Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Games of a Cazed Host ❯ Bikini Twister ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer. Yes yes yes. I know. I OWN THEM ALL!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! * evil lawyers appear with briefcases* gulp um he he AHHHHHHHH!! * Lawyers chase her around and hit her* No stay away!!!

Harry: *sweatdrops * Well, she lied. She doesn't own any of us. She lives in a delusional world where she thinks she does though.


Announcer dude: And that commercial was brought to you by Goldfish, the snack that smiles back, until you bite their heads off. And here are your hosts, Serenefox and Harry Potter!

Sfox: Thank you thank you. We are now back and continue on with our next game. We can't continue with our old one because certain people decided to become a little bit too frisky. * glares at Usagi and Seiya, both flush with guilt but smile stupidly* Well, at least we know where Rini came from

Harry: That was a low blow. Anywho, now our next game is Bathing suit twister. The girls must wear these * produces pink and purple bikinis* and the guys must wear these *produces dark blue speedos * these must be worn at all time during the game.

(chibi Sfox: Woohoo! Hot guys in tight pants! *does a happy dance *)

Vegeta: Ugh I have to wear these?

Hotaru: Why do I have to wear this? I am too pale *whines *

Galaxia: Aha! The senshi are too afraid to wear them! I am not though! *runs to dressing room and puts on bikini, comes out looking smug * Damn I look good

*Duo whistles, Trunks, Goku, Gohan, and Quatre's eyes bulge, Vegeta gets a nosebleed *

Sfox: Vegeta ecchi.

Michiru: Ok We are not afraid Galaxia-sama! Come on scouts! PINK AND PURPLE BIKINI MAKE-UP!

*all scouts appear in bikinis, Ami blushes, Rei looks bored, Minako, Makoto, Hotaru, and Rini look nervous, Haruka and Michiru eye each other with mysterious looks in their eyes *

Setsuna: I totally knew this was gonna happen.

Vegeta