Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Watch ❯ Watch ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Watch
Author: Jan
Rating: PG-13
Warning: none
Series: Saiyuki
Pairings: None.
Notes: Gokuu POV. Ruminations on Sanzo. Written as a Week 5 challenge entry livejournal's drabble_me community. The bonus challenge!


Gokuu watched.

He always watched.

He hoped Sanzo didn’t notice it when he watched, but something told him the man knew.

It wasn’t a watching like Gojyo did to Sanzo. That was a different watching. Gokuu’s body may be young, but his soul was old. The looks the half-breed gave Sanzo spoke volumes in their silence and sang a song that he recognized. It was deep within his subconscious and spoke to lifetimes past. The longing was readily apparent in Gojyo’s eyes, even under the attitude of arrogance and a veneer of indifference.

Gokuu knew what Gojyo held for Sanzo was far different from the love he himself felt.

No, the watching Gokuu did was one borne out of love for his idol and his savior. He was well aware of Genjo Sanzo faults. The man was ill tempered, prone to bouts of moodiness, long spans of silence followed by bursts of loud irritation. He had a violent streak a mile wide. He wore his apathy like a heavy cloak.

It was those very things that deepened Gokuu’s love for the monk.

Everything the man did fascinated Gokuu. To outside eyes, they either saw an irreverent monk, or a true holy man. Gokuu saw perfection in the imperfection. Regardless of Sanzo’s philosophy about Buddha, or the gods, his steadfast belief in himself was a shining beacon that brightened the darkness that pressed in on Gokuu from all sides.

He didn’t know where that darkness came from. Only that it clung to him at times, like tar, and had for as long as he could remember. It seemed so far away most of the time - something that settled just on the horizon, just beyond his fingertips.

Except when his diadem cracked during the fight with Rikudo. It was then the inky blackness swam upon him, drowning him in a sea of forgetfulness, until he awoke exhausted. It was because of him Sanzo was injured in the first place. It was Sanzo’s blood that sparked the angry torrent of frenzied rage through his veins.

He remembered nothing but vague shadows when he awoke from the heavy slumber and found Sanzo was still alive, but still unconscious.

And so, Son Gokuu watched in silent vigil.

Hair the color of the sun fanned out on the pillow and framed the bandaged face. Healed by divine intervention, Sanzo rested and Gokuu never left his side.

“If you love me, we're going to have forever,” Gokuu whispered to the sleeping man. “You can’t leave me, Sanzo. I will follow you, wherever you go, wherever you are.”

Words uttered by a youthful body housing an old soul with the purity of his intent shining like a beacon. Gokuu meant them with all the innocence and the sincerity present within him.

Sanzo heard him through the thick haze of sleep. He heard although he didn’t understand the meaning behind the depth of devotion. He did understand however, that devotion wasn’t something to be squandered.

And for all his faults, Sanzo would silently watch Gokuu as well, intent on seeing that devotion wasn’t ill placed.
