Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Strange Trip ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This is my first fan fic using Gundam Wing.  The writing is a bit rough but the story is quite cute and captivating.  If you like the zaniness of Ranma and love teasing poor chauvinistic Wufei then you'll like this story.  The tale takes place in an alternate universe where the Gundam boys head to a remote and isolated part of China then Japan where people have continue to live in a traditional and old fashion way of life.  Along the way Wufei suffers from the misfortune of falling into the Jensuki (the sacred hot springs) in China.  He becomes that which he most loathes, a weak woman.  Rate PG13 this story is mostly fun no real smut although lots of insinuations. Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and never will however I do enjoy writing fan fics although I don't make a penny off of them (truly).  GW and Ranma are own by other people not me.   STRANGE TRIP    

Part 8

    Farrington High School was Quatre's last stop.  He enjoyed watching the kids at the school.  Funny it wasn't like he was much older than them.  Truly, he was only a couple of years older but he felt much much older.  Quatre turned to see Duo walking up to him.  He had been waiting near the front of the school. "I thought we were going to meet at the hotel," Quatre said. "We were but since I was closer because of my last check point I decided to walk over," he said. It's amazing how two people from completely different life styles can get along so well, Duo thought.  Quatre was really cool for a rich kid and he was fun to hang out with.  The only problem was he was way too serious sometimes.  They had just passed the school grounds when someone ran smack into Quatre knocking him down. "Hey, watch where you're going!  Ryoga?" Duo stopped yelling when he noticed who it was. "I'm sorry," Ryoga apologized.  “Duo?” "Duo you know this guy," Quatre said getting off the floor and dusting off his pants. "Yeah Wufei and I meet him last night.  Quatre this is Ryoga and Ryoga this is my other good friend, Quatre," Duo said then he added. “So what's the rush?" "I was looking for a—a friend," Ryoga said remembering last minute that Wufei would not want them to know. "Ryoga!" young girl called out.  They all turned to see a pretty girl in a school inform approaching them.  She had really big eyes and a cute little bob cut. "Akane," Ryoga said.  It was obvious the guy was smitten. "Ryoga, I am so happy to see you.  When did you get back?" Akane asked. "Not long," Ryoga replied suddenly tongue tied.  He could not meet her eyes. "Oh, are these guys your friends?" Akane asked looking at Quatre and Duo.  They were both foreigners.  One guy was blond with big bluish green eyes and the other had light chestnut colored hair in a long braid down his back and violet eyes. Quatre seeing Ryoga so tongue tied decided to introduce him self and Duo to the young lady.  "I am Quatre Rabbaba Winner and this is Duo Maxwell we are only recently acquainted with Ryoga," he said smiling at her. "Hi," said the one called Duo. The one called Duo was cute, Akane thought but the one called Quatre was drop dead gorgeous.  Akane suddenly found her self a little nervous.  Winner?  She thought.  Why does that name sound familiar?  Then she remembered there were several Middle Eastern countries where there was a powerful and rich family called Winner. "You wouldn't be from a Middle Eastern country?" Akane asked curious in spite of her nervousness. "Well, my family is," Quatre answered honestly. "Oh, so are you the Winner heir?" Akane asked feeling her self get even more nervous.  She started to curtsy to him to show respect but Quatre stopped her. "I am the winner heir but please don't.  Here I'm just another tourist," Quatre told her. Akane blushed prettily and Ryoga noticed that she seemed interested in the blond guy.  He felt the green eye monster rear its ugly head. "So please tell us your name," Quatre asked. "This is Akane Tendo my girlfriend," Ryoga said possessively. "Like hell," said a feminine voice behind him. "Ranma," Ryoga and Akane said at the same time as they jumped away from each.     * * * * * * * * * * *     There standing beside Heero was his red head girl.  Duo noticed.  He glanced mean fully at Quatre. "Is that her?" Quatre whispered to Duo. "Yeah," Duo confirmed.  The other pigtail girl had bangs and she was chewing Ryoga out. "How can you called Akane your girl friend," Ranma was saying.  "You don't have a girl friend.  No girl would want a pig like you." "Ranma, how could you say something like that and in front of Akane," Ryoga yelled back. "Pig, Pig, P-cha—”  Ranma taunted knowing that Ryoga was secretly Akane’s pet pig called P-Chan. "Ranma stop it, that's mean," Akane reprimanded the loud red head. Quatre didn't know what to do.  The other red head looked like she was trying to melt into Heero and this one was causing a scene. "Yo, Heero what are you doing here and with such interesting companions," Duo said his eyes only for Wufei.  He barely noticed the loud girl tearing into Ryoga. Wufei backpedaled into Heero and if Heero didn't put a hand on his shoulder he would have fled.  Quatre and Duo noticed the movement.  