Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Generations Part One ❯ Shinichi Uesugi ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Gravitation is own by Maki Murakami, not me, and this fic is just for entertainment, no money was or will be made by writing it.
A/N: I have this fanfic posted on under the user Yaminoko, which this first part will be 28 chapters long. Contains OCs and some strong language, violence in future chapters.
Title: Generations
Summary: It's fifteen years in the future, and the children of the Gravitation cast are in high school, facing the obstacles of home-life and school work, wanting to be normal teenagers despite their famous heritages.

Chapter one: Shinichi Uesugi
: Bonds of an Angel
Long blond hair fell past slightly muscular shoulders, blending with the brightness of the white skin to give him an angelic look as he stepped into the classroom. His eyes, hazel, surveyed his surroundings as he took his seat—he didn't want to be here, to have transferred to a new school where he knew no one, a school where he'd be living at for the whole year.
He hated being sent to a live-in school, especially one of all guys, but he understood why his parents thought it right—both of them had careers that kept them away from home for extended periods of time, and neither felt it safe for their son to be home alone. Thus he was here, at Mittsumaki High, a transfer student to an all boys school with girlish hair and a girlish face.
It didn't surprise him when the others teased him on his first day: throwing papers with obscene words at him during class, putting legs out to trip him when he walked down the aisles—all sorts of juvenile acts of bullying. Plus a whole sort of nicknames.
He shrugged off everything they did though; he was used to it, having since he settled for long hair in the sixth grade, the one feature most prominent for making him look feminine.
He ignored their expressions as well when he beat all of them at sports, out-running, throwing, catching, etc, them with relative ease. Something that made the other boys jealous and furious; Not one of them liked this androgynous athlete who shunned all their actions and never bragged like a normal boy. They couldn't understand why he didn't care, where his detached attitude came from, nor why he dared act indifferent, even to the strongest bullies.
Frankly, he didn't care what they thought, not of anything they could see, and the only thing that would ever mortify him if found out, he kept from doing since his first day at Mittsumaki.
One other thing he was grateful for is that no one mentioned his parents' identity to the student body, nor to the staff—he sure if the principal even knew who his parents were.
Who was he? Shinichi Uesugi
Who were his parents? The most famous gay couple in Japan: Novelist Eiri Yuki and Vocalist: Shuuichi Shindou. Of course, it was through adoption, though his birth mother had been one of Yuki's lovers, and he'd been three when adopted. But it didn't matter, both his fathers loved him, and he never wanted for anything in all his sixteen years; Except…he wished they would find more time for him, wished his papa didn't have tours to go on, and that his dad didn't have book-signings and deadlines to meet.
Mainly he wished he hadn't been transferred to this school where he didn't have a single friend and no clubs interested him.
“Quiet down, class.” The homeroom teacher rapped on the chalkboard with a stick, surprising Shinichi from his quiet mind-wanderings. That's when he noticed a boy he never seen before standing in front of the room next to the teacher's desk.
`A transfer student? Damn, I only transferred here a month ago, and now there's someone new?'
Shinichi surveyed this new kid's appearance, his hazel eyes taking in the neck-length black hair, pale skin, and striking blue eyes of the teen. This boy's whole aura and appearance screamed nonconformist—his ears had three earrings each, his uniform was all black instead of dark brown, fitting looser than most others, and Shinichi could see part of a concealed tattoo on the boy's neck leading down.
`That's a big tattoo, I wonder if it reaches to his hip.' Shinichi's eyes traveled down in their study, to the boy's waist, and then the groin; He licked his top lip and blushed, looking away while he hoped no one noticed him. Damn it, he wasn't gay, so why'd he feel enticed to look there, and what compelled him to lick his lips like that?
He closed his eyes to settle himself, knowing no one paid attention to him anymore, all his teasers belonged to different homerooms.
When he dared to look back at the new kid, he found him staring at him strangely with those tensely blue eyes—I saw you, they seemed to say; And Shinichi felt is façade unsettle, his stomach filling with butterflies. That look, he didn't like that look, those eyes, so he looked away.
“Class, I'd like to introduce Kessuke Sakuma, who's transferring to us from Surugi High.”
`What?' Shinichi glared back at the transfer student. `Sakuma?! As in the Sakuma-san of Nittle Grasper? This boy is the son of Ryuuichi Sakuma?!' Having such famous parents, Shinichi heard about the famous singer of Nittle Grasper, hell his papa was a huge fan of them, so he heard the news of the lead singer having a child by an American groupie who then abandoned it with the singer.
“Teacher.” One of the other students asked, standing up. “When you say Sakuma, do you mean as in the famous Sakuma of the band Nittle Grasper?”
“Well, I….”
“Yes.” The transfer student cut off the teacher. “I am the son of Ryuuichi Sakuma. But don't think that means I'll give any special favors of music fans.”
Shinichi's attention was distracted that moment by a whispered chuckle behind him to the right at the word `favors', words barely hearable.
“Yeah right you don't give `special favors.'
Shinichi tried to ignore the voice—belonging to the current bad-ass of the class—Toya Seguchi, an arrogant jerk—but he couldn't shake off his suspicion of what `favors' in that hushed sentence implied. Other whispered voices joined the first, asking what he meant, as the famous transfer student sat down in a front row seat.
“He's a slut…or a whore, take your pick.”
“How'dyou figure that?”
“He got kicked out of his old school for giving head to a student in the locker-room and then tried doing the same to the teacher who caught him—as payment for silence.”
“No shit? Damn, you think that fag would….”
At that moment Shinichi drowned out what the whispering voices were saying, feeling sick with anger—when he first transferred to Mittsumaki, the others had teased him about his sexuality because of his looks. He couldn't imagine what sort of teasing this Kessuke would get because of those rumors.
Shinichi sighed, looking blankly at the blackboard in his effort to forget the rumor and the new kid, but his eyes kept straying to Kessuke and his mind kept repeating the whispered words.
`God, just let me get through this class, then I can skip the rest of the day.' He pleaded, paranoid that he kept seeing blurs of vibrant blue looking his was each time he stared straight ahead. `Goddamn it, I'm straight, stop staring at me.'
Uncomfortable until the bell dismissing that class period, Shinichi rushed out of the classroom, to the empty music room down the hall. No one other than himself ever used this room since there were no scheduled music classes and no one signed up for the music club. He alone came into this room, using it to hide from everyone, to avoid the teasing and discomfort since his first day.
“God. That's a relief. I can finally relax.” He sighed and walked over to the keyboard, “Damn it, why did I have to get bothered by him like that? Why did he have to keep looking at me? I know he did, damn it.” He brushed his hand over a few keys, calming at the resounding note when he pressed down a key.
After a few more random, calming notes, he put both hands in position and began playing a melody. Then began another and another until one seemed to click in his mood. Doing a few warm up chords first, he began playing a song, eyes closed, body oblivious to everything save the music.
It was one of his papa's earliest songs, `Rage Beat,' his first favorite when he was little. And he played it note-perfect, something he owed to Fujisaki the keyboardist of Bad Luck who taught him how to play keyboard when his father was too busy.
Rage Beat was the first song he mastered, and he never forgot the happy amazement on his papa's face when he performed it for him on his parent's anniversary. He performed only for papa because dad was gone that weekend; at the time he didn't know why, but soon he caught on that every time the novelist left, papa and dad had had a fight.
Papa, having been miserable before that, had cried tears of joy when Shinichi played the piece—ecstatic that his son had such a talent. Shinichi had been only seven at the time.
Drowning in the memories he felt a tear fall down his cheek, and soon he heard his fingers play the notes for a different Bad Luck song.
`Orenji-iro tsukiyo ga kuru to.
Kimi no koto o omoidasu.
Kakko tsuketa ore no serifu wa
Hoka no dareka no serifu de.'
Shinichi held his eyes closed and continued playing mouthing the words softly as he imagined them sung, startling himself with the intensity his imagination took.
`Fui ni miageru Silhouette'
`Wait a minute, I am hearing it. Someone's here singing.' He opened his eyes quickly to see Kessuke singing along to his playing.
Kimi no yokogao o terashita…awai hikari wa…ima demo.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Shinichi demanded, slamming his fingers on the keys in his anger, an action that didn't startle the newcomer. “How long have you been there? How long have you been listening? Did you follow me? Why did you keep looking at me in class? Tell me.” He said all this very fast, not waiting for answers until he was done asking them.
“Heh. What order should I answer those questions, eh, blondie?”
“Urr…don't ask me questions when you have yet to answer mine!” Shinichi flinched at hearing the nickname—he'd been teased about his hair and looks since elementary school, never getting over how much he didn't fit in. “And don't call me blondie, cocksucker.”
“….” Kessuke glared at him, mouth taut, blue eyes penetratingly fixed on him. “So the stories made it around already. I see.” He paused, looking around the room, face stoic, before turning to leave. Before he reached the door, he looked back at Shinichi. “You play the keyboard like a pro, but looking at your fingers, I'd say you're better suited to play the guitar. And….” He paused again to turn completely facing Shinichi. “From what I heard of your whispered singing, you'll be good at singing if you didn't keep trying to mouth the words instead all the time. Pick up your vocals, don't be so shy.”
After that the transfer student left, leaving Shinichi dumbfounded in his wake.