Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Immature Quarrels ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Hiromu Arakawa owns FMA. I do not.
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"Have so!" Ed yelled red-faced at a very amused looking Flame Alchemist. Why was he even fighting about this? He always seemed to make such a fool out of himself in front of Mustang. Was the Colonels' goal solely to make him look stupid?
"Then who was it?"
Ed quieted immediately. "None of you damn business."
"I see…" Mustang crossed the room, thoroughly enjoying himself. Hawkeye stood in the corner, amazed at the immaturity level the two were able to reach.
"Sir, leave Ed alone and do the God-damned paperwork already."
"Oh, c'mon Ed, just tell me who it was if you actually did it."
"No. Way." Why? Why did Mustang always treat him like a little kid? He was only ten years older than Ed.
"Ok, your dreams are your own business I suppose."
Oh so he thought he was going to provoke him, huh? The blonde exploded with a scream of "What?!?!?"
Hawkeye couldn't take it anymore. She walked out of the room shaking her head and ran into Breda.
"Hey, what's goin' on in there?"
"Oh, Full Metal and the Colonel are at it again. Ed said something about how he's useless in the rain and the Colonel told him to shut up, he's just a stupid kid, he's probably never kissed a girl, yada yada. Honestly, I'm in awe at the maturity level they're functioning at."
"I know. It's like neither one of them got past twelve."
Just then there was an explosion of laughter and an outburst of, "You happy now?!?" Ed hurricaned through the office doors and said, "And if I were you I wouldn't be laughin'. At least someone wants to kiss me." He looked directly at Hawkeye before storming down the hallway to find Al.
Breda started laughing hysterically, doubled over clutching his stomach and all. Mustang simply stared at the place Ed had just stood, blinking occasionally with a stunned look on his face. Hawkeye walked forward stifling a giggle and said, "Sir, I think it's time to start on that paperwork now."
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A/N: Ok, it doesn't say it but the implication is that Ed kissed Winry. For the Colonel to have laughed like that, it'd have to be someone he knew. Sorry if you didn't catch it. I know this isn't worthy of reviews but thanks a lot for reading! (^_^)