Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Rain: MSTed ❯ ... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


By Elizabeth

Found on FF.NET

In a dark, deserted movie theatre were three people munching contentedly on their popcorns when the screen suddenly flashed. Biggs, Twinky and DancingBaby all groaned.

"Oh no, don't tell me..."

"Yes, it is, Biggs," Twinky nodded gravely.

DancingBaby just kept on munching silently.

"Looks like they found a really awful fic."

"But I don't wanna be here!"

Twinky paused. "You're getting paid to do this, remember?"

"The things I do... how awful is this?!"

Twinky slowly replied with a cunning smile. "ABSOLUTELY awful."

Biggs started to run towards the exit when DancingBaby caught his shirt and hauled him back to his seat.

"Thank you, Baby!"

DancingBaby just grunted.

The opening credits began to roll.

With wide eyes, Biggs said," And so, it beginssssss…"

Genodomden Siayuki

Biggs: ... Is there any chance we could skip straight to the ending?

Twinky: ^_^ No.

DancingBaby: ... *points to the screen* SPELLING. NOT RIGHT.

Biggs: Uh, I think we could see that.

Twinky: Shhh!!


DancingBaby: RAIN.

Biggs: Rain?

DancingBaby: RAIN.

Twinky: -_-;; SHADDUP AND WATCH.

Sazno was traveling with his group of friends call goku, goyo and hakai

Twinky: Sazno?

DancingBaby: ...

Biggs: Goyo? Who in heavens is that?

to a town somewhere in thee middle of the desert and


Biggs: You wish, my dear.

Twinky: Cool it, Baby.

they were tired because they have fight with demons everyday

Biggs: Hey, what about me? I had to wake up everyday to listen to my sister imitating Britney Spears in the bathroom.

Twinky: *rolls her eyes* A fate worse than death.

and they ddnt rest and goku was crying abut how he wanted foo

DancingBaby: 0.0

Biggs: Foo?

Twinky: Maybe it's just FOOD. *shakes her head and mutters 'dimwits'*

and gojo was moaning about how he want women and sanzo jus shriek at them to shtut their holes up or hell beat the crap out of him

Biggs: Let's dismiss the possibility of REALLY bad grammar for a minute here, honey...

All: *screams in delight* BECAUSE GENJO SANZO'S HERE!!!

but that was before hakkai saw a town nearby and his eyes widen and he shouted hooray we are here.almost.

Twinky: Almost?

Biggs: Hakkai's suffering from grammatical problems, I see.

DancingBaby: *points at screen* WRITER. IDIOT.

so hang on people we are going for the ride of our live.

Biggs: to a town not more than a few meters away.

Twinky: That's just sad.

All: *slouches down on their seats.*

Two days later

Twinky: Two...

Biggs: Shhh!

Sanxo was walking in the street when he saw th e most pretty girl ever,

Biggs: [Pretty Girl] Give it to me, baby, uh-

Twinky: LET'S not even GO there!

DB: *looks at his empty carton and snatches Biggs' when he isn't looking*

and he said are you lost and she said no mister I jus wan my kitty back

Twinky: *blinks* Sanzo WASN'T supposed to say that. What happened to my bad-assed angel?

Biggs: Don't despair, honey. This isn't Sanzo, dear, it's Sanxo.

and he said well good luck because I cant help you because I have a boyfriend and his name is goku and hell be mad at me

Biggs: He wants HELL to be mad at HIM?! Okay, he obviously has some issues here.

Twinky: *cheers* YEAH, BABY! HANDS OFF HIM BECAUSE HE HAS GOKU- *stops* He can't help her find her stupid cat because he has GOKU?

DB: *snorts* SANZO. IDIOT.

All: HEY!

if I go away so take care now oyou hear and he walk away.

Twinky: *faints from too much Sanzo-niceness.*

Biggs: Are you all right, Twinky? *offers cup of tea*

The girl stand on the streets looking at sanzo

Twinky: Can't blame her.

Biggs: What's a girl stand?

and she says yu ar the most handsomest boy I see

Biggs: To no one in particular.

and now you will be mine because I like you and fell in lov with u in tfirst siht.

Twinky: [Sanzo] SHADDUP AND DIE! *pulls trigger*

I will kil that goku boy too.


All: Because Goku can whip your ass before you even know it, missy!

She walk out never notice the admiwing look everyone gives her because they like her long shiny glossy silky black hair

Biggs: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

DB/Twinky: *horrified look*

and fair cremy smooth skin she look like a model but she didn kno it

Biggs: *snorts* A pathetic attempt at- *looks at his fellow MSTers*

DB/Twinky: OH MY GOD, IT'S A-

Biggs: Save THAT till the end.

because she is the mos honest prosn on earth

Twinky: ...Prosn?

Biggs: Just a spelling error, dear.

and even more pretty than her ugly sisters

Twinky: *weakly* I can't bear to say it out loud...

Biggs: But you must *nods firmly*


and then she hid behind swalls

All: Swalls? What's that?


Twinky: Baby, I never knew you had it in you.

and spy on sanzo th handsome blond and then he saw her

Biggs: Looks like the wall didn't do much good, after all.

