Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Sorry ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer : Ranma 1/2 and all associated characters are the property of Rumiko Takahashi.
Gundam Wing and all the characters associated with it are the property of whoever came up with the idea and copyrighted it. This fan-fiction isn't intended for commercial use but is rather a tribute to the 'ranma-universe' idea and to the 'gundam-universe' idea.

If you want to put this story on your site, go ahead. Just please tell me so at :

In the ranma-universe, the fanfic starts after Saffron but before the failed wedding, and I'm not sure were it starts in the gundam-universe.

I'm Sorry

By: Kinotama

No one. No one left at all. The place that he come to think of as home is completely destroyed. All the magic, danger, and excitement that was a part of his life was gone. He couldn't fight a bomb with his martial arts skills. No one could, but he should have been there. Now he was alone. The semi-cure to his curse that he found wasn't worth this destruction. Actually, Ryouga may be lost somewhere, but it doesn't matter. The day was bright and sunny as if to mock his misery. On his knees in his misery, not crying for that was unseemly, just letting water run down his face. He didn't notice one of OZ soldiers hitting him with enough tranquilizers to knock down an elephant. The last thing he saw was the ruins of a place once called Nermia.

He woke up in a cell to hear soldiers talking.
He must have made a deal with Shingami. He was found in one of the areas we blasted.

Shingami, that's what he was. God of Death. He killed Saffron. He killed his family, his friends. He looked around his cell. Pathetic, even Akane could have busted out of this cell. But why bust out of it when he could destroy this whole base. Using his ki, he blew up the base for after all, what destroyed Saffron could at least destroy a base. He crawled out of the rubble. Oh yes, Ranma was definitely going to have revenge.

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Time has passed since that day, Ranma to disguise himself, had bought & used violent contacts and brown hair dye. He also let his hair grow, but he kept it in a braid to remind himself of those happy days. At one base, he was found by a scientist, who decided to train him to fly a Gundam.

When asked his name, Ranma replied, People know me as Shingami, but you can call me Duo.

Thinking to himself, <Duo, as in my gender curse. Thankfully, the medallion I'm wearing, which everyone thinks of as a cross, prevents me from changing in water in either form. Depending on what form I'm in when I'm wearing it.>

'Duo' was taught and learned how to fly, and repair his Gundam , Shingami. He also learned how to shoot a gun, which he learned even if he didn't need to. When the scientist asked him about destroying bases, Duo replied he already knew how.

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**Here time has passed and the G-boys have all met up. They were in a safehouse in-between missions.**

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Duo tugged at his collar. <Why do I wear black priest clothes again?>

He winced when his clothes rubbed a bruise. <Oh yeah. It's part of my disguise, pretending to be a survivor from a fake church that I said got blown up. I also didn't want the others to see my scars, and bruises from when I train. If Heero only knew that I was stronger than he is, or if Wufei only knew that I knew more martial arts than he does, who knows what they would do.>

He headed towards the kitchen. Quarte tried to stop him.
Duo, I don't think you should go in there. You're not very good at cooking.

Duo always wore his cheerful mask, so he wouldn't let the others know what he's really feeling, just laughed and said, Quarte, buddy. You ain't seen nothing yet. Then he ducked into the kitchen.

Quatre turned to the others. What should we do? The last and only time he was in the kitchen was when some cake of his blew up.

Trowa held Quarte close trying to comfort him. Wufei snorted and was reading a training manual, while Heero was on his laptop as usual. An hour later, Duo came out with a lot of food. He set the table and put the food on it, then he started eating. Heero was the first to try Duo's food. When the others saw Heero take more food, they tried it too.

Quarte paused, Duo, when did you learn how to cook? This is delicious.

I always knew how to cook.

Wufei raised one of his eyebrows. Then what about that cake that blew up?

Duo waved his hand, dismissing it. Not my fault that someone disrupted my soufflé.

Quatre blushed. That's what a soufflé was?

Duo nodded. I'm done. If you need me I need to check up on Shingami.

Heero, Trowa, and Wufei exchanged looks that said, is Duo feeling okay? Quatre just looked concerned. When Duo left, Heero got an email from all the scientists. It was addressed to everybody except Duo. The G-boys looked over Heero's shoulders reading the message.

It is to be a top priority to find out Duo's past. We just found out that Maxwell church never existed, so Duo was actually lying all this time. We also noticed when he goes to blow up bases without his gundam, he never takes explosives or anything. You four must find out Duo's past, and what his secrets are.
PS: Don't let Duo know that we asked you to find out about him. End of message.


Trowa-. . .

Wufei-What the hell is he hiding?!

Quarte-Why did he lie? I thought his quote was 'I run, hide, but never lie'?

Wufei-I guess he lied about that too.

Heero was searching through the Internet for Maxwell church. They're right. There's no such thing as Maxwell church.

Trowa spoke up for once. How do we know that Duo is even his real name?

Wufei looked at Quarte. I think you should go ask him. He might tell you.

Quarte looked nervous, but nodded. I'll try.
He walked towards the hanger where Duo said he would be.

Heero-I don't think that even Quarte will get much information.

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Quarte looked around the hanger for Duo. He couldn't find Duo anywhere, Duo wasn't even near Shingami. Quarte had to give up and tell the others.

I can't find Duo anywhere.

Wasn't he checking Shingami?


Wufei decided to check around town, Trowa and Heero went with him, while Quarte stayed behind in case Duo gets back.

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Duo , who was actually in a clearing near the safehouse, took out his colored contacts, and took off his medallion/cross. Then he splashed cold water on himself, and put on her medallion/cross to prevent hot water from changing her back to him. Ranma went into town to pretend to be a normal person.

In town, Wufei, Trowa, and Heero split up to search for Duo. Ranma was looking into a shop window, when she first spotted Wufei. Heero, though, saw a person in Duo's kind of black clothes with a braid started following that person.

<So what if the hair is red and the eyes were blue? Duo was just being more cautious about being recognized than the rest of us are.>

Trowa just sat at the fountain, scanning the crowd for Duo. Ranma walking in the crowd was pushed right into Trowa. They both fell backwards into the fountain. Ranma got up quickly and helped Trowa up.

I'm sorry. Oh my, you're soaked. I'm sorry.

Trowa wrung out his shirt, while Wufei and Heero came to help. Heero realized the person he was following wasn't Duo, but a female. The fact stood out clearly for her wet shirt clung to her assets.

Wufei-Why didn't you watch where you were going?

Trowa-It's not her fault. She was pushed.

Ranma bowed to Trowa, said she was sorry again, and left.

Hn. Now what? We still haven't found Duo yet.

Trowa, you should go back home, and get out of those clothes before you catch a cold. Me and Heero will continue to search for Duo.

. . .

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Ranma went back to the clearing where she was before, pouting a little bit for in either form the pilots were taller than him. Taking off her medallion/cross, she heated water with her ki & poured it over her head. He shook his head thankful that the brown dye he uses was still in his hair (though why that is one of the mysteries of the cursed springs). Duo put on the medallion/cross, put in his violent-colored contacts, and dried himself with his ki. Then he went back to the safehouse.

Once in the doorway, Quarte immediately started asking questions.

Where were you? Why weren't you in the hanger? What were you doing?

Duo raised his hands waving them to try to calm Quarte. I thought heard voices outside the hanger, so I went to go check it out. Then seeing no one there, I started scouting the forest outside the hanger to make sure that there wasn't anyone around. After making sure there was no one, I headed back here and here I am. Now if you excuse me, it's starting to get dark and I'm really tired , so I'm going to bed.

Stepping around Quarte and racing to his room, Duo was able to get there before Quarte could ask more questions. Quarte radioed Heero and Wufei, telling them that Duo was here and told them what Duo said to him. Heero's and Wufei's replies were simply Hn and That baka!

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Later that night, Wufei couldn't sleep, because he was worried too much on what Duo could be hiding. Walking through the house, he thought he heard crying coming from Duo's room. Slowly and quietly opening Duo's door, Wufei slipped into the room. Duo was curled up in his bed, crying softly. Wufei blended into the shadows of the room hoping to hear why Duo was crying.

I'm a failure. I should have been there and died with the rest of you in Nermia. All I can do now is kill the OZ soldiers in revenge. But once this war's over, I not sure what I'll do. Maybe, commit seppuku. After all, I at least managed to keep the Saotome tanto blade.

Duo slowly cried himself to sleep never noticing that Wufei was in his room at all, listening to what he said.

Wufei quietly slipped out of Duo's room and woke up the other pilots. When they were gathered in Wufei's room, Wufei told them what Duo said. Heero immediately found information on Nermia and how it was bombed. No known survivors, except one, Ranma Saotome, that some OZ soldiers tranquilized and put in a cell. The base later that night was blown up, though the causes were unknown. The description of Ranma Saotome was that he was about 5ft., had black hair in a pigtail that was almost halfway down his back & blue eyes, and the age was found to be 18.

