Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Heaven ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Lost Heaven
Disclaimer: I do not own any copyright to plots and characters from Fullmetal Alchemist anime/manga/games, so pls don't sue me!
Summary: Post movie and OVA, Ed and Al went to live in the real world without their alchemist ability till year 2005. It was the end of the story after their lives ended in the real world, or wasn't it? Inspired after FMA OVA. Not continuing unless there are reviews.
WARNING: FMA anime, manga & game spoilers.. and Yaoi! Rating will go up.
Pairing: Ed/Al brotherly love, Archer x Al (one way), Ed/Winry
AU: I've made up some facts in the story, because (1) I'm too thick to understand all the logics in the manga and anime and (2) the manga is still ongoing. You may also refer to Wikipedia for further info of the characters I've added in this fanfic. I don't invent them for they are properties under FMA manga and games.
Chapter 03: Kidnapped
In a dark hall, a white hair old lady rose from the ground to reveal the wiltered face of Dante. Shakingly, she examined her vined hands and her eyes hardened.
"I'll need your help to do something for me, since I've summoned you from the other dimension." She said to a group of people standing in the darkness behind her.
A few distance away, a lady with brown hair was bound to the wall in semi-darkness, she whimpered inwardly as the old lady approached her with a warm smile which did not reflect her true emotion.
"Be proud that I'm giving your body such high importance....." Dante said and suddenly smiled darkly: "..., Trisha Elric."
"Did you see Al around?" Ed asked any officer he met on his way to the department Al was assigned to. He had a bad feeling about it. At an isolated corridor, he saw Al rushed out of a door and slammed the door tightly behind him.
"Al, are you alright? Did that man do anything to you?" Ed ran up to his younger brother. Al was sweating profusely and forced an uneasy smile.
"Nothing, I'm alright, I'm hungry, let's go for lunch." Al said quickly and pulled Ed towards the canteen.
"Al, are you really sure you are ok? You look pale." Ed repeated. Al nodded his head and smiled anxiously as he left the door.
Inside the room, Archer laid unconscious with bangs on his head where Al hit him using the files lying on the floor when the man attempted to advance further onto Al.
"Hi, Ed!" A feminine voice called. Ed looked up with a surprise. Al followed his glance and saw a short hair girl walking with Armstrong.
"I'm joining as a state alchemist from today onwards," She said before Armstrong could start the introduction. Armstrong coughed.
"Sophie will be joining you under Colonel Mustang's team." Armstrong said.
"It's nice to see you again, Sophie!" Ed said happily.
"Nii-san," Al pulled Ed to him:"How many girls have you known behind my back?"
"But, but," Ed protested: "You know her too, Al! She was involved in an incident with us during our 4 years journey, remember?"
"And you are... Al?" Sophie asked:"I remembered you were an empty armor the last time we met many years ago."
"Err.. Hi, nice to meet you." Al smiled, feeling uneasiness growing inside him, threatening to graw out of his stomach. <em>What's going on here?</em>
"Are you interested to visit us after work? We're staying in Winry's house since she is renting one in the Central. She'll be pleased to see you." Ed suggested.
"Sure!" Sophie smiled.
Archer was subsequently out of the room and to Al's relief, he did not mention anything about what was going on inside the room. But Al felt a chill everytime he turned to give a strange kind of creepy look whenever their eyes met.
That night, Sophie went to Winry's house where the Elric brothers, Izumi, her husband and Wrath were staying for dinner. Winry appeared happy to see Sophie, but Al observed that she seemed down whenever no one was noticing and Ed was chatting happily with Sophie.
"Nii-san, this is unfair to Winry." Al whispered after Sophie returned back to her dormitory in the headquarter: "Winry has been waiting for you during the last two years here when you were in the other world. You should show more concerns for her."
"Al, can you cut it out? You've been harping on this topic for more than 10 mins." Ed sulked.
There was a knock on the door. Al sighed and went to open the door.
"Ed?" A girl with shoulder length pink hair asked at the door step.
"Armony?" Ed's eyes widened behind Al.
"Hm, please take a seat inside, I'm going back to my room." Al forced a smile and walked off only to be pulled back by Ed.
