Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Love ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© May 3, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


It was half past midnight when Gojyo's eyes snapped open, gasping in sudden remembrance. He carefully got out of bed, giving Hakkai a tender kiss on the cheek. Putting on his undershirt, jeans and shoes, he hurried outside the room, down the stairs, and out the front door. He shivered for a moment, rubbing his bare arms, as a nippy breeze blew, and headed straight for his makeshift clothesline. Because of Hakkai's erratic behavior, Gojyo had decided to do his share of the chores.

As he took down the four pairs of jeans he had washed earlier, Gojyo cursed, "Shit! I can't believe I forgot to bring Sanzo's pants inside. Silly monk didn't even bother to remind me." He paused, his brows knitting together in a frown. "Wait a minute! Then that means he's not wearing anything under that robe." Gojyo burst into delighted chuckles. "Goku would have a field day if he finds out."


Gojyo turned on his heels at the sound of that blood-chilling moan. At first, he couldn't make anything out in the dark. A rustle in the bushes to his left caught his attention. As he looked on in shock, the doll emerged from the brush, its eyes glowing with malevolence.

The doll pointed a finger at the startled redhead. "We want you, Sha Gojyo!" it hissed, the desire heavy in its voice.

Instinctively, Gojyo summoned his jakujou and aimed the sharp crescent blade at the evil toy. The doll ducked, seeing the blade heading its way, but the edge slashed across its left calf. Gojyo was stunned to see the blood pouring out of the wound.

"What kind of creature did you become?" the redhead breathed in disgust.

The doll's face transformed into a hideous mask of rage, and it rushed towards a terrified Gojyo on its hands and toes like a demented crab.

"Stay away from me!" Gojyo shrieked as he unconsciously summoned up the flames.

Stopping a short distance from the redhead, the doll grinned wickedly and raised its right hand. The tattoo on Gojyo's shoulder flared a bright red. The half-breed screamed in pain as the tattoo sucked in the fire and sealed it. Gojyo swung the jakujou again, but mumbling a spell, the doll sent the weapon back from where it came.

Panic gripped the half-breed's heart, and he made a quick dash for the door, the doll following right at his heels. Running through the front door and into the living room, Gojyo hurled the pants at the doll, which the toy merely dodged. He raced up the stairs and through the second floor hallway, the pitter-patter of scuttling feet behind him sending a chill through his entire body.

Reaching his room, Gojyo made to push the door close, but a powerful force shoved the door wide open and flung the redhead backwards onto the bed.

Dread gripped Gojyo's heart as he stared at the door. Tiny fingers gripped the doorframe, and the doll peeked inside, smiling at him. Terrified, Gojyo yanked the covers over his head, as the doll crawled across the floor. Gojyo's heartbeat thundered in his ears, feeling a small body clamber onto the bed and inch its way up between his legs. The redhead wouldn't dare open his eyes, knowing that he would only behold that hideous face.

But then, that movement stopped. For a long time Gojyo waited. The doll, however, did not stir. Keeping his eyes shut, he cautiously reached between his thighs, his hand shaking violently and beads of sweat trickling down his temples. To his surprise, what his fingertips encountered were soft sheets. He couldn't help breathing out a relieved sigh.

However, when Gojyo peeled away the blanket and sat up, a shocking sight greeted him. Five heads – two on the left and three on the right side of the bed – were leering at him with lust and sheer malice, faces he knew all too well.

A chill went up his spine as the heads spoke in unison, "We've missed you, Gojyo."

A shadow suddenly fell upon him. Looking up, the half-breed beheld the doll floating above his head.

"You're ours!" the doll cackled.

Gojyo screamed in blind terror as the doll and those hideous ghouls fell upon him like a pack of ravenous wolves.



Sanzo could not contain his shock and disgust at what the flashlight's beam revealed to him.

From ceiling to floor, the room was painted in red. The overpowering stench, however, only confirmed what he already knew – that the red color was not paint at all, but blood. The sole dusty shelf not only held old books, but sealed wide-mouthed jars containing preserved eyeballs, fingers, and an assortment of body parts. Goku was eyeing with repulsed fascination a jar of human testicles.

A circular design with ancient script was etched on the stone floor. In its center was an altar spattered with bloodstains. Lying on top of it was an old leather-bound grimoire.

Blood magic, Sanzo thought in horror. I thought its use had been banned by the gods centuries ago. How did this blood magician escape the notice of the Sanbutsushin, and even Kanzeon Bosatsu herself?

"Sanzo…" Goku's wretched retching reached his hearing. "I don't feel so good…"

The monk went to the poor boy's side, only to be stunned to see that Goku's pupils had turned into vertical slits. The saru was slowly being overwhelmed by the aura of evil inside the chamber, and he realized why. The thick shields prevented the aura from escaping, so that no traces of the atrocities committed within could be detected. In fact, the real door to this chamber of horrors was the window they had broken through. The monk seriously doubted if they would've survived that daring entry if those ghostly guardians had not mistaken his powerful aura for that of their Master's.

"Hang on, Goku," Sanzo reassured the distressed boy with a pat on the shoulder.

Using the power of the Maten Kyoumon, Sanzo cleansed the chamber of all evil and sent the unfortunate souls to the afterlife.

Goku heaved a sigh of relief as that oppressive, repulsive weight was lifted from his shoulders. His eyes had also reverted back to normal.

"Thanks, Sanzo," he said, smiling. "But what was…"

Sanzo and Goku were jolted by a scream of sheet terror that echoed throughout the mansion.

"That's Gojyo!" Goku cried, conjuring up his trusty nyoibou in an instant.

The monk pointed a finger at the grimoire as he ran out. "Get that book!"

Sure enough, the screams were coming from Gojyo's room. Touching the doorknob sent a jolt of electricity up Sanzo's arm. That only fueled the monk's anger, and he fired a bullet at the knob, kicked the door open, and ran inside.

"GOJYO!" Sanzo's lavender eyes widened at the horrific sight that greeted him.

The half-breed was on the bed, naked. On hands and knees, Gojyo's head was jerked up, his mouth forced wide open to accommodate an unseen member that was shoved down his throat. His crimson tresses were pulled up in the air by an invisible hand. The redhead's body rocked violently as something hard was pounded again and again up his battered ass. The deep depressions of fingertips marked the skin at his hips. Blood flowed copiously down his thighs, forming a puddle on the sheets.

As Sanzo looked on in shock, Gojyo was flipped onto his back, a pained cry escaping his lips, his body forming a low arch as though his upper back was being supported by a knee. Gojyo's arms were stretched above his head, his wrists crossed, baring his bruised chest. Invisible hands squeezed the flesh surrounding those flat pink disks. Unseen lips suckled upon the nipples, drawing them up into painful points. His member was forced into an arousal by a hungry mouth. Invisible hands pulled his hips up in jerks until milky come spurted from the tip, only to vanish into thin air.

Then, Gojyo's long legs were jerked wide apart. From out of nowhere, the doll jumped onto the bed, crawling between the redhead's thighs.

At that moment, Goku appeared with the grimoire in his arms – just in time to see that evil doll cackle madly and drive its fist inside Gojyo's ass.

The half-breed's head fell back as he screamed in agony. Tear-filled crimson eyes gazed into horrified violet and crimson orbs.

"Help me! Please!" Gojyo cried, begging. "I can't take it anymore!"

It was Goku who acted. Dropping the book, he lunged at the doll with his nyoibou, shouting, "Stop hurting him, you little bitch!" Before he could reach the bed, he was deflected back by an invisible barrier.

"GOKU, GET BACK!" Sanzo warned, as he began to chant. With a sweep of his arm, he pointed to the bed, roaring, "MAKAI TENJOU!"

The Maten Kyoumon reached for the barrier like the long arms of an octopus. With a deafening ripping sound, the sutra tore through the barrier until it collapsed under the strain.

With the barrier down, Goku seized his chance. Swinging his nyoibou like a bat, he knocked the doll off the bed and out the open door. The sudden jerk of the toy's arm out of his body caused Gojyo to cry out.

Rushing to the redhead's side, Sanzo wrapped the blanket around Gojyo's trembling form. "We're getting out of this damned place…NOW!"

But then, Gojyo gasped out, "Hakkai…"

The monk turned towards the door, shocked to see the green-eyed young man with doll sitting on the crook of his arm like a child. Five dark shadows gathered around them, drawing strength from the mortal that was under the toy's absolute control. Indeed, Hakkai's handsome face shared the same expression of lust and hatred with the doll.

There was a loud crash of breaking glass. "Come on, guys!" Goku called out beside the window, grimoire tucked under his arm.

To Gojyo's horror, Sanzo gathered him up in his arms. As he struggled to break free, he cried, "What the hell are you doing? Let me go! We can't leave Hakkai!"