Twinky: *checks dictionary* Walls are thick solids that are impossible to look through. Biggs, what does a swall do?

Biggs: Don't look at me.

and said arent you the girl earlier

Twinky: That's my Sanzo, who doesn't forget anything! *beams and hugs her fat Sanzo plushie*

DB/Biggs: *groans*

and she said yes I am

Biggs: *hopefully* And then Sanzo says "SHADDUP AND DIE!"


I fell in love with you and want to run away lets do that can we can we and then sanzo said no I am in lov with goku we can never be together and I un wan to runi your life because you have so much more to livfor

Biggs: *finally dies from painful over-used clichés*

Twinky: *dies from the unspeakable dialogues that seemed to fly restlessly out of Sanzo's mouth*


A week later

Biggs: This formidable creature called Mary Sue is arrested by the anti-Sue police.

All: It was a dream, Biggs.

the girl walk into the bar where sanzo and his frends are stayin

Twinky: [Hakkai] Hello, my name is Cho Hakkai! What's your name?

and everyone turn to gak at her because of her awestrk beauty and angelic features,

Twinky: [Hakkai] Oh, I know! ^_^ You must be MARY SUE!

and everyone got up and bow at her

Biggs: All hail the queen of dastardly Mary Sues.

DB: MARY SUE. YUCK. *throws popcorn on the floor and stomps on them*

Twinky: We know. We know.

but she jus blush and look away

Biggs: And saw her ugly sisters fondling Sanzo and dies from her stifling anger and the world is now minus one Mary Sue!

DB/Twinky: SOMEONE'S been watching too many movies.

and then she sees sanzo siting in the corner

Twinky: Because he was obviously trying to hide from her, of course.

and gracely sat down with her hair flowing

Twinky: Which got caught in something and was delightfully ripped off from her scalp.

Biggs: Caught in what?

Twinky: I DON'T KNOW!!

and she said I have ben searching fa r and wide for you

Biggs: [Sanzo] I'm sorry, but you're in the wrong anime. Please try, uh, say something like SAILORMOON?

Twinky: Where the headache Tuxedo Mask would surely come to your aid!

DB: ... *Blank look*

please come wif me I can not stand any longer

All: Neither can we.

and then sanzo cried

Twinky: HAH! YOU WISH!

Biggs: Well, the guy MUST have cried SOMETIME in his life.


and says noo but we canot alas because goku is my fair one he is I love most


Biggs: How touching. *sobs sarcastically*

ples understand it you are beautiful

DB: WE KNOW THAT!! Unfortunately.

so can have any boy u want

Twinky: But they sure don't want YOU!

and the girl fall to her knee and cried and her tears fall down

Biggs: Has anyone noticed there weren't any fullstops up till now?

and then drop to the floor and then the whole room change into one big place like heaven!

All: *sarcastically* OH WOW!!

and then sanzo look around with a shock face

Twinky: [Sanzo] The whole place changed... *face twist* BIG DEAL!

and said where are we now

Biggs: Heaven. *waves* Hi, Kanzeon! You have a Mary Sue polluting your grounds!

and she said this is my place no one can disturb us now and sanzo said


Biggs: You have to admit, it's getting really old.

please let me go goku is waiting or me

All: *cheers* Sanzo! Sanzo! Sanzo!

if you are good girl please let me go

Twinky: Otherwise, I'll be forced to spank your sorry ass.

Biggs: *shakes head*

and she said no sanzo no I love you too much please stay with ME ANOT Goku onegi.

Twinky: ...

Biggs: ...


And sanzo jus float the cloud

Biggs: You can't just FLOAT a cloud.

All: Unheard of.

and search for a exit and she jus fell down and cried,

Twinky: Let's celebrate!

and she has never look so beautiful in her life

Biggs: Let's NOT celebrate.

and sanzo took pity on her and grab her hand.suddenly goku appear in the girl,

Twinky: HOW is that POSSIBLE?

Biggs: Maybe Goku just died for some mysterious reason and was reincarnated into Miss Mary Sue!


may's secret world and goku fell to the floor because he saw sanzo holding hand

Biggs: That's disgusting.

Twinky: I agree. Sanzo, drop that hand now!!

and goku cried and stab himself with his fork.

Biggs: *mildly* Goku stabbed himself with a FORK?



Twinky: I'm suing you, the Author, for not watching the television series and even the manga.

Sanzo let go off mays hand quickly as fas as lignting


and carry goku head in his lap and sanzo cried

Biggs: [Sanzo] By the way, I didn't know you used a fork.

, and then the girl says I can heal him dont worry

Twinky: Yeah, don't worry. Mary Sues are ALWAYS perfect.

Biggs: Do I detect a hint of jealousy there, my dear? ^_^

DB: *looks at his (Biggs) empty carton and decides to snatch Twinky's unnoticed.

Twinky: That's absurd!

but ther will be a price to pay are you wilng to pay that my dear handsomest monk priest genjyou sanzo

Biggs: My dear handsomest monk priest Genjo Sanzo?

Twinky: FINALLY! It's over.

DB: *nods* ^_^