"Al, you don't remember Armony? She was..."
"In a mission with us during our 4 years journey? Sorry, I have no recollection at all." Al fumed and turned to Ed and Armony: "I'm not angry with anyone, I'm just pissed with my poor memory." He pulled Ed's hands away and went straight to the room. When he passed by Winry's room, he saw it tightly shut. She had went to sleep early unlike the usual times.
_________________________________________________________________ _____
"Armony's staying with us?" Izumi echoed as Ed announced. Winry forced a smile: "That's great, the more people, the merrier. I was afraid this place is too quiet."
"I'm glad to know you're agreeable to it, Winry, you're always so understanding." Ed laughed.
"Thank-you-so-much-for-your-compliment, Ed!" Winry slapped Ed's back unusually hard until his head slammed into the ground.
"Oh my, did I cause a disruption here?" Armony asked.
"They are always like that, don't mind them." Al quickly added.
"Ed has told me that you've regained your physical body, congratulation, Al!" Armony smiled.
"And nii-san told me you've returned from dead. Congratulation too, Armony-chan." Al said, trying to keep a straight face. He turned to look at Wrath who had been very quiet since his return and said: "Are you alright, Wrath? You've been quiet for days."
Wrath gave him a haunting look and said: "Don't mind me, I'm absolutely alright."
The next day, the Elric brothers arrived the Headquarter with a surprise. Archer and Roy's teams were given a mission to attack Drachma-the country in the North of Amestris. Informers had delivered confirmation that people of Amestris were indeed kidnapped to the Northern country. Despite several negotiation between the heads of the two countries, the president of Drachma refused to comply, accusing Amestris for abducting his people at the same time.
"Meaning the Peace Pact between Amestris and Drachma is broken and we are now going to attack Drachma?" Ed cried in disbelief. Falman nodded.
"We better get ourselves prepared, our mission will start in 2 days' time." Riza said: "Fullmetal, you and Alphonse will be involved."
"And Al too? He's still new in the military!" retorted the bewildered Ed.
"Well, he's good in battle and we cannot deny that." Roy said, looking straight into Ed's eyes.
Ed tightened his fist.
In the other department, Al received the similar news from Archer. Al kept quiet.
"Is there any more question, Soul Alchemist?" Archer asked.
"No, Sire." Al replied.
"You are not allowed to run across to the other camp as and when you like it as though it's your personal playground, we are now at war. Is that understood?" Archer said.
"Yes, sire." Al replied dully.
"I can't hear you, Soul Alchemist."
"YES, SIRE!" Al shouted.
"If you have any problem, Alphonse, you are always welcome to approach me." Archer smiled darkly at the boy and walked to his table.
Al frowned inwardly.
Ever since his unsuccessful attempt, he had stopped harrassing Al, knowing the boy was not as submissive as he appeared. But it did not stop him piling the boy with a lot of paperworks as well as some sarcastic remarks whenever possible.
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"I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT THE MILITARY IS UP TO!!!!!" Ed retorted the moment he stepped into the caferia.
"Though I'm not involved, I can understand how it's like in fierce battle." Sophie sighed.
"Hi, guys, what's the matter? I heard 2 teams are involved in a war." Cony called as she went to Ed and Sophie's table.
"Did you see Al around?" Ed asked automatically.
"No idea, I heard Colonel Archer has bombarded Al with paperworks." Cony shrugged.
"I better go and check on him. For goodness sake, it's lunch hour!" Ed growled and abandoned his meal.
_________________________________________________________________ _
Al could not understand it. Was it the effect of the coffee on his table or was it due to insufficient sleep the night before? He couldn't help yawning and rubbing his eyes. The table top looked so inviting as though tempting him to rest his head on it.
"Why aren't you going to lunch yet, Alphonse?" A voice asked, seemingly from afar.
"Paperwork to do..." Al yawned softly. He felt himself leaning closer to the table and someone strong was lifting him from his chair......
In a rest room, Al sniffled uncomfortably as Frank Archer laid the boy on a bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. There was a knock on the door.
"Yes?" Archer asked.
"Major Armstrong asks for you, Sire." an officer reported outside the room.
Archer turned to look at the sleeping boy on the bed and left the room unwillingly.
A hand reached to push open the window from outside and a tall figure climbed through it.
"I should have known better." sighed Hughes as he carried Al out of the room silently.
"Did anyone... Lt Hughes!" Ed called from the corridor and ran up to him: "What happened to Al?"
"He fell asleep in the office during lunch hour." Hughes said, passing the sleeping boy to his elder brother: "I'll leave him to you."
"Nii-san...." Al muttered sleepily in his elder brother's arms.
_________________________________________________________________ __
The two days passed like flowing water. As expected, Winry, Armony and Izumi were greatly resentful of the Elric brothers being dispatched to the battle field.
Before the two teams set off, Armstrong pulled Al to one side.
"Yes, Major Armstrong?" Al asked curiously.
"I've heard from Lt Hughes. Watch what you take everyday for your meals, Alphonse." Armstrong said.
"I beg your pardon, Sire?" Al stared.
"That's all I can advise you, younger Elric, do not forget that, it's for your own good." Armstrong bluffed: "Or would you like to see how much I've trained my muscles? I..."
"T..there's no need for that, thanks." Al laughed uneasily and ran to join his team. Archer glared at Armstrong and led his army for the journey.
"Good luck, Ed... Al..." Sophie prayed silently as she saw them marching off.
From the comfort of her house, Winry forced herself to concentrate her work to prevent herself from worrying about her childhood friends.
_________________________________________________________________ __
Strong wind blew and snow flew as the troops travelled via trucks along the wide, mountainous slopes. It had been 3 days on the journey and the soldiers had taken only a few hours of sleep every day in turns. A few times, Ed attempted to make his way to other camp site for his younger brother, but a warning glare from Roy stopped him.
"Is it a crime to visit Al?" Ed hissed as he sat before the fire place in an isolated settlement, which was probably neglected after its iron ores was fully extracted by the ex-occupants.
"We must try not to pick up quarrel during our mission. You know how Archer was like." warned Roy.
Al looked up into the dark cloudy sky. Looks like there'll be another round of snow storm tonight. Al thought. Despite he wore 3 thick layers of clothes, he could not help shivering.
"What's the matter, Soul Alchemist?" Archer called as he made his way around his men to monitor their conditions.
"Nothing, Sire." Al replied quickly. Following Armstrong's instruction, he had never leave his food alone once he was served from common pots. For the past few days, he felt no discomfort, except slight cold due to the unpredictable changes in weather.
Suddenly, there was a warning whistle from the watch guard, followed by a yell of pain and sound of his fall from his watch post. All soldiers got up hastily and grabbed their weapons.
"Damnit!" Roy cursed as he pulled his gloves with transmutation circle over his hands. He did not expect any attack since they were still within Amestris border. Within minutes, he heard battle cries as a large army in white came rushing down to attack the Amestris troops.
"That's not the uniform from Drachma!" Maria Ross gasped as she took up her rifle and took up her position.
"Beats me, but since they are attacking us, we have no choice, but to fight back, don't we?" Havoc said as he shot down some enemies.
At other side, Al transmuted a large typhoon sending the enemies up the sky and crashing them back onto the ground away from their own army while Ed brought up stone walls blocking further advancement from the enemy. Roy shot fires burning the advancing soldiers.
Suddenly, blue forces shot across the ground, turning some of the Amestris soldiers into ice. Several soldiers panicked. Somewhere, fire flew and burnt some Amestris soldiers into ash. Roy was stunned.
"There's probably more than one alchemists in the enemy troop!" Riza roared warningly.
"Thanks for reminding me that, First Lt." Roy said grimly.
"No problem." Riza replied.
"So, this is war, huh?" Ed grinned, turning his automail arm into blade and ran to the front line.
"NII-SAN, WATCH OUT!!" Al cried as someone in white flew across the sky towards the back of Ed. Al transmuted the icy air into air knives and shot Ed's attacker who ducked hastily.
"Wow, Al, you are getting better." Ed gasped.
