Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the China ❯ Runaway monk ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Pirates of the China
Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki. No hope.
Warning: Shonen ai coming
Genjyo Sanzo is Dou Shaiming, the only son of a wealthy shopkeeper. His father sent him to a Buddhist monastery to become a monk. He tried it one week, decided he would make a lousy Buddhist and took his leave. His father is still searching for him.
Cho Hakkai is Hsiao Wen. Once a soldier, now a scholar and a healer he is travelling aimlessly to forget his love towards his sister. The only thing scarier than the dynamite he carries is his patient smile.
Sha Gojyo is a youkai pirate Chao Xiong. The flamehaired pirate is a playboy and a typical lone wolf. He would never admit it but he is searching for one true love and it isn't necessarily a she.
Son Goku is Feng Tu, a homeless youkai boy with a bottomless stomach and happy-go-lucky attitude. His strength is infamous and so is his liking of blondes. He fights with a staff.
Kougaiji is Wei Huo. This marine captain is Chao Xiong's archenemy and has a thing for Hsiao Wen. His closest aides are his younger siblings.
Dokugakuji, Yaone and Lirin are Wei Kang, Wei Zhu and Wei Qiong, lieutenants of their eldest brother.
Dougan is Rong. He was a monk in the monastery Dou Shaiming was sent. He fell in love with him and is now searching for him. He is an exorcist and a candidate for the title Sanzo.
Gyoukumen Koushu is Xiaochen, a halfbreed bitch extraordinaire who sleeps with anyone and loves no one. This pirate queen's dream is to conquer Shanghai.
Hakuryuu (Goujun) is Si Ma Tian, the albino military commander of Shanghai who likes Hsiao Wen very much. He is Xiaochen's halfbrother.
Part one:
Runaway monk
Dou Shaiming hated annoying people with passion. The monastery he had been sent by that idiot of a father had been full of annoying people, who were self-righteous and without a mind of their own. Lee Rong had been the worst. He was young all right but he was neither stupid nor blind and that obsessing had been really creepy. Returning home would have helped a little so he had decided he would become a mercenary. People he would have to deal with would be annoying too no doubt but at least that way he would get to shoot most of them.
Those wanted posters were a bad thing, thought. China was big but travelling sucked and most of backwater inns would be lousy no doubt. He would go to Shanghai. But to do that he had to disguise himself. Gods truly had a terrifying sense of humour because the best disguise he could come up with was monk's robes. The ridiculous hat they often wore when travelling would hide both his hair and face. And because militia would be searching for a boy that had run away from monastery they wouldn't spare a glance for monk. The negative side was that peasants were all the time demanding religious acts like preaching from him. He wasn't a preacher for a good reason.
Dou Shaiming hated bars for the lowlifes that habituated them but he loved sake. The answer to that dilemma was to buy the sake and go somewhere else to drink it. If he would get to buy it first. Shaiming glared evilly longhaired girl in a marine uniform.
“What do you want?” he snapped. The girl smiled to him shyly and gave him very enthusiastic bow.
“I am marine officer Wei Zhu. I am sorry to disturb you, sir monk, but you seem to be the most reliable person in this whole village. Have you seen this man here?” She showed him the picture of a redhaired man with a cocky smirk and one earring. There was a name Chao Xiong on it. Shaiming shook his head.
“I would remember a man that irritating,” he said. The marine woman chuckled.
“My big brother would agree with you,” she said. “If you see him would you be so kind to come to our local office and tell us about it?”
“I am only passing by,” Shaiming stated nonchalantly. The woman nodded still smiling.
“I see. I wish you a peaceful travelling,” she said. At least she wasn't asking for prayers.
Rong had been following his Dou Shaiming's footsteps thus far. He didn't like travelling at all but he would follow his beloved to the end of the world. He reached to touch his back without conscious effort. There wrapped into tissue paper and placed into box was an orange paper aeroplane. Dou Shaiming had given it to him when he had asked for it. The reason the object of his affections had fled from the monastery was obviously his unwillingness to live in celibacy. Rong understood perfectly well. He could have told the boy that a wow was only a wow after all. You didn't need to take those things so seriously. Of course the honesty of the youth was very enticing and this quest was an opportunity to prove his dedication to the boy.
Rong spotted a travelling monk on s little street near the harbour. Maybe the man would have seen a blonde pretty boy in this village or on the road or even heard of one. There hadn't been any traces of him lately so every clue would be important. He started approaching the man but stopped when a young marine officer started a conversation with him. He didn't want to bother them and most likely his Dou would stay away from monks anyway. He overheard the woman asking about some criminal or other brute when he turned to leave.
“Ah, to each their charges,” he muttered. His was at leas much more pleasant.
The marine woman bowed to him again and was about to take her leave when three rough-looking men started approach them and their walking screamed lecherous. Shaiming gritted his teeth and let his hand fall to his gun. He had more important things to do than fight off some idiots who thought too much of themselves. Wei Zhu sighed. Most of these good-for-nothings at least respected her uniform but there an obviously generous amount of alcohol was added to sexual frustration.
“Wouldja like some company, vixen?” one of men stuttered. He was absolutely reeking, Zhu decided. She shook her head firmly.
“No, I don't and I'm here on official business so please leave us now.” Shaiming cringed. Politeness never got you anywhere. Men laughed.
“With th' monk?” Blackhaired brute with and eye pad grabbed Zhu's left arm.
“We can give ya better sex than the pretty lady…” Men had one second to laugh at that before Shaiming shot. Zhu had just managed to draw her sabre and she stared the bleeding, whining man at her feet. The two suddenly sobered men stared Shaiming who gave them his best evil glare. They swallowed and began to run.
“Stop or he'll shoot you!” Zhu shouted. Shaiming didn't think he would have bothered to waste his bullets but the men took the threat seriously and ceased running.
Zhu handcuffed them humming contently and turned to look Shaiming. Shaiming was wondering if she never got tired smiling like a complete bubblehead.
“You are pretty dangerous for a monk, sir,” she said. Shaiming stared at her. She started sweatdropping and her smile wavered a bit.
“Anyway, you need to follow me to the office. Technically this isn't marine duty of course but I like to help the local militia whenever I can. What is your name, sir monk?” she asked. Shaiming ceased his eyebrow.
“What is it to you?” he demanded. Zhun sweatdropped some more.
“Well, I need to add it to the report. Big brother is not fussy about these things but name is rather elementary.” She turned to look at men who were very whiny and pitiful compared to few minutes ago.
“I know one of these. There is bounty promised of him,” she spotted the man with short light hair. Shaiming considered it. Extra money wouldn't be a hindrance but better not to tell his right name. It was possible that the marine had been informed of him as well.
“My name is Heng,” he said.
The man standing in the shadows was almost sorry when the odd group left the street. Wei Zhu was always fun to tease and the tantrums his brothers would always throw afterwards added nice edge to his life. But he was a gentleman above all and Wei Zhu certainly had her hands full with those guys. He smirked. The triggerhappy priest seemed to be very interesting person. Pity the ridiculous hat prevented him from looking whether he was handsome as well. When he thought that Dou Shaiming got suddenly a mysterious urge to shoot someone. Or whack someone with a paper fan. He should absolutely buy one, he thought absentmindedly.