"We have no choice!"
Sanzo ignored the redhead's pleas as he dashed towards the window. Together, he and Goku jumped out, landing safely on Hakuryu, who had conveniently parked under the window.

"Hakkai! HAKKAI!" Tears streamed from Gojyo's crimson eyes as they drove away, his hand raised beseechingly to the stoic figure gazing down at them from the second floor.

Inside his mind, the half-breed heard a clear voice say, "If you want your lover back, you shall return to us. You know the place. Come back to us, Gojyo. We'll be waiting for you."

"HAKKAI!" Gojyo screamed his lover's name for the last time before collapsing in Goku's arms, surrendering to exhaustion from his ordeal, blood loss, and grief.


They roared into town an hour before daybreak. Screeching to a halt in front of the inn they had stayed in days back, Sanzo jumped out of Hakuryu and started banging on the doors.

"Hey! Is someone in there?" the monk shouted. "We need help! Please!"

"Sanzo…" Goku said worriedly, cupping the half-breed's cold face. "Gojyo's not waking up, and he's so pale…"

"Urusai, bakazaru!" Sanzo snapped at him in anger and frustration. "I'm trying to get some help here!"

"Can we help you with anything, gentlemen?" a woman suddenly asked.

Sanzo's eyes flew wide, recognizing the couple from the fruit stand. "You…"

"Our friend's badly hurt," Goku was the one who spoke up. "Could you please take us to a doctor?"

The man raised a bulky bag. "I'm a doctor. Let me take a look at him," he offered, running to the jeep. But as soon as he saw the redhead, he gasped in shock, "GOJYO!"

His wife heard that name. "WHAT?" She hurried to her husband's side. "Good lord, it is him!" Looking at Goku, she demanded, "What happened to him?"

Sanzo couldn't hold his curiosity any longer. "Who are you? How do you know Gojyo?"

The doctor was shaking with uncontrolled rage, as he gently turned the redhead over with Goku's help. "Not again!" he mumbled in horror. "Who did this? Tell me who raped him!"

"Are you sure?" his wife asked in stunned disbelief. "Why? Hasn't he been through enough?" she cried in despair.

Then, their eyes fell upon the tattoo on the redhead's left shoulder and the doctor said between gritted teeth, "Jinnei…"

"How could it be Jinnei? He's dead!"

"HOLD ON!" Sanzo spoke up sharply. "I don't like being ignored here! Would someone please tell me what this is all about? Who the hell are you people?"

"We can talk in our house. It's not far from here. My husband can treat Gojyo properly there," the woman suggested grimly. "And, yes, we do know Gojyo, although the circumstances of our first meeting had been most terrible. I'm Shimada Karin."

Sanzo and Goku stared with mouths agape as the doctor pointed to a name in the tattoo and breathed in deeply. "My name is Shimada Takeo." Closing his eyes in shame, he admitted, "I was one of those men who raped Gojyo when he was eighteen years old."

* * * * * * * * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I told Kiba-chan I wouldn't post this until the other chapters were finished, but I decided to anyway. If there are any typos, errors, those will be corrected when I put the final form of this story up in my website.

Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to correct whatever misconceptions people have been harboring about me. First of all, I'm not a bitch. Neither am I not approachable. I've had to put up with a lot of bullshit in certain fandoms to make me especially distrustful of people. So if you're looking to make friends with me, you might get disappointed.

Secondly, why does it take long for me to update? Quite simply, I'm very busy. I am a magazine writer professionally. When the deadlines strike, all fanfics have to take a backseat to work. If I could write fanfics for a living, that would make me very happy. Unfortunately, that's not how it is in RL.

Thirdly, someone told me that I am not receptive to constructive criticism. In truth, I am, because I want to learn from my mistakes, especially grammar and in the usage of Japanese phrases. Unfortunately, lack of time forbids me from making the changes. I'm not familiar with HTML to comfortably edit.

However, unlike Kiba, I am NOT receptive to plot changes/suggestions. Kiba is well aware that all my stories have a pre-planned plot. It has a fixed beginning and a fixed end, and I know where every crucial scene, including the sex scenes, are going in. All I ask is that you please let me write my story the way I want it. To have someone tell me that "the story should be like this" and "the story should be like that" is the quickest way for me to lose interest in writing it.

Finally, contrary to what everyone's thinking, I appreciate all the people who have taken to time to write and send in reviews, and I thank you very much that you're enjoying my stories. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to answer each and every letter I receive. The best way for me to show my thanks is to continue writing all these stories.

I hope this clears up everything.

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