Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Somewhere I Belong ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Somewhere I belong
Naruto- Gundam Wing crossover
KakaIru, 05xSas, ItaNej, 03x01, 04x06, HakZab
Summary- After the war, unable to stay with those who judge him, he leaves, to find himself. Witness to an attack, intervening opens up a whole new world of possibilities- and of dangers. Yaoi, Naruto crossover
Warnings: Yaoi, crossover, slight alterations to Naruto plot- nothing major.
Chapter one: Office Hours
The hands slowly crept around and around. Glazed, bored orbs followed its path, keeping watch avidly.
Click-click, click-click, click-click.
The steel-tip of a black fountain pen repeatedly tapped against the cheep desk top, long, slender, pale fingers idly twirling.
“Mmmmmmmm” He let out a long, leisurely yawn. He sat slumped in his black computer chair, angular chin resting on one scarred, calloused hand.
He could hear the chatter of men and women drifting through into his office, a dull drone filling in the silence even through a closed door. It was a small office, but it was his. He had earned it.
He glanced at his inbox one last time, finding it empty, as it had been the last time he had checked it, and the last. It had been for days. He had given up on checking his in tray weeks earlier. No-one sent him anything of importance-he was never set anything even vaguely important to do2.
`One year…almost one year since the war ended. Did I not prove myself then? Did I not fight the good fight by their side as an equal? I gave as much as they did to achieve this peace….I-I thought, that once the fighting was done…that they would, that they may…..'
He glanced up at the doorway. Nothing. It was becoming too much. Silence, ridicule, ridicule, silence. `I was wrong.'
It had been one year since the war had ended, and the Preventors had been firmly established with Lady Une at the head. It had taken little to convince one Chang Wufei, still guilt-ridden, still with a strong sense of justice, still seeking a meaning, a purpose to his life, to become an agent.
For once, Heero Yuy was easy to trace. He hadn't run far this time, nor hidden as desperately as he had before. He had gone as far as the arms of his emerald-eyed lover, Trowa Barton, for whom the pleasure of performing in the circus had disappeared, leaving him feeling empty. Each had agreed readily to join.
Quatre Raberba Winner, however, had turned down the offer. He had had more than enough of fighting and killing the first time around, thank you very much. He was content to run his fathers business with his sisters, to take a minor role in politics and on the Preventors board of governors - `Just in case', and to see his lover, a certain ice-eyed ex-prince.
Milliardo Peacecraft chose to step down from the Preventors soon after the Mariemaya incident. He chose, instead, to take an advisory role to his sister in her new political role.
Duo, however… he had turned up at Headquarters one day. He was in Une's office before first light, making himself comfortable and at home. He was there to offer his services-as an agent.
They hadn't taken him seriously, from the get-go.
Heero remembered the hours upon hours of inane chatter. Talking a mile a minute, never letting silence lay for more than a moment.
Trowa remembered his immaturity and his appetite. Acting like a child at times, always eating junk food, making a general nuisance of himself
Une remembered his endless, ridiculess pranks, both on herself, and on those under her command.
Even his best friend could not take him seriously, no matter what.
He had, though, despite this, been hired. He had expected respect, a fresh start, a chance to prove himself. However, old assumptions seemed hard for others to forget. Too hard.
“I might as well go home-I`m not doing any good here” He thought to himself, frowning. He span around once in a full circle on his chair. Stretching, he stood, scooping up his jacket, wallet and keys on the way.
He steeled himself. Gritting his teeth, he forced his frown to fall, replacing it with a half-hearted smile. `Let's get this over with, then'
He slunk out from his office, smoothly slipping through the corridors. He smiled pleasantly, returning greetings and friendly-jabs from the few colleagues who attempted to get to know him-who never wanted, truly, to see behind the `war-hero' ideal that they had built around the idea of him, and his comrades, with a quick retort and a wave, eager to be away from them all.
`Almost there, almost home-free' he thought, as he neared the end of his floor, fasting approaching the elevators..
