Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction / Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Alternity ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Neo Century 1079
With high expectations, human beings left earth to begin a new life in the Space Colonies. The year was Neo Century 1. The colonies allowed for huge technological progression and technology improved throughout the Earthsphere. The technology that improved the greatest was the technology of war. And so the Mobile Suit was invented and unleashed on the universe. Throughout the following years of the NC calendar there were many wars, each stopped or influenced by the legendary mobile suits called Gundam. Eventually the technology evolved to a point were man could peel back the fabric of space/time and peer into other times and worlds.
The woman shifted in her command chair, a look of annoyance crossing her beautiful features.
“We've lost him then, have we?” she seemingly asked no one. A shimmering light behind the woman coalesced into the transparent form of another woman, glowing neon blue.
“Once Eternity activated his stealth systems, they couldn't find it even if it was dancing a samba right in front of them.” The woman swiveled her chair around to face the glowing hologram.
“It's not like you to be so… theatrical SARA,” commented the woman with wry amusement.
“Just as you programmed me Aidan,” responded the hologram, “There is one bit of good news though.”
“Give in oh Oracle, do tell.”
“Not all the stealth systems in the universe can hide the rip in space/time created by an Alternity Engine.”
Aidan cursed richly, “By all the stars in… where? When?”
“You won't like it.”
“At this point there will very likely be little about this affair that I will like.”
“December 31st Universal Century 0079, the vicinity of the Zeon asteroid fortress A Boa Qu.” Aidan cursed again.
“Language Aidan,” said the hologram SARA with a frown, “The Council would have a fit if they heard you speaking like that.”
“At this point, the council, if I have the old expression right, can collectively go to hell!” The woman, Aidan, gave an angry toss of her long mane of golden blond hair. She lapsed in to silence for several seconds then stood up from her chair.
“That's it then, there's nothing else for it. Get ready to jump SARA.”
“Is that wise mistress? We have not received authorization…”
“I don't give a damn about the bloody Council right now SARA! This is the job they selected me for, and I'm damn well going to do it before their grand weapon pulls all reality apart! No more argument, bring the Alternity Engine online, engage cloaking, start programming the Drive computer, and prep my Mobile Suit!”
“I've already begun,” replied SARA, a slight grin on her face. Aidan sat down in her chair again, feeling the hull of her ship begin to vibrate. Running a hand down one sleeve of her blue, white and gold jumpsuit Aidan thought to herself, “I did always want to meet Amuro Ray… Now it seems I'll finally get the chance.”
“SARA! Engage the drive now!” There was a rumble, a flash of light and Aidan and SARA vanished.