Gakuen Alice Fan Fiction ❯ All things invisible. ❯ Bitter Ghosts and Forgotten Dance Floors ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~Ch. 5 Bitter Ghosts and Forgotten Dance Floors~
Quiet, complete and utter quiet. Mandy like it that way, she didn't like the fact that suddenly the 
silence would be shattered. It was always like this she thought, the twittering of bitter ghosts 
roaming around long forgotten dance floors. Closing her eyes she pictured dancing there with the 
idiot Tsubasa, but somehow it didn't feel right. In her minds eye she swung from Tsubasa's grasp to 
the mysterious boy with blue-silver eyes. She tried to open her eyes to get away from the vision, but 
her eyes refused. Fear swept over her as he danced with her, the ghosts silently swaying around 
them, Tsubasa faded away when the voice of Misaki rang in the air, the sun began to rise, and the 
boy with star-like eyes faded away as well, as if the day bid him to go. Screaming Mandy reached 
out to him, panic seizing her heart. She was more afraid of being alone then being with the boy, but 
he left anyway. Tears streamed from her eyes, she felt so abandoned, so alone, she cried, streamers 
lying on the forgotten floor. Then a ï¬rm hand grasped her, looking up she saw Reo. The tears dried 
on her face and she smiled, but suddenly his face was consumed in flames. She screamed his name 
as a beam lay across her legs, trapping her in the burning barn. Then she saw the boy again...........

A scream reiterated through the entire school, waking up almost everyone. Mandy shot from bed 
like a missal and ran out. A girl with purple hair and pink eyes looked up from the book she was 
reading as a teary-eyed girl ran past, a red dragon hairtrye falling at her feet. Sighing Eleanor Finch 
looked after the girl. 'so that was Mandy huh? She looks more hurt then evil' thought Eleanor. 
Standing up she grabbed the hairtye, staring at it she suddenly sensed it would be needed. Puting 
down her book sister to the wolf Eleanor followed Mandy into the darkest part of the northern 
forest, the graveyard. Straightening her highschool uniform she prepared herself to walk into the 
sad scene.
Mandy was huddled by a grave, her body twisted, tears flowing down her face as if she had found 
someone to conï¬de in. That's when she looked up and saw Eleanor. Gasping, she tried to hide her 
tears and resume her emotionless mask, but Eleanor beat her too it. "Hey, I won't tell anyone ok? 
Just let me sit here, I think we both know that you could use some company." a small smile was 
Mandy's only response. Sitting down Eleanor gave Mandy the hairtye. "I believe this is yours" 
mandy smiled her thanks, bringing a gentle light to her pale face. That's when Eleanor noticed how 
drained Mandy looked. "hey, what's wrong? You don't look so good...." so Mandy explained her 
dream. "Kyah!! That's so cute!" exclaimed Eleanor nocking Mandy over as she jumped up and 
down. Mandy just stared. Eleanor blushed in embarrassment. "Ah! see, I have the 
alice of matchmaking, so...." she laughed nervously "I just can't help myself when I ï¬nd a perfect 
match." Mandy stared.
Then she said something that even Natsume would be shocked at. "Thank you......." Eleanor just 
smiled brightly and said "Hey, anytime, after all, we're friends right?" Mandy blinked, then nodded 
with a smile. "Yes, friends." and with that Eleanor hugged her, saying her goodnights as she rushed 
off to bed. In Mandy's mind eye the scene of her dream changed. She leaned back against the tree 
and let the dream take over her senses.
+The dream+
Mandy wasn't alone anymore, dancing on the floor with her was all her friends, the people she had 
met recently. There was Felicity, Rosette, Rosalynn, Lily, Clara, Alexandra, and of course, Eleanor. 
They were laughing, the ghosts disappearing with each smile that Mandy made. Tsubasa came up 
with Misaki, and though Mandy felt a tug on her heart, she smiled at them, it didn't seem to matter 
suddenly, that Tsubasa loved another. That's when she spotted Reo on the other side.....with each 
step he took a smile faded and a ghost reappeared. Soon her friends had formed a wall in front of 
her, somehow Mandy was glad, she knew she shouldn't be, she should be happy to see Reo, but 

somehow......she didn't feel the same love from him as from her friends. Suddenly she was back in 
the burning barn, and this time her friends lay around her, dead. Tears streamed from her eyes, and 
she did not scream Reo's name, she looked up at the silvery-blue eyed boy, and for the ï¬rst time, she 
found her eyes meeting his pleadingly. He reached out to her.........then a shot rang out, she cried as 
he fell over the beam, shot in the back. Looking up she saw Reo, he was laughing and with a smirk 
he said "I lied, I never loved you. So now that you're here, you might as well just die......die......"

+End dream+
Mandy woke up in her bed, clutching her pillow to her heart. Was this an omen? If she kept relying 
on Reo would her friends suffer for it? Would the silvery-blue eyed boy suffer too? Somehow she 
felt her heart wrench in silent scream of despair at the thought of his dying. Did she love that boy? 
No, she loved Tsubasa....but did she? She didn't know, the only thing she knew was that she hated 
bitter ghosts and forgotten dance floors, with all her heart.
to be continued....
Will Mandy ever get to meat the strange boy of her dreams? Will Reo really betray her? And how 
will she ever tell her friends about her involvement with their sworn enemy..........
Read on to ï¬nd out!
~Stardust Remedy