“Leaving early once again, Agent Maxwell?” A stern voice called out after him. He froze. He rubbed the back of his head in a nervous gesture, turning to face the music.
“Well, you see-“ HE started.
“No need to explain, Duo” The middle-aged, steel-haired old battle ax, also known as the head receptionist for Lady Une and the Special Agents Department herself, softened. Hard watery blue eyes held a gentle edge, ever-present frown softening as she gazed upon him.
He reminded her of her grandson. A charming boy, he had been, her second eldest-Ella's only child. Always with a smile, a kind word and a joke to cheer you up, and always in trouble at school. He just seemed like a magnet as far as it-trouble- and bullies, were concerned.
They had lost him to the war. He hadn't been a soldier-heaven forbid! But he had been in the wrong place, at the wrong time, when a mobile-suit battle between a gundam and a Taurus had gotten too close to the city, to a school. He had been crushed under the remains of the Taurus-or so the authorities had thought. Little was identifiable in the crater left by the final shots from the gundam - from Deathscythe.
She had found out, of course. That she would be working with the murderer of her one and only grandson. Her children- her daughter, Ella, and her two sons, Von and Peter, had taken the news far harder than she, at first, at least, had.
“How can you stand to be in the same building as that-that monster, let alone work with him? Have you no shame? No love for him memory? Did Dru's death mean nothing to you?” Ella cried hysterically at her mother, pacing, gesturing wildly. Her hair was in a mess, her makeup streaking down her cheeks.
Stop this nonsense at once! This mindless prejudice is why I work there- why we still need people working with us at the Preventors-to stop old hatreds and grudges from arising again. It was a war, Ella. He was still a child himself-the young man who was defending himself, fighting for what he believed in, when the accident happened.” She scolded her daughter.
“Of course Dru's death meaning something to me. It means a lot- the elderly should never have to bury the young, child or grandchild. But it means nothing-nothing in comparison to his life. Do you understand? That is how Dru would like to be remembered. He wouldn't want his death to tainted with hatred.”
End of Flashback
She had seen how he had been treated from day one. She had been just as band at first toward him; cold and aloof. In return, he had been nothing but pleasant and polite to her. It hadn't taken long for her heart to soften to him.
The final straw had been on his anniversary-a year since her Dru's death. She hadn't been allowed to take the day off of work-no excuses as to why, just a clipped no from her superiors. The most beautiful bouquet of flowers had arrived for her at home that morning before she set off for work. A smaller, matching one waiting for her at her desk.
Her daughter had called up within the first hour of her shift, explaining that Dru's grave had been covered in them-the most beautiful lilies and roses, his favourite, all in white.
She had thought they had been from Une-an apology for not allowing her the day off. They hadn't. she had just looked up at her in confusion when she went to thank her. Puzzled, she had returned to her desk.
It wasn't until later that night that it had registered in her mind-his little smile and look of relief in his eyes, when he had passed her that morning, on the phone to her daughter, smiling through her tears. He had remembered them. Whether he was sorry for her grandsons death, or for her and her family, didn't matter as much anymore. He had remembered, and cared, that someone that he knew nothing of, someone who treated him abysmally, was upset, and had comforted her, in his own way. Just like her Dru.
“Thanks Millie-chan” He grinned at her weakly, a more sincere look than he used for most, but still nothing in comparison to what he was once like. “Are they-” He started to ask.
She let out a long sigh and nodded. He asked her the same question each day. “Yes Duo. Agents Barton, Yuy and Chang are still all on missions, as is agent Une in a meeting. I could let them know-“
“No, no. that's ok” He cut her off, turning back on his path to freedom.
She called after him “They'll never see what's right in front of them until it's missing” He paused briefly before continuing on. “Live for yourself, hun, you can't waste away waiting forever.”
End of chapter one
Authors notes: Ah… any thoughts on chapter one? Please let me know. I'll update as long as there is still an interest. Thank-you.