Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Her Knight In Shining Armor ❯ The Knight Saves the Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own the characters Ed, Al, Winry or the basis for their past history. They belong to the creators of Full Metal Alchemist. I also don't own any of the fairytales mentioned. I don't own much of anything…
Warning: There will be some references made to the show. It won't give away anything about the ending… I don't think… Anyway there will be threats of rape and murder. Not too vivid though.
There will also be spelling mistakes due to where Lorna originates from. I allowed some spelling error because it's words she would use. And I don't want any flames on it. I'm from where she's from so I just had her speak the way I do!
Chapter Five: The Knight Saves the Day
“Wait I have something else I gotta get first.” I explained.
He nodded following me up to the nicer part of town. I found the right address and knocked on the door.
A maid answered. “I'd like to speak with Mr. Worthshire.” I was trying to act my snootiest.
The servant nodded then led us to a huge library that put Ed's to shame.
“Mr. Worthshire a lady here to see you.” The maid ushered us in.
I stood before the middle aged man with disgust in my heart but a deal in my eye. “Sir, I'm Lorna McJoy and I would like to speak to you about that place you have on the older side of town.”
He looked up at me with a frown. “Yes?” He laid down his book and folded his hands across his well dressed chest.
“I would like to buy it.” I offered, holding out an amount I thought well worth the property. Or rather what it had been worth before Al had fixed it.
Mr. Worthshire smiled taking the money. “Yes this will do nicely.” He pronounced counting the bills and getting up to go to the safe.
Soon he had it open and took out a piece of paper. We signed in the appropriate places. The land and the house was now mine.
“About those bums living on the property…” He started with a grimace.
“They are no longer your concern sir. Good day.” `Jerk' I added silently as we turned to leave. He had what he wanted and I had what I wanted.
Al followed me out of the house and back toward the land that was now mine. “You knew exactly what he'd do, didn't you?” Alphonse questioned.
“Yep sure did.” I smiled, “Now I got the deed and he can't stop me from doing whatever I want.”
We walked up to the newly refurbished door and knocked. Liza answered smiling broadly. “Mom it's the angel and the knight!”
I couldn't help but smile. `Angel? No not me. But Al could very well pass for a knight in shining armor. I'm just his sidekick.'
Mrs. Yourth came into the room smiling, “I didn't expect to see you so soon.” She was drying her hands on what had been an old towel, but now looked new.
“Alphonse wanted to give you this.” I explained handing over the envelope. I had already signed it so all she had to do was put her signature on it.
“But I don't understand.” She said looking down at the paper.
“Just sign here and the place is yours.” I handed her a pen.
She looked up at Al who nodded.
Mrs. Yourth took the pen, authorized it, then hugged me tightly. “You have no idea what a blessing this is!” She walked over and wrapped her arms around Al who hugged gently back. “Thank you, thank you so much.”
“But…” Al started. I shook my head at him and he hushed.
After many more hugs and happy tears we left. By now it was getting quite late. We had to rush to get the groceries I still needed.
After we had finished picking up the supplies I was starving, “Aren't you hungry Al?”
He nodded carrying the sacks. “Yes but why did you do that?”
“Let her think it was you who'd gotten the deed?” He nodded again. “You're the knight in shining armor. You have to be the one to save the day.” I smiled up at him and he laughed a little, showing his inner smile.
By the time we made it back to the house the sun was setting. Before we made it up the drive, a ball of furry shot out the door. It was Edward. “Where have you two been!” He shouted. I only cringed.
“Brother…” Al tried to explain.
“I went into town looking for you and you weren't there!” He could really spout off for someone so small.
“I can't believe you!” He was screaming directly at me now. “You haven't even been here two days and already you're kidnapping my brother!”
I just stood there taking it, praying my earlobes wouldn't break.
“Brother!” Alphonse screamed. That caught Ed's attention, and he looked up at his sibling. “She didn't kidnap me. I am old enough to take care of myself.”
I flinched. I didn't want to come between these two who obviously cared for each other. “Ed, I'm very sorry. We didn't mean to be gone all day. But Al was helping some people who really needed it.”
He stared at me then looked to his brother. “You were?” Al nodded and Ed seemed to shrink a little before pulling himself back together, “Well don't worry me like that again.” He turned and walked back into the house.
I breathed out a long breath then followed. Al and I said nothing as we put the things I had bought on the cabinet and icebox shelves Winry had reserved for me. Then I made a quick sandwich and headed up to bed. “Night.” Was all Al or I said.
As I walked up the stairs Winry came to stand in her doorway. “So Lorna, did you two have a good time?”
I smiled, thinking of just what a wonderful day I'd had. “Yeah, we did.”
She caught a small hint that I was trying to ignore. Against my better judgment I was starting to fall for Al. Love at first sight, and I still hadn't seen his face.
Winry and I talked in her room for a long time. As we sat on her bed I told her about the people we'd met and what a wonderful thing he had done for them. I also told her about getting the deed.
“But why tell her Al had done it?” Winry questioned.
“Cuz, he needs a good reputation in town. People shouldn't be scared of him.” I smiled, “After all, he wouldn't hurt a fly.”
Again she smiled reflecting what I was still denying, I liked Al. Not for just a friend, but as more.
“So,” I decided change the subject, “You like Ed don't ya?”
All at once she turned a dark shade of red. Her mouth fell open, “NO! Not like that!”
“Yeah you do.” I said, smiling that knowing smile.
“Okay end of our night chat, I've got to go to bed.” She ordered, pushing me out the door.
`Fine you can deny your feelings and I'll deny mine.' I thought walking back to my room.
Author's Notes
Winry: Blushes
Joy: Don't worry I locked Ed in the closet for that little conversation. He hasn't gotten to read it yet.
Winry: Yet?
Joy: Alright readers there will be a little Winry and Edward.
Winry: There will!
Joy: Yes now calm down.