Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Spirit of Alchemy ❯ I Have a Confession: Contestant Number One, Step Forward ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fletcher grabbed her hand. "It's so awesome to meet you!! I've heard of you, your father and you were really famous, but then, after he died you swore only to use Alchemy in life-threatening situations and -- Huh?" he stopped, catching Michi's look.

She just stared at him. "How did you know that? And do you have to yell it!?!"

Fletcher stood there silently. Ed and Al stared at Michi. "You what?" Ed asked.

"Yeah, he's right. But still....."

Ed smirked. "Looks like you're already off on the wrong foot, Fletcher." he muttered.

Fletcher glared, but wasn't able to say anything back, without Michi noticing. "Hey, Michi? Follow me!"

"H-huh? To where?"

"You'll see! Come on!" Fletcher said, dragging her away.

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< br>
Michi followed Fletcher helplessly. She wondered for a second just what was going to happen. How did he know about her swear? How..? She'd only ever told one person, and that one person had betrayed her. She'd thought she could trust him, but.. Shaking her head to clear it, she looked at Fletcher. 'The manner in which they both hold themselves is so similar... Or am I just thinking that because he knew my secret somehow?'

Almost as if he could sense her stare, he stopped walking and turned around to face her. "Michi... I've heard about you. I wanted to spend the day with you, to get to know you better!" His annoying self-confidence had faded in to what appeared to be childish wonder.

Michi blinked. "U-uh..? Okay..." I definately don't trust him. Especially considering his attitude earlier...

The blonde haired boy smiled -- or was it a smirk? -- Michi couldn't be sure. At any rate, the corners of his mouth lifted up in what might've been a friendly expression, or a very triumphant in-your-face one. He grabbed Michi's hand, laced his fingers with hers, and walked off, ignoring her quiet protests.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------

Meanwhile, Ed and Al were watching them walk off.

"I don't trust him, Al.."

"Something seems different about him since we last met, brother."

"Definately. I wonder.. Is it safe to leave her alone with him?"

Al looked at his brother. Ed's face didn't have a trace of his usual expression, instead, it was wracked with concern. If Al had physically had a heart, it would've ached, just looking at him.

"What if she likes spending time with him more than with m--... us, and--?" Ed asked, pausing before finishing his sentence. "-- And, what if she goes with him?"

"B-brother? Do you think she would do that?"

"Y'know Al, I really don't know.. But what I do know is that Fletcher's no good now, and we have to make sure she's okay."


"Uh..!" Ed stopped in his tracks, sweatdropping. "B-because........ Uh................ Um........"

" 'Because'...?" Al asked, peering over Ed's shoulder.

"Becauseeeee.........." Ed was poking his two index fingers together. "Because.... Well, because! C'mon!" He grabbed Al's arm and dragged him, Al yelping.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------

"H-hey.." Michi started. Fletcher stopped moving, catching her unaware. She crashed gently into his back. "O-oh! I'm sorry!" She tried to move away, but Fletcher held fast.

"It's okay, don't worry. I shouldn't have stopped so quickly. What was it you wanted to say?"

"Well.. It's just that.. We're in the middle of the woods.. So where are we going to go?"

A few moment's silence followed. Ed and Al were watching from behind a tree. Ed smacked his forehead. "Fletcher's a genius, isn't he?" 'But still.. She raises a good point. Come to think of it, where am I going to take her?' Al just watched silently, also contemplating the same question Ed was. 'Where?'

"F-Fletcher?" Michi stuttered, uncertain.

"Huh? Oh! Well, I can't tell you, because...." He leaned closer to her.


"Because it's a surprise!"

Michi blinked. Ed glared. "Yeah, nice save," he muttered just under his breath.

Fletcher nodded to himself, looking satisfied. "Yup! It's a surprise! Now, follow this path for a while, okay? Just go around that curve there and wait for me."

"H-huh? Aren't you coming too, Fletcher?"

"Yes, but not yet. I have to get something to make it a good surprise."

"O.....okay.." Michi said, walking forward.

Fletcher smirked to himself, and headed towards the tree that Ed and Al were behind. Ed gasped and held his breath, not daring to breathe. He pulled his head back, behind the tree to avoid being seen. After a few moments, he peeked back out, and to his surprise, heard a voice behind him.

"Are you trying to sabotage us?"

Ed jumped nearly a mile -- he certainly was above the trees. Fletcher smirked, then grinned. Ed was yelling profanities, but not loudly enough for Michi to hear -- he didn't want to blow his cover any more than he already had.

"Hey, you never said I couldn't watch."

Fletcher just laughed. It was a cold laugh, quite unlike his normal one. Ed blinked, shocked at the difference between the laughs. Fletcher, evidently, was very amused...... Or slightly insane. Ed was leaning towards the latter option.

"Back off, Ed."

Ed blinked a few times, not registering what the blonde-haired boy had said. "Wh-wha?" he asked stupidly.

"I said, back off. Michi's mine, she'll never go for a shrimp like you."

Ed was too surprised by Fletcher's personality change to even register the insult..... Right away. Fletcher was already walking back, turning around the curve before Ed had started yelling. "WHODOYOUTHINKYOUARECALLINGMEAMEGATINYTHINGTHATNOTEVENABUGWOULDBEAFRAIDOFOH ANDALSOWHOAREYOUCALLING--" the rest of his shout, Fletcher blocked out. He walked towards Michi, smirking. He had better things to take care of.........

~AN: Ha! Not the end.. I bet you thought it was! I just wanted to pause in here as sort of an 'intermission', and to apologize for my lack of updates as of late. Just when I was starting to get fans, too. Sorry guys! I've had a lot going on, and little inspiration. I wanted to make a banner for these three chapters, with each of the 'contestants' in the spotlight, but.. I just haven't the time, and I really feel badly about not updating. So, here you are! Another chapter! Hopefully I'll be able to get the next two installations up within a week -- but, I thought this one'd be up much quicker too, so... These things never go according to plan. Also, I'd like to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to anyone celebrating it today (although, chances are, this won't even be posted today). I'm going to push myself to keep writing, even though it's already 12:42 AM, and I have to be up relatively early, and I'm exhausted. Oh, and the spelling may be horrible in this chapter -- I can't spell correctly. Anyway, read on! ~

Michi turned around to look at Fletcher, who's expression had melted into one of happiness. He had his hands behind his back, almost as if he was holding something. He smiled, and held out his closed fists to Michi. "Pick a hand, either one!" Michi blinked.

"Um.. That one," she said, pointing to the hand on her left, his right. He opened it, to reveal......... Nothing. "Aw!" Michi said. Fletcher opened both hands, revealing a golden locket. Michi gasped. It shone in the light, almost as brilliantly as her key.

"Here Michi! I got this for you!" he smiled.

"Wh-when did you have time to get it?"

"Get it? Oh! I made it."

"You made it?!"


"But, isn't it against the law to use alchemy to make gold?"

"Aw, that's only State Alchemists, and in transactions. I'm just giving you a present."

"Well, it's very impressive."

"Here, let me put it on you, Michi-san." Fletcher walked closer to Michi, the locket in his hands. Michi lifted her raven hair up, away from her neck so Fletcher could fasten the clasp. His hands brushed against her neck slightly, sending a shiver up her spine. He made a tiny sound, almost a laugh, or a cough. It could've been Michi's imagination, but he seemed to be giving her shivers on purpose, and liking her reaction. "There," Fletcher said, jarring her from her thoughts.

"Thank you!" Michi smiled, examining the necklace. It glittered brightly.

"Now, how about you take off the key, Michi?"


"You shouldn't wear two necklaces at once. It makes the locket look dull."

"B-but, I don't want to take it off."

"Why not?"

"I-it..." Michi looked down, unsure. She needed time to figure out an explanation that wasn't too out there. "I.. It's my good luck charm. It helps me." With a tiny sigh of relief, Michi noticed that the key didn't point this out as a lie.

"Still.. I can hold it for you, just while we're doing what we're going to do. You don't want to ruin it if it's your good luck charm, do you?"


"Then let me see it. I'll put it in my pocket, right here. It'll be safe," he said, gesturing towards his pocket.

"A-alright.." Michi slowly took the key off from around her neck, not knowing what else to do. Part of her mind screamed "NO!" at the thought of letting go, and the other half argued back, "What if he's right? I don't want it ruined, after all." Fletcher flashed his smirk/grin again, and reached out for the key. For a split second, Michi considered not letting go, but then the key was out of her grasp, and in Fletcher's hand. He pocketed the key, and smiled more hugely. "Now, let's go!" Michi, beginning to feel quite like a child's favorite rag doll, was dragged along once again.


Meanwhile, Ed was watching. "That idiot girl! What does she think she's doing?! She shouldn't hand that key over just like that!"

"Brother, it didn't look like she had a choice."

"Still! Fletcher better not do anything to her key. She needs that."

Al sighed, wondering when this whole fiasco would be over. Then, he started, realizing that his turn was next. 'M-maybe I should just forfeit... I mean, there's no way I can do anything that will compare to either Fletcher or Brother..' He decided he would. Nodding to himself -- or, attempting to --, he only heard the ending of his brother's sentence.

"-- her, Al?"

Al just stared, confused. "Huh?"

"I said, 'Where do you think he's taking her, Al?' I bet it's someplace in town."

"I don't think so, Brother. If he'd been intending to do that, he would've waited until we were closer to the town -- it's still far from here. This whole thing seems set up."

Ed nodded, feeling very uneasy. "Well, regardless, I don't like it."

------------------------------------------------------------ --

"Ooh, Fletcher, I love it!"

Fletcher grinned to himself, watching Michi. "I knew you'd like it."

"It's wonderful! Awesome!" Michi raved on. Fletcher chuckled, listening to her. "And and and-- It's gorgeous! How did you know that I love looking down at water from a cliff?"

"Just a lucky guess, I guess." He sat down next to the girl, who was still bouncy with excitement. "Michi..." He said, pulling her closer to him, and putting his arm around her. Michi visibly stiffened, concentrating on the water far, far below. Fletcher, noticing this, backed off.

"Michi.. I just wanted to say, thanks."

"Huh?" she asked, all distrust vanishing from her posture almost immediately.

"You let me bring you here. For that, I'm thankful."

"Oh? Well, it was no problem, so don't worry about it. Okay?" She smiled. "I love it here anyway."

Fletcher smirked. Or maybe Michi was just imagining it, because when she looked again, it was just a normal smile.

"So.." Fletcher started. "Are you hungry?"

Michi nodded. "Yeah.... Starving!"

Fletcher nodded. "Then, let's get back to the others. They'll be hungry too, I bet. Plus, they've been following us for some time now."


AN: Sorry guys, I wanted to write more, REALLY, I did! However, I just don't have any energy left. x-x; I'm exhausted, and I forgot to take my medication tonight -- I should go do that now. Maybe I'll get the other chapters up soon, but x-x; Don't hold your breath, you'll probably pass out. XD Plus, hopefully you guys will be so happy with the new chapter FINALLY being put up that you won't murder me *Hides behind her computer chair* Just remember, hurt me and no next chapter! XD

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, and hopefully the next chapter will be up soon!

Chapter 11: Contestant Number Two, Dig Your Grave