Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Sacrifice ❯ Ready, Set... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Unknown Sacrifice
AU from Manga chapter 35
Chapter 5 - Ready, Set…
After following the woman through the city, Scar found himself in the back shadows of what looked like an abandoned warehouse. The bricks were crumbling in places where the climbing vegetation decided to use them as a soil substitute. The windows were boarded up, and the rotting boards made the Ishvaran wonder as to the elapsed time since the building was last…actively used. Next door the barred windows gave the building away as the Central Jail, Scar's new home if he found himself caught.
After looking menacingly at the prison, as if daring it to hold him in its walls, Scar looked once again at the building Genyou lead him to. Despite its now lonely, run-down state it had the air about it that it was once filled with important people and thing and true it itself, the building still harbored their secrets.
“Coming?” the red head asked, drawing Scar's attention once again to animate things.
Scar lowered his gaze to her form. She had managed to find the door behind some of the vegetation and was waiting in the frame. With an affinitive reply he went to join her, noting the barbed wire on the walls surrounding the place.
Once inside the drab building, Scar followed Genyou down a main hallway, off on a side one to the left, down two flights of stairs into another dark hallway and to the second to last door on the right.
Genyou opened the door and held it open, signaling that Scar should enter. He did, but warily. This woman was not exactly trust worthy.
Scar stepped in and flicked the lights, unlike the hallways which were lit but dim green lights along the floors; this room was lit by a 10 layer crystal chandler. No outside light provided great detail as the windows were boarded up. The room was huge, large enough to house 10 military offices (hey, I think Roy's office is the same size as my room, so it is pretty big). There was a four post bed with a canopy in the center and a fire place with overstuffed arm chairs in an arch around it. Small tables between the chairs could be used to hold drinks or books. Bookshelves lined the west wall and in a corner sat a grand piano covered for dust protection. The dark skinned man would not have thought that the inside of such a fallen out of favor place could contain such a room.
“Sorry about the windows,” the red head said, interrupting his survey of the room. “But we like to…keep the appearance that this place is empty.”
She gave a small wave with her hand to indicate the entire structure, not just the current room.
Receiving a nod from the guest, who did not show her the courtesy to turn around, Genyou “hmph”ed and left locking the door behind her.
Scar heard the click of the door and snapped around. Why would they want to keep him in there? The self proclaimed God's right had then recalled his impression of the building and the smug? way it seemed to suggest it contained many secrets. So, what did this have to do with the alchemist Fullmetal Edward Elric?
Scar took off his glasses and deposited them on a near by table. He than wandered over to a window to watch the sky set between the planks. He always hated the way Central's buildings got in the way. The desert home never presented such problems. Sighing, the Ishvaran hoped his questions were to be answered tomorrow night.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
With Al's crude map and the supplies gathered by the unit, Mustang's men had a composed a plan. They were going to sneak onto the grounds the same way the Elrics had before, by climbing the wall. Then Hawkeye and Havoc were to take out the two guards. Falman, who turned out to be an accomplished lock pick, would open the door. Major Armstrong was to stay behind and put to use the long standing Armstong family talent of standing guard.
The day was spent throwing grappling hooks over an imitation wall. Alphonse and Havoc managed to perfect the art after only seven throws. While the Colonel had succeeded on the third one, he was unable to repeat the event. He was put even more to shame when Hawkeye got a bull's-eye her first time after calling him useless. Apparently she had been rock climbing a couple times.
The rest were not so successful. After declaring that “throwing a grappling hook was a technique passed down through the Armstong family” the major tossed one up and punched it. The effect was one that was not desired, in the fact that the hook turned into a missile. It went straight through the wall and imbedded itself in the wall of Central HQ on the other side of the military complex plaza. It twanged as it stuck while Armstrong strode off mumbling about using Hawkeye's.
Fury, Falman, and Brenda also had their share of adventure. Seeling Al and Havoc throw successfully Falman threw his hook as hard as he could. It did nothing for his aim. It ricocheted off the wall's top and hit Alphonse in the helmet. Al, being empty, lost it. It rolled to the ground where it interrupted Brenda's “sure-fire” stance and caused him to fall on Fury after an attempt to regain his balance. Fury made a funny noise that will never again fall on the ears of any human and felt something crack.
Havoc's mouth had dropped wide open in shock, and contrary to Newton's discovery his cigarette still managed to stay in his mouth. Al had dropped to his knees with a clank and started feeling around on the ground.
“My head!” he cried.
“Here you go Alphonse,” Hawkeye had picked up the rolling metal top and handed it back to the boy.
“Oh, thank you First Lieutenant!” Al stood up and relieved her of his head. He fitted it on fill a dull klack.
Mustang, and Havoc after recovering, managed to get Brenda up to reach Fury. His eyes were spinning and he was having trouble breathing. Brenda got down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.
“Fury, I'm soooo sorry. I'm really really really sorry!! I'll bake you cookies, I swear! Please don't die!!” he sobbed, tears wetting his shirt. The lack of response just increased the flow.
“Brenda stop whining and help me get Fury up,” Mustang barked.
After a 1, 2, 3, the two of them managed to get Fury on his feet.
“Falman,” Mustang ordered, “Help Brenda take Fury to the medical wing.”
“Yes sir,” the officer saluted and took Fury's weight from his superior.
Roy shook his head as he watched the three retreat. Honestly, the only thing they had going for them was their undying loyalty and that they were as scared of Hawkeye as he was. Sighing he turned back to the remainder of his crew.
“Well, I don't need anymore practice,” he boasted, standing straight and inflating. Just as quickly he became a deflated humpback at the glare Hawkeye gave him.
Mustang coughed into his fist.
“We meet here half an hour before dusk, come in black.”
“Yes sir!” came curt responses accompanied with salutes.
HEY!!!! Let me know what you guys think please! If you like, I most likely will update more.