"Thanks, I'm just getting the hang of it, that's all." Al blushed. He pointed at the escaping attacker: "That person's getting away, he's probably an alchemist or someone else, no one can fly for so long above the ground!"
"We probably can ask something out of that person." grinned Ed and he ran after the person. Al followed.
"Soul Alchemist, you are not supposed to leave the team!" roared Archer, but in the confusion, Al ignored him.
Ed and Al found themselves in an abandoned automail shop. The person seemed trapped.
"Alright, game's over, pal, who are you people?" Ed snarled, revealing his blade.
The person grinned under his white hood. The ground under them suddenly shook and the brothers tripped within thin cracks that zip-zapped along the floor. Another person merged. He was huge like a buffalo with strange horns on his head.
"He... he's..." Ed stammered.
"Who is he, nii-san?" Al asked and shot some air knives which apparently had no effect on their opponent's thick skin at all.
"Cover our noses, first, Godoa, I'm going to release the bomb." A feminine voice said.
"You... you are Eagle Tiffany!" gasped Ed.
"The who?" Al shouted in confusion. Why did Ed know so many people he had completely no idea at all. He wondered how much more memory he had still lost after he went to the other world long ago. Al suddenly choked in the coloured air.
"Al...!!" Ed choked and collapsed. Amidst the thining air, Al clapped his hand and transmuted part of his soul into the nearest armor before he lost his conciousness.
"It's such a trouble to capture these Elric brothers." Tiffany grunted as her companion-Godoa walked towards the unconcioused Ed and Al: "What does that woman want with these two brats?"
An armor leg suddenly struck out and kicked Godoa away.
"Why are you after us?" Al's voice spoke through the armor.
"Th..this is impossible!" Tiffany gasped, looking from the armor back to the unconcious Al.
"You'll have to go through me before you can touch us, Miss." Armor!Al said and leaped to pick up Ed. A deeper crack formed on the ground, separating him from his own body: "HEY!" Al protested and was about to jump to rescue his own body when a third person appeared, sending ice at him. By the time, his vision was cleared, Al's physical body was gone and he was left alone with Ed in his arms.
Armor!Al ran out of the house. A man with strange make-ups smiled down at him from above, with Al's physical body in his hands.
"What do you want?!" Armor!Al cried, outraged.
"We've some business with you brothers, but since I've one of you here, I'm going off. We'll meet again shortly, I presume." He laughed in a high pitched voice and vanished in a flash.
Armor!Al stood in silent shock. I don't believe this, my body's being touched and kidnapped by that girly looking man?
Just then, Ed stirred in his arms. "Wh..what happen, Al...? WHAT???!!!" Ed screamed as he saw himself held in the arms of an armor.
"Nii-san." Armor!Al said apologetically: "They took my body away. But, I promise I'll get it back before my soul disappears from this armor."
"Fullmetal, what happened here?" called Roy as he ran towards them with Riza, Maria, Havoc and the rest of his close team members.
"Some members of the group who used to kidnap Sophie years ago turned up out of sudden and abduct Al." Ed said angrily.
"Abduct my physical body, nii-san." Armor!Al corrected.
"Anyway," Ed ignored Armor!Al's correction and pressed on: "They seem to have some business to deal with us so I'm going to set off with Al to get his body back while he can still guide me along. I don't think the part of his soul can last long in this armor."
"By a certain time, my soul will return back to my physical body." Armor!Al added.
"If that's the case, let's set off now!" Roy said.
"This is our own matter, we'll go by ourselves!" Ed protested.
"The enemy has retreated shortly after the both of you pursued that person. I'm going to get to the bottom of it." Roy said.
"That army must have been trying to hold us back while the main people attacked the Elric brothers." Riza said.
Armor!Al quickly led the way while the others followed.
"What about the rest?" Armor!Al suddenly asked.
"Archer and the rest will station where we had last rested till we return." Roy replied.
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Armony Eiselstein and Sophie Belkman are the main female characters from FMA Playstation games: 'Tobenai Tenshi' and 'Kami o Tsugu Shoujo' respectively. Tiffany and Godoa are villians from 'Kami o Tsugu Shoujo'.