Quarte spoke up. But that can't be right. Duo may be about that height, but he has longer brown hair, violent eyes, and he said he was about 16 years old. I also thought that he said he was American.

Wufei-Actually, we never heard him speak in English. Yet he knows Japanese well enough to use the slang terms, so Duo could be Japanese.

Heero-I know he uses different shampoo and such from the rest of us. And he locks the door to the bathroom never coming out until one hour later. Even then he's fully clean, his clothes are on, hair dry & in a braid, and the bathroom is fully clean with not one speck of dirt, hair, or soap scum.

Trowa-Have we ever seen Duo without his shirt, or in an outfit that doesn't have long sleeves and pants?

Wufei-No, of course not. Why do you ask?

For he never lets anyone heal him from injuries.

Quarte-That's right, like when he was captured by OZ that one time. I asked him if the soldiers tortured him, and he just waved it off saying 'Shingami doesn't get hurt'.

That's not what I meant exactly, but what about when Duo tried to blow his Gundam up? Even if the self-destruct didn't work out, he should have at least had a few broken bones, or something when he fell from his gundam.

Hn. No one could have come out of that without something to show for it.

Maybe we can confront him on this?

He probably won't tell us of it.

Quarte-I have to wonder though. What would he really act like if we tell him we know most of the truth about his past?

. . .


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<Ranma. Ranma Saotome's alive. I'm not the only one left out of the Nermia Wrecking Crew. I knew that Ryouga's not alive for Akane was walking with P-chan in her arms that day before I was kicked into LEO to another town. I'm a baka for I didn't recognize Ranma's cursed form. I wonder how he did that for 'Duo' has been splashed with cold water, yet while I cured myself, Ranma could still change. Maybe I should tell the other's that Duo was not the only one who kept his past hidden.>

Wufei walked to Ranma's room and knocked on the door. Ranma?

A muffled sound was heard. It sounded like 'Go away.'

Ranma, open the door, it's me, Wufei.

The door was opened slightly, then a thud heard on the bed. Wufei came in and sat in the bed next to the braided boy. Wufei told Ranma what the others found out.

Then he took a deep breath and continued. At least someone else survived out of the Nermia Wrecking Crew. I thought I was the only one to survive.

Ranma had a weird look on his face, when 'Wufei' took his hair out of his eternal ponytail, Ranma's eyes started getting moist.


Both boys stared at each other for a few second then started to tell their stories on how they survived. Mousse by being kicked out of town by Shampoo, and discovering a bomb hit Nermia, & Ranma out looking for a cure, found a solution, and coming back to see the ruins of Nermia. The last two of the wrecking crew left started crying their eyes out and tried comforting each other, but all that brought were more tears as they recalled the memories of those days.

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Trowa, Quarte, & Heero had their ears pressed against the door ever since Wufei walked in. Hearing that 'Duo' and 'Wufei' knew each other from before the war, and now were going to act differently then from before as their true identities and personalities showed as Ranma and Mousse, the trio were shocked. Soon they were even more shocked as Ranma & Mousse talked of magic and martial arts. Even the 'Perfect Soldier', Heero was affected. The trio went downstairs their heads in a whirl.

Mousse-Ranma, can you wash the dye out of your hair and take out the contacts, please? It will be nice to see you for real, thanks to the eye surgery.

Okay Mousse. It'll be great to look like myself, and no more priest clothes. I still have one Chinese outfit that I keep that's all in black though. Will you keep your hair down again? And will you be wearing your robes again?

Yes to the first. No to the second. I perfected the Hidden Weapons Technique for use with normal clothes, just like you perfected your ki and chi abilities. I'm impressed you used them to destroy bases single-handedly.

Thanks. It'll be nice to stop acting like someone else, and this third time around we'll stay as friends.

Agreed, with both. But I'm going to keep my name as Wufei.

Ranma looked at him questioning him with his eyes. Mousse/Wufei sighed.

Ranma, Mousse sounds kind of silly everywhere but where we came from. Plus Wufei is the name my father always wanted to give me.

Yeah and since the Amazon tribe is a woman dominated tribe what he wanted wouldn't happen, right?


He nodded then Ranma washed the dye out of his hair, took out the contacts and threw them out.

