Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Ice Alchemist ❯ Begaining cold spell ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Sixteen years before Ed became a alchemist

It was a snowy Dec night in central as Fuhrer Jonathan and Rose Darkclaw were getting ready to turn in for the night. They were both well known in Central and the surrounding cities for the work between the people and the millirty. As they were heading up the stairs there was a large knock on the door. "Who could be knocking at this time of night?" rose asked looking out the window but saw nothing but the falling snow. Jonathan shook his head and opened the door looking out into the snow covered streets. They were empty and silent, he was about to shut the door when a crying made him look down. At first he thought someone had abandon a kitten at his door in a woven basket covered in a pink sheet, but as he pulled the sheet away he saw two small babies that couldn't be older then a few days old. One dressed in pink the other in blue. Rose gasped from behind him, she pushed past him kneeling beside the basket. "Oh Jonathan their so cute. Who ever would abandon them"" I don't know, but the public knows that we were trying to have a baby. I guess someone gave us our wish.." He saw a paper tucked in the side of the basket. Rose picked up the girl and he took the basket with the baby inside pulling the paper."What does it say honey?" Rose asked coming up beside him again rocking the baby who smiled up at her.He read it outloud:Faye lee and Angelus born on Oct. 31 Love can only go so far "That’s a weird massage." Jonathan said putting the paper down picking up the crying boy. "Whatever it means they wanted us to take care of them and right now they look tired." Thomas nodded heading upstairs Ten years later "Brother were are you brother?" Ten year old Faye called out searching the fire city of Eastern city of Ishbal. Her foster mother and father were resigned here to control the upraising, but it turned into something more. Hundred of Isabel’s and Millry were dead. All because the Ishbal didn't believe in Alchemy. She had been playing with her brother in a park nearby when gunshots rang out, fire and people fighting. They had tried to get back to their temper home but they got separated. She ran and finally found him he had short red hair messed up as he struggled to use alchemy to help a family trapped in their home. Even for as talented he was in alchemy it would take more then one person she dropped the ball she was caring and ran over to her twins side and with both of their help they managed to make a door out of a wall and a man and a women clinch a baby came out they looked at them coldly seeing what they did and pushed past them disappearing into the darkness. "well that was nice of them" Angel said shaking his head dusting himself off. "Don't blame them brother their believe that alchemy is against their god their just doing what they believe is right we are the ones invading there town and believes." He smiled at his twin. "your going to be a peace talker like mother" She smiled back and grabbed his arms pulling him. "come on we have to find mom and dad." They followed a ally to stay out of the fighting and were coming upon their home when a stench of blood filled the air and their they found them. Still in military clothing face down on the street their father stabbed thought the heart and lied in a pool of his own blood and their mother who was a alchemist and looked like she put up a fight by the damage to the nearby building beside a alchemist circle traced in the dirt her throat slit. "MOM...DAD" Faye screamed. Before her brother could stop her she ran towards them but the weight of the buildings could no longer hold up. And she looked up in time to see the building falling on her. She saw someone grabbing her brother dragging him away as the building fall on top of her.