Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Yui's Philosiphy ❯ Chapter four: Darkness is to light as friendship is to betrayal ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter four: Darkness is to light as friendship is to betrayal

I know that I've already told you about how betrayal and friendship has changed me, and how I feel about it. But please, just sit and listen…I'll even make you a cup of hot chocolate if you'd like. I just need someone to hear me out.

I've been depressed, suicidal, angry, vengeful, and everything else except for loved. No, my parents didn't love me-they were always at work, and I rarely got to speak with them. It's odd…I feel cold, but warm. I try to open my eyes, but even then I only see darkness. Everything in my world is a contradiction, and I'm getting sick of these endless paradoxes.

Please, just sit awhile. I don't want to be left here alone.