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Wufei had a grin on his face as he stopped Ranma fro m going downstairs.

Ranma? Show up as Ranma-chan to prove that the things we said were true.

Ranma chuckled. That'll teach them to eavesdrop on us.

Ranma was about to get the cold water, when he stopped & his face lit up in an evil grin. Wufei spotting it, immediately asked Ranma what he was thinking.

I think, well I wouldn't mind if my female form pretends to be my sister, Ranko.


Ranma blushed slightly and tried avoiding eye contact with Wufei.

It would be even funnier if you had a tomboy girlfriend who could kick his butt at Martial Arts. The best part is if they see Ranko and Wufei go into a room together, the other pilots will come in, for they will be curious, only to see Ranma and you talking, and thus further confusing them.

Ranma was becoming worried for Wufei was standing in the shadows with his face in total darkness not moving a muscle being completely silent.

Ranma turned away, saying, I'm sorry. It was a stupid idea. I just wanted to spend more time with someone who understands what I been through and who been through similar things.

Ranma started to go towards the stairs when he was halted by a hand on his shoulder.

Wufei whispered, It should be me who is sorry for I know what it feels like. I think Ranma that it is a good plan for then it would be easier to do things together that we wouldn't otherwise be able to do. It's just that it would be easier if we just say that 'Ranko' is a disguise you use to trick OZ soldiers when you go out of the safehouse.

Wufei! That's a much better idea! After all with the medallion, I wouldn't change back.

Ranma smiled widely, then grabbed Wufei's hand dragging him along downstairs to where Quarte & Trowa were curled up on the couch together, and Heero was sitting ((once again)) at his laptop.

We have a new mission. Stated Heero without looking up from the laptop.

Wufei, Trowa, and I need to infiltrate a co-ed boarding school to get near a boy who may be a OZ general's son to see if he knows any OZ bases. Quarte and Duo,. .


Quarte and Ranma will infiltrate the same school except they will need to get near a girl who may be an OZ general's daughter to see if she knows anything.

Trowa-Why is Quarte & Ranma working more closely together in this mission?

Heero took a deep breath to steel himself from a reaction which was sure to come from Ranma at least. The reason is Quarte & Ranma will be registered as girls.

Wufei-Hear that Ranma?

I heard. Now I can finally test my disguise abilities to the max. Just one thing Heero. Put my name down as Ranko, okay?

Heero released his breath thankfully. I can do that, but are you sure you can act like a girl?

Wufei grinned wickedly and turned to Ranma. Ranma, can you go 'change' please? I think they need to be convinced.

Okay. But Ranma grinned a not nice grin turning to the two on the couch.
Quarte, will also have to dress up for all of us are going shopping when Quarte & I come down. For the disguises we will need clothes suitable for two girls because we can't wear the girls' uniforms all the time.

Quarte looked at Trowa who nodded and pushed Quarte towards the stairs. Go with Ranma.

Quarte, I'm getting you ready first with my disguise makeup, then you'll wait down here with the others until I'm ready. Quarte gulped and followed Ranma upstairs.

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Heero typed on his laptop not listening to what Wufei and Trowa were talking about, nope not at all. After all, it wasn't his fault that they talked loud.

Wufei, can you give an example of what Ranma can do?

Well, Ranma once did a girl disguise so well that even his mother couldn't tell it was him. Another time he tricked a whole village into believing he was a girl.

Amazing. What does Ranma's girl disguise look like?

Call him Ranko when he's a girl, but Ranko accidentally was pushed into you yesterday.

You mean it was Ranma, I mean Ranko, that we saw? That disguise is good, I thought that person was a real girl.

Yea, that was him. Want to know something really funny?


Well, when Ranma's mother thought he was really a girl named Ranko, she took him on shopping trips and tried to teach him how to be a lady. She still didn't realize it before she was killed by the bomb. Trowa smiled , while Heero tried to hide his snickering.

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The three boys turned their heads towards the stairs when they heard an Ahem. Standing at the bottom of the stairs was a slight-framed blond girl in Quarte's clothes.

Trowa gaped, Quarte.

The blond nodded, walking towards Trowa until he was right in front of him. Trowa sat the blond right in his lap.

You look so different.

Heero grunted. Quarte's new name is Helen, so refer to 'her' as that.

'Helen' looked up at Trowa using the puppy eyes. Trowa? You'll be my boyfriend, and save me from the mean, nasty boys, right?

