Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Charisma, Maybe ❯ I'm not a fool for love ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Pairings: Shuichi/Suguru, HiroxAyaka, and a tiny, tiny hint at K/Sakano.

Rating: PG

Title: I'm not a fool for love

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Today, I began my search for help. Unfortunately, my advisor was a rather misguided choice…

"Tohma, how do you know if you like someone?" I asked him this as we sat in his office that morning, knowing full well I was abusing my family privileges by wasting his time.

"Suguru?" He appeared to be taken aback and obviously shocked that I of all people would bring up something so personal. "What do you mean by 'like?' As in attracted to or as in friendship?"

"As i-in att-tracted to." Tohma gestured for me to sit down. As I did, I could feel his eyes burrowing into me.

"Suguru, what would prompt this question?" I couldn't lie to him, not when he fixated me with that look. His 'motherly, I watched over you when you were a baby and I even changed your diapers' look. Which is actually a really creepy thought.

"Well, you see I've been…"

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"…and that is that." I looked at my cousin, who was grinning from ear to ear now. I hate that smile sometimes. I really, really hate it.

"My, my. You have it bad." Even his voice was smiling. Grrrrr.

"What do you mean by 'it?" He spoke of this 'it' as if it were some harmless disease that everyone got. Or rather as if 'it' were some mysterious state of being.

Tohma sighed and shook his head as if speaking to an ignorant, little boy. "Love of course. Or rather, a crush." I sputtered, mortified.

"That's impossible! There is no way in hell I love that idiot! Not Shin-" I cut myself off when I saw my cousin looking at me in mild shock. He was trying to puzzle out what I just said, which was never a good sign. People in my family are all deadly manipulaters and no matter how much they love you, always try to gather as much ammunition as possible.

He leans in a little closer, in a way that would seem almost sensual, if he weren't my cousin. "What 'idiot' is it?" I turned my head to the side, causing Tohma to tilt his head and change it's angle. "Oh, come on. You can tell your beloved cousin." He was smiling like the Cheshire cat, and I suddenly felt like Alice, lost in Wonderland.

"On second thought, it's really okay. I need to go now." If only leaving was enough to get rid of my cousin…

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As I ate lunch, he is staring at me, with his hands folded. After a moment, I decided to discourage him. "I'm not telling you. You can't use that 'I'm much older than you' look either. Not this time." Stare. Stare. This staring continued for another five minutes. Then I got tired of it and threw down my fork. "What?"

A soft smile played across his lips. "And here I always thought you would be one of those life long bachelors. Your parents were getting worried."

"Why would they think that?"

Smile. "Well, you aren't the type that, how do I put this..?" He was now in 'contemplative mode' and to some people this is extremely cute, but not to me.

"What do you mean by that?" Sometimes, he really pisses me off.

"You're so serious. You act like an old man."

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I wonder if it was wrong to pie my cousin in the face? Well at least he stopped following me. I should have left, only I ran into Nakano-san.

"Oi, Fujisaki-kun. Watch where you're going." I stumbled out of his way, murmuring an apology. I looked up at him for a moment, feeling a twinge of jealousy. Masculine, without a mistake, his long hair only enhanced the effect. And as for those few who did mistake him for a girl, at least they never called him ugly. He was successful with all the girls and if he had swung that way, Hiro probably could have gotten all the guys as well. Hey, speaking of someone who is successful with their love life…

"Hey, Nakano-san, would you mind if I asked you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" He asked this a little surprised, as I never ask for advice. We moved to a more private hallway that didn't have as much traffic before I continued our discussion.

"Nakano-san, when did you realize you loved Usami-san?" The corner of Hiro's mouth twitched and he turned a bright shade of red. And then it started.

"Well, well th-that-that's…" I kept forgetting that whenever he thought or talked about or to that girl, Hiro became a raging psychopath. "She and I, well it's very complicated… Well, I think, argh, why did it have to be Yuki!?" He tears his hair out, looking a little rabid.

I began to back away slowly. "On second thought, I don't need to know. I'll see you later, Nakano-san." I hurried away, hearing him stuttering still. As I was walking, I became thankful that whatever I had wasn't that bad. I wasn't stuttering,(well, not much) and I wasn't jumping into another's arms while screaming his name (yet.)

As I rounded the corner, I once more felt superior. Whatever was wrong with me, it couldn't be love. I wasn't acting as stupid as my two companions normally did. I was still the brightest in a band of miscreants.

"Hey, Fujisaki-san!" And in front of me appeared Shindou-san. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out and play with me!" I froze and felt my heart pumping rapidly, my face burning up, and my throat closing off. "Fujisaki-san? Are you feeling alright? You look sick."

He's staring at me, blue eyes quizzical, which makes him look like an owl. A cute, idiotic owl. "Uh, p-play? What s-sort of p-play?"

He still looked really concerned, but decides to answer me. "Well, there was a new club I wanted to try out. Hiro can't go, so I thought I'd invite you. That's okay, right?" Shindou-san actually seemed to be worried, as if he had offended me.

It took a bit of effort, but I managed to make my voice work normally. "No. That would be nice." What the hell am I talking about? I have work. He has work. Whenever he and Hiro run off like this, I always throw a fit and so do… "Wait! What about Sakano-san and K-san?"

"Huh, what about..?" His confusion quickly gives way to a silly grin. "Don't worry about them. They have better things to do today. They've been locked in the break room all day, if you know what I mean." He gave me a conspiratorial wink, as if I should know what he's talking about, which I didn't. No one lets me in on the gossip around here.

I sighed to myself, feeling resigned to my fate and trying to resist feeling… happy about it. "Alright then, lead the way." He noded with this smile, that suddenly seemed so special to me. As he led the way, I wondered where fate is leading me, and if I should trust it. Especially since fate had pink hair.

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To Be Continued…

Was it really so wise to go out on the town with the pink-haired devil? Will Suguru survive? Will he be able to admit he has a crush?

That was fun! I regret not having it out sooner! Oh, make sure to check my profile and see all the different gravitation Rps I'm in! Several of them need a lot more people to be effective.







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