GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Themes ❯ City Lights ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: City Lights
Author/Artist: AquaianGoddess/Christina
Fandom: GetBackers
Themes: 01. City Lights
Rating: G
Pairing: Ginji/Ban
Disclaimer: If it were mine, there'd be more sex, more blood and more nakedness (mmmm Naked Shido)
Thanks to Sammei for being my beta.
01. City Lights
Ginji likes driving at night in the city. The lights flash and glitter and sparkle and he thinks it's pretty. They didn't have lights like that in Mugenjou....when he was younger, he wasn't even allowed outside once the sun set. It was too dangerous for a little boy, Teshimine had said. It was dangerous when he was older too, but that's only because he was the one low life punks and thugs had to look out for. The dreaded Raitei... not even the city lights could cheer Ginji up now that his thoughts strayed - "Ow! Ban-chan, what was that for?!"
"Then pay attention when I'm talking to you, dumbass. I asked you what you wanted to eat, since we have a little money."
Ginji blinked. "Anything's good really...Ramen?"
Ban smirked and his eyes glittered with the light from the cars around them. "Ramen it is then."
Compared to Ban's eyes, the city lights weren't as interesting as before.