They traded a look. "You guys know each other," Ranma said noticing for the first time Duo and Quatre. “Yes,” Heero and Ryoga said at the same time. "These guys are friends of Ryoga," Akane said.  “This is Duo Maxwell and this is Quatre Rabbabera Winner.” "Friends?  I didn't know you had any friends," Ranma said to Ryoga.  This made the poor guy turn even more red face. Quatre taking pity on Ryoga decided to change the tone of the conversation. "We are recently acquainted, Akane why don't you introduce us to these lovely young ladies," Quatre asked smiling at Akane beseechingly.  Akane blushed under his glaze. Ranma noticed this instantly and frowned.  He was so busy yelling at Ryoga that he really didn’t take in the two guys with them.  That’s when he realized these must be the companions Wufei spoke of. "Oh, that's Ranma and she’s?” “My cousin,” Ranma supplied remembering Wufei friends didn’t know about his mishap. “Ranma you don’t have a cousin,” Akane said. “I do too,” Ranma said. “That’s a lie,” Akane stated. “Akane, she’s my cousin from China.  She’s from the sacred springs,” Ranma hinted. Akane opened her mouth about to dispute him when what he was saying hit her.  She glanced again at Wufei and noticed that he seemed to be also a replicate of Ranma.  They really could be cousins.  That’s when she noticed the girl was wet and wearing boy’s clothes. “Oh, right the hot springs,” Akane replied letting Ranma know that she got the message.  “So this is?” “Wu,” Ranma stammered. "Wu Chang," Heero repeated. Wufei winced at the name.  He then prodded Heero to get them out of there.  Heero turned to Ranma and said, “let’s go or you won’t get paid.” “Paid, whatever for?” Akane asked. “Well, they are visiting and I’m acting as a tour guide.  I needed a job or have you forgotten,” Ranma supplied. “No and I need a job too but they’re guests to our country and she’s your cousin you shouldn’t charge them,” Akane stated. “Ranma I don’t believe you would sink so low,” Ryoga said. “Look who’s talking you and that guy you were drinking with last night got me fired,” Ranma defended.  Duo eyes widen at that remark.  Is that why Wufei and Ryoga cut out so quickly? “Actually, I think that’s a great idea, Ranma and his cousin can show Heero and Duo around and may be you can show me around Akane?  Money is no object,” Quatre said thinking at playing matchmaker for Duo. What?  Did this guy just ask Akane out?  Ranma thought.  He looked at Akane and noticed she seemed to be thinking the idea over.  Akane was acting like a silly sap.  Ranma never saw this side to her before and he didn’t like it one bit.  How dare this guy approach his Akane?  Ranma looked him over.  He didn’t look like much to him.  The blond hair and blue eyes marked him as a foreigner.  Ranma glowered at Quatre.  Even Ryoga frowned at the arrangement.  He was thinking along the same lines as Ranma. “Oh, so what are you a billionaire,” Ranma snapped. “Actually Ranma he is,” Akane blushed.  She then turned to Quatre ignoring the others. “I don’t know Quatre, I-I would feel like I’m taking advantage of you.  I’m sure a rich and handsome man like you could easily have any girl escort you around,” Akane stammered out.  Since she had turned away from Ranma to address Quatre personally she didn’t see the look on Ranma’s face. “Look pal Akane is spoken for,” Ranma snapped. “How about I pay you 100,000 yen,” Quatre suggested. “100,000 yen,” Akane exclaimed shocked. Quatre thought he might have inadvertently insulted her with such a low amount so he added another 100,000.  Akane eyes just widened as Quatre causally doubled the amount.  She stood there dumbfounded until Ranma rudely shoved her away. “Like I said Akane is spoken for but I’m not,” Ranma said quickly.  He took Quatre’s arm and started to lead him away.  “Here let me show you the sites of the city,” Ranma cooed. Quatre was too polite to disengage his arm and so with an apologetic look at the others he let Ranma dragged him away.  The others started to trail after the two; Duo was amused, Heero and Ryoga were annoyed, Wufei was fearful and Akane was furious.  She couldn’t believe Ranma would do that.  What was he thinking?  He isn’t even a real girl. “What’s his—err—her problem?  How can she walk around like that?” Wufei said shock that Ranma just forgot about wanting to change back especially after lashing into him. Heero was thinking differently.  He did not want Quatre alone with the strange female and yet Wufei’s identity may be blown if Duo stayed.  This whole situation was too crazy.  The only thing he knew was he couldn’t let someone jeopardize the mission, so for now he needed time. “Duo go with them,” Heero said regarding the retreating pair. “What why?” Duo asked. “Quatre is too much of a gentleman for such an aggressive female.” “Or maybe you want be alone with your lovely companion.” “That’s right.” Duo just gaped at Heero.  He was too surprised at Heero’s blunt answer to notice how frightened Wufei was but Akane noticed. “You should go, Ranma can be very energetic,” Akane said to Duo.  “Ryoga you should go too especially since she can be rather unpredictable.  I’ll stay with Heero and Ranma’s cousin.” “But Akane—” “Please Ryoga, I’ll see you later.  Okay?” Ryoga could deny Akane nothing and the fact that she suggested to see him later helped him decided.  He nodded to Duo and they sped off after Ranma and Quatre as Akane, Heero and Wufei lagged behind.