Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing Muscial ❯ black leather couch.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Jenn: Another joint fic by me and Dani.

Dani: All songs and plotline are done by use (not hard to see)

Jenn: enjoy and review!!

Gundam Wing Musical

Heero, Duo, Trowa, Wufei, and Quatre all stepped out of their red mini-van.

Duo stretched and yawned. It was a long drive from space to their newly bought house.

"I see the moving company has already been here" he said gesturing to the array of furniture decorating their lawn.

"Where's the new couch?! " Quatre said frantically.

"Over there" Wufei said, pointing.

Quatre skipped merrily over to the couch and settled himself down in it.

"You really love that couch, don't you?" Trowa said.

Quatre nodded happily and smiled.

"We have to move it in the house before it rains." Heero said observing the sky.

Duo laughed and threw an arm around Heero's shoulders. "Come on Hee-chan, the sky is blue!"

Heero threw him a glare, cheeks burning.

Wufei tilted his head to the side. "You know..the couch looks kind of big for the doorway."

Trowa went to the side of it and motioned for Quatre to get off. "Nah, it'll fit."

Duo went to the other side and together, he and Trowa began to lift the wondrous leather couch toward the door. As they got closer to the door, the door seemed to shrink in size. Panic overtook them. Finally arriving at the door, they realized to their horror that the couch would not fit in the house.

"Our couch…" Quatre whimpered.

"Our wonderful couch" Duo moaned.

*mournful violin music starts to play*

Quatre: It was black and leather

Trowa: Not stuffed with feather

Wufei: It really set the scene

Quatre: I'm glad it wasn't green

Heero: But it wooooon't fit in the dooooorway

Duo: Its really quite a shame

Heero: It wooooon't fit in the dooooorway

Duo: Who are we to blame?

Wufei: It was really brand new

Heero: I think I'm gonna sue!

Trowa: It was our pride and joy

Quatre: Just like a little baby boy

Heero: But it wooooon't fit in the dooooorway

Duo: Its really quite a shame

Heero: It wooooon't fit in the dooooorway

Duo: Who are we to blame?

Together: Ohhhhhhhhh

Heero: Those damn contractors! *shakes fist*

Watching from the window of the next house, Billy* watched with a smile on his face.

"Are the muffins for the new neighbors almost done love?" Dom** asked Billy.

"Almost Dommie! Just gotta wait for them to cool before a wrap in those cute pink doilies you bought me." Dom smiled at him and poked him in the stomach.

"Your so cute!" He gushed at Billy. Billy blushed pink.

"So, do you want me to come over with you when you give them the muffins?"

"Would be nice Dom. What happens if they're mean and try to rape me?"

"Aw, don't be silly love, but I'll be there to protect you just in case. "

"Are you just going to mope around on the couch all day guys? There's lots more furniture to move in and I don't want to be sleeping on the lawn tonight." Wufei grumbled.

"Oh relax Woo-man. Just give us a little time to grieve and we'll move your stinking bed in." Duo growled at him.

"Heeeello!" A cheery voice called from across the lawn.

"Whos that?! " Heero asked suspiciously.

Billy skipped merrily up the path toward the astonished boys, a grinning Dom trudged behind him.

"Hi!" Billy said, waving. "I'm Billy, your new neighbor! And this is my room mate Dom." Dom gave a tiny wave. Billy thrust the basket full of pink doilied muffins out in front of him. "We made you some muffins." He finished, almost shyly.

The 5 young men stared. Even Quatre was amazed at how perky the scottish man appeared to be. Finally Trowa spoke,

"Uh. Well thank you Billy. That's very nice of you… " He reached out and took the muffins.

"No problem! If you ever need to borrow some sugar or.. something, don't hesitate to ask!"

"Unless we don't have any sugar…" Dom said quietly.

"Hey ho!" A voice called out. They turned to see a tall, young, handsome man running over to them.

Billy smiled. "This is our friend Orlando***."

"Call me orli." He shoved a big fuzzy thing into their faces. "And this is Neil, my rabbit."

"Heh heh..nice rabbit" Quatre said as the rabbit glared at him. Before it could attack Orli shoved it back into his pocket.

Duo stood up and waved at the newcomers smiling. "Hey"

Orli walked over to Duo smiling. "Hi cutie." Duo laughed nervously and took a few steps back. Hero glared and began to take his gun out.

"Yeah, so we're you new neighbors." The other two nodded.

*music starts again*

Billy, Dom & Orli: Weeeee're yooooourrrr neighbors, we're your neighbors, we're -

Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei raised their eyebrows and looked at them strangely.

"What are they doing?" Wufei muttered to Trowa. Trowa just shrugged.

The three boys who were singing stopped, blushed, made their excuses and quickly left.

They were silent for a few moments then began to make their way into the house.

"Good chorus line there Heero" Duo said from inside.

"Uh.. guys," Quatre started quietly, "why don't we just turn the couch on its side and move it in?"

*Blly Boyd, who plays Pippin the hobbit in Lord of the rings

** Dominic Monaghan who plays Merry in the Lord of the rings

***Orlando Bloom from, you guessed it, Lord of the Rings.

Review please!