoning, as the massive suit of armor slumped slightly and the younger Elric sighed. “Fine…”
Diana studied the steaming liquid in her cup as Roy spoke about the interviews for the Exams. She only wished that she could have been there for Edward, but an accusation of bias or favoritism could ruin her career, and if that happened, then who would be working to keep unexpected surprises from turning up at the most inopportune times after Roy became Fuhrer? Surely they couldn't expect Maes to do it when he was already working on pushing Roy to the very top. She twitched at the feeling of pyrotex on her hand and looked up to meet Roy's eyes.
“You're not being unsupportive, Anise,” he said quietly. She blinked. She'd said that out loud? Roy had obviously read the question on her face and said gently, “Just because you're not actively helping them doesn't mean you're not supporting them,” he said, “Knowing you, you've already begun gathering information about the Philosopher's Stone for the two. Pass or fail, there is still an Elric in the Military, and pass or fail; the boys can still meet their goals because you'll be with them every step of the way, even if you are chained to a desk here in Central.”
“I'll see them once the exams are over,” Diana smiled, “and Gracia has been helping me find a suitable house for three. Pass or fail, Edward and Alphonse will be living with me from now on. It's only right. After being away for all these years, giving them a place to stay now that they've burned down the family home may be all I can do until they reach their majority.”
“Only until then?” Roy teased.
Diana smiled sadly, “I can't imagine why they would want to spend any more time than they have to with a sister who puts her military career ahead of her brothers.”
“Do not make me slap you, Anise,” Roy said sharply, “Superior officer or not, I will do it.” Then he said in a gentler tone, “Edward and Alphonse love you. The fact that Ed is doing as you say and making my life difficult is proof of that. Of course, as far as he's concerned, any amusement he might get out of this is a bonus as well.”
Diana took a deep breath and said softly, “The practical exam is open to the viewing pleasure of all State Alchemists. I will be there for Edward.”
Roy chuckled and leaned back in his chair, “I'm sure Edward will appreciate it.”
“He will or he can be sure I will be stopping by each and every bakery in Central and telling them not to sell him those pastries he likes so much until he returns from his first out of town mission,” Diana's smile turned cold, “and Flame, either let go of my hands or loose them.”
The occupants of that particular café had the great honor of seeing the famed Flame Alchemist blanch and jerk his hand away from the Glacier Alchemist's. The staff, however, simply chuckled in amusement. The two alchemists were good friends, often frequenting the café to discuss work or personal matters with another officer, a Major, who often brandished pictures of his wife in their faces, only to be met with playful threats of incineration or drenching, and anyone with two eyes could see the close bond between them. But much like the Flame's womanizing ways, and the Major's overenthusiastic praising of his family, the Glacier's dislike of being touched, even by trusted friends, was notorious in Central.
Edward stood with the other potentials as they entered the stadium, his eyes scanning the crowd of State Alchemists who had gathered to watch the exam for his sister. Hughes had told him that the third exam was open to the viewing pleasure of the State Alchemists, and Edward couldn't help but hope that Diana would be there to watch him. There was a flash of gold amongst dark hair and blue uniforms, and wide golden eyes met cold amber, and cold eyes softened, and her lips tilted upward in a slight smile, then her face was impassive once more. Edward's heart lifted and unconsciously, he tilted his chin up higher and pulled his shoulders back and his back straightened. In the crowd, amber eyes were lit with humor and Edward knew without a doubt, that even if he failed the exam, everything would be alright, because Diana was here, and she would take care of everything.
The practical exam started out normally enough, with the Fuhrer telling the potentials that they had provided the raw materials necessary, and for the alchemists to create whatever they wished. Then the first alchemist stepped forward and Diana shook her head as he sketched out the array. He was too slow in the creation of the circle, and was wasting valuable time drawing the array in large scale when a smaller array would have been more than sufficient. If his creation was sufficiently detailed and impressive, then maybe he would be allowed to serve as a probationary alchemist provided he increased his drawing speed. She quietly admired the detail on the spire that grew out of the ground with a flash of alchemic energy, and turned her eyes on the man and knew without a doubt that he would not pass. If simply transmuting a single stone spire drained him of all his strength, then he was worthless on the field, even of he increased the speed with which he could create an array.
At the perimeter of the stadium, General Hakuro chuckled. “Very impressive detail, but he used so much energy, he can't even stand up.”
Diana could hear her peers agreeing in quiet murmurs. She shook her head slightly and tilted her head to look at the tip of the spire before returning her gaze to the assembled potentials.
A potential, a smarmy looking alchemist, pushed his way through the group, purposely shoving hard against Edward, sending the boy stumbling, and even from where she stood, she could hear his condescending words, “Move, I'm going next.”
Diana made a quiet sound of disapproval and another alchemist, a Lieutenant Colonel, said quietly, “Definitely not suitable to be certified if he can't be polite to a fellow alchemist no matter how old or young. Did you see him attack the kid?”
The gathered alchemists muttered quietly about the man's attitude, while others murmured about Edward and his age. Diana gave the smarmy alchemist, who was busy preparing his circle a venomous look for drawing attention to her brother, who was looking both apprehensive and confused. Diana didn't even need to see the man dragging tree branches and splashing bucketsful of water into his circle to know what he was doing. She released a derisive breath, that were she anyone else, would have been a snort. Like the previous alchemist, the man's methods were slow and impractical for the battlefields. If the man's transmutation went through with no mishaps, however, he would likely receive a probationary certification until he proved that he could take orders and perform in a timely and efficient manner. The man slammed his hands onto the array and there was a flash of alchemical energy. The light faded to reveal a large, bulbous balloon floating into the air.
“Whoa, nicely done,” General Hakuro commented below.
“Trees and water into a paper hydrogen blimp!” Edward murmured, watching the balloon's ascent.
“Impressive,” Diana murmured as she made several mental calculations, “But not only is the paper too thin in certain areas, but there is simply too much hydrogen in the balloon. Something has to give.” She had barely finished her criticism when a part of the balloon burst, releasing the trapped hydrogen with a loud hiss. She raised an eyebrow, “Like I said far too much pressure.”
“Whoa!” a Major grinned, “to be expected from the Glacier!”
Diana reached into her pocket and pulled on a pair of arrayed gloves. “Don't get too excited yet, major,” her voice was cold, “The balloon's trajectory does not bode well for the first participant.”
Apparently, Mustang thought the same, because he was pulling on his own arrayed gloves as he took several steps forward. “That's not good!” he said in concern.
“A State Alchemist must be prepared for every eventuality, and they must be able to function under pressure,” Diana said quietly to herself, her eyes fixed on her half-brother, “Show me what a son of Hohenheim is capable of, Edward.”
And Edward did not disappoint her. As the balloon made contact with the spire, crushing the top and sending rubble careening downwards, the exhausted alchemist at the foot of the spire cried out in terror and covered his head. Edward darted out of the crowd, and rather than wasting precious seconds drawing an array, he clapped his hands and slammed them onto the ground in front of the fallen alchemist, and there was a flare of alchemical energy. The occupants of the stadium threw up their arms to keep from being blinded by the light released in the process of the transmutation, which slowly faded away, and a delicate perfume filled the air as flower petals rained down around them.
Diana lowered her arm and smiled proudly as she tilted her head up to look at the winged crown of flowers that showered soft petals onto the crowd as it drifted slowly to the ground.
“Alchemy without circles huh?” she murmured to herself, “Well done, Edward, very well done indeed.”
At the same time, Mustang said in a surprised yet proud tone of voice, “Alchemy without circles…”
The Fuhrer smiled, “I think we've found our alchemist. The youngest we've ever had.”
And Diana felt her heart swell with pride as she looked at her brother's face, filled with surprise and pride, and apprehensive eagerness. Their eyes met, and Diana nodded in response to the silent question in Edward's eyes, and the teen tilted up his head to look at the flowers raining down on them, and the two Elrics knew without a doubt that Edward had won his place as the youngest State Alchemist to be certified in the history of the State of Amestris.