Trowa could only nod. Ranma just fixed my hair to a more feminine style, gave me some padding, and put make up on me. He said he needed to take slightly longer for him to become Ranko.

Mousse chuckled, while Heero growled at Trowa & 'Helen' for making such a scene.

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I'm ready! Let's go shopping

This time Heero, Trowa, and Helen were staring at Ranko while Wufei fell out of his chair. Ranko ((as Wufei knew)) was a red-haired, blue-eyed petite with a figure girls would kill for. What Wufei and the others weren't prepared for was Ranko was wearing a large, black Chinese shirt which she improvised as a dress with her sash acting as a belt. And she was wearing her 'medallion', black slippers & black bracers ((which Wufei knew Ranma used to wear)). Ranko looked down at what she was wearing.

Did I get something on my dress?

Wufei got up from the floor. No Ranko, they just weren't prepared at your disguise and I thought you were going to wear your priest clothes again.

Wufei thought to himself. <I forgot how beautiful your girl-form also looked compared to your handsome boy-form.>

Oh, is that all? Well, let's get going to the mall. Quarte..


Helen still needs girl clothes and so do I.

Heero closed his laptop, and got their stash of money. Let's get this over with, we need to be at the boarding school tomorrow to get rooms & mix with the people there, and school starts the day after.

Helen got off Trowa's lap then pulled him outside to where Heero was, Wufei & Ranko followed.

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Heading towards the mall, Ranko slowed down to talk with Helen without the boys overhearing.

Quarte, I mean Helen. Since people think you're a girl now, it would be easier to do things with Trowa, like holding his hand in public than it was when you were a boy.


Really. Trust me. It'll be easier to kiss him too without people condemning you two.

Thanks Ranko.

Don't mention it, just go to it right away.


Helen ran to catch up with Trowa then grabbed his hand. As Trowa looked down, Helen smiled cutely then held Trowa's arm more possessively leaving Trowa smiling.

Ranko smiled smugly when she heard,

Helping Helen understanding a girl-boy relationship? Ranko turned around to see Wufei.
Just giving helpful advice.

Wufei and Ranko hurried to catch up with Heero who was scowling again at Trowa and Helen.
Lighten up Heero, it's all part of the mission.

And how do you figure that?

Well, girl-talk consists of boys mainly, so if someone has a boyfriend then the girls will automatically accept her & ask that girl a ton of questions about her boyfriend. If a girl or girls is friends with boys that don't have girlfriends, then that girl is also automatically accepted & asked tips on what type of girl the boys like.

How do you know all this stuff?

Look we're here at the mall. Okay here's the deal. Trowa, Helen, and Heero will go shopping for clothes for Helen, while Wufei will follow me. We'll meet back at the safe house. And remember: Helen must have blouses, suitable underclothes, loose jeans, and a fashionable dress.

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Ranko went directly to the Chinese clothing store dragging Wufei with her. She bought a double-slitted silk dress with decorative dragons on it, a black bathing suit, large silk shirts decorated with things like clouds, two black silk pants, different colored bracers, different colored slippers, suitable underclothes, and different colored sashes. With the shopping done, Ranko and Wufei used the Hidden Weapons Technique to avoid carrying the bulky packages in their arms, then they walked back to the safe house.

Well that was fun.

I blinked Ranko. Did I miss it for I seem to remember it usually is supposed to take longer.

Actually, I used the speed technique to go through the clothes quicker to find what I like.

Okay. Now about earlier when you were talking with Heero. Helen would be the one with the boyfriend, right?


Then what about you?

I am the girl whose main friends are two cute boys, you and Heero.

That's all I wanted to know. Oh, in the acceptance group, you forgot about the girl who doesn't realize one of her friends who are boys acts possessive for they like that girl. An example would be Ryouga.
<And me when we get to the boarding school.>

Ranko laughed and led the way into the safehouse.

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When the other gundam pilots finally came back, they found Wufei cooking in the kitchen and Ranko practicing martial arts in the clearing behind the house. During dinner, Heero asked where Ranko put her clothes since it didn't looked like she packed yet. Ranko blushed while pulling out half her clothes from her sleeves, Mousse produced the other half from his sleeves. Wufei simply stated, Martial arts secret. The matter was then dropped for 'Helen', Trowa, and Heero couldn't say anything more that night.

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The next morning, the disguised gundam pilots arrived early at the boarding house.


The person called rolled his eyes, while the others snickered.

Relena, what are you doing here?

I been here for a week, yet I knew in my heart you would come.

Ranko whispered to Wufei, Trowa, and Helen. Correction, I searched desperately for you and just got in.

Trowa shook his head, Helen kissed him on the cheek & whispered something in his ear.
Wufei-Should we leave or introduce ourselves?

Relena turned to him. Huh?

Wufei sighed. I'm Wufei, the redhead next to me is Ranko, Trowa you know, and Helen is the one hanging all over him.


Ranko tugged on Wufei 's arm. Let's just go get our rooms. Helen, Trowa, Heero, are you coming?



Relena was left standing there confused.

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The secretary looked over the papers then rummaged around the desk drawers.

Each boarding suite has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. Miss Ranko and Miss Helen will be in the same boarding suite as the Miss Relena. Here are your keys. Mr. Heero, Mr. Wufei, and Mr. Trowa will be in the same suite together across the hall from Miss Ranko, Miss Helen and Miss Relena. Here are your keys. Classes start tomorrow, your class schedules will be delivered to your rooms after dinner. The gym, sports arena, and the indoor swimming pool stay open around the clock, but the cafeteria is only open from 7am to 9pm. There will be a welcoming ball tonight. That will be all.

The secretary dismissed them from the office.

Ranko-Great. We'll get to spend time with Relena

W ufei patted her shoulder. At least our rooms are close together.


Ranko stalked towards the rooms, unlocked her suite, and immediately claimed the room with the blue color scheme. Helen claimed the yellow, and Relena already claimed the pink room. Relena was still gone, Helen went to go see Trowa's room, and Ranko told the other pilots she was going swimming to which Wufei quickly said he too was going swimming. Ranko put on her black, skintight, bathing suit, covered herself with a towel and waited for Wufei. He came out of his suite with blue swim trunks and the towel hanging around his neck.

Ranko led the way to the pool, and once there put her towel in a chair.

Wufei 's eyes grew wide. Ranko, you picked out that?!

Yes, it was the only one that fit in the store.

A lot of the boys swimming had their eyes soon targeted on Ranko and her skintight suit. Of course, they then for the most part looked away when Wufei gave all of them death glares.

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After swimming, they changed into regular clothes and went looking for the other pilots. Helen was the easiest to find for she was with Trowa, when Ranko and Wufei spotted him in the crowded hallways. Heero was the hardest to find, but Relena screeching Heero's name gave his position in the gym away. The gundam pilots decided to go out to eat before the dance that night, and unfortunately for them, to Heero's dismay, Trowa's, Ranko's and Wufei's amusement, and Helen's politeful amusement, Relena followed them.

Helen had decided to get back at Heero for all the times he frowned upon her and Trowa's quiet time, which was why she asked Relena to sit with them. For after all, weren't they roommates? And shouldn't roommates get to know one another?

Relena was confused to say the least. <Okay, Relena, let's try to figure this out. One, I was invited to sit with my Heero and his friends. Two, I thought all of Heero's friends were guys. Three, Helen looks like Quarte and is also with Trowa. Four, Ranko looks somewhat like Duo, but could be with Wufei. Five, Helen sat me down next to Heero. Six, >

What on Earth is going on?! demanded Relena of the five pilots.

Helen pouted and cuddled up to Trowa. We thought that we should get to know you better.

Ranko pointed out, All we know of you is that you stalk Heero.
Wufei nodded and scooted slightly closer to Ranko, who in turn leaned towards him.

Relena's mouth hung open. But.. but.. aren't you all guys?

Heero sighed and explained the mission to Relena. Relena nodded and stated that she would help her Heero and his friends, especially since she knew the people in question.

Heero-Relena, I will take you to the dance tonight for the good of the mission.

Relena just nodded, too happy to care about what he said after I will take you to the dance.
Helen and Trowa needed no words between them to express their thoughts.
It was Ranko and Wufei that had trouble.

Wufei put one hand behind his head, while Ranko was slowly tearing a napkin in her lap; both were averting their eyes away from the other.

Well, it's looks like I'll be taking you to tonight's dance, remarked Wufei.

I guess so.

Well, it is for the good of the mission that we are doing this.

Yes, the good of the mission.

Food's here, their waitress interrupted.

While they ate their food, both Ranko and Wufei wondered why they felt awful since the words 'for the good of the mission' fell from their lips.

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No excuses, but I've been busy.

As always, if you want to rewrite my story, or use it on your site, please write me at: