Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Mine ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation…
Genre: Romance/ Fluff
Rated: G This is so innocent it's kind of funny…
Summary: Simply about being with the one you love so much
He rolled over, bringing the covers with him, snuggling against my chest as he buried his head in the crook of my neck.
Two years, we've been together for two years and this is our very first holiday together. All throughout those two years I fought so hard to keep him, to get rid of any doubt in his mind about my intentions. I was so afraid of losing him. Now that I'd found him I couldn't imagine life without him.
I wrapped my arm around him gently, my hand rested across his bare chest, rising and falling to his steady rhythmic breathing.
He yawned slightly and buried one of his hands in my hair, entwining his fingers around my brown locks, his other hand absentmindedly drawing circles on my bare flesh.
I brushed the soft pink hair out of his face, sitting up slightly while trying not to wake the boy in my arms. I glanced at the oak night table beside my bed. The red numbers on my clock glowed in the darkened room.
He was my inspiration to start singing again, my life, my needs, my desire, everything I ever wanted.
He clutched onto me gently, possessively and I can barely make my name out as he mumbles into my collarbone, "Ryu…"

"Merry Christmas, Shuichi."

My Shuichi, mine.
_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
A/N: It's really, really short. I know ^_^; I just had to write something slightly Christmas related otherwise I probably would have exploded.
Anyway, technically Christmas is over, but I didn't get in my Christmas mood until Christmas Eve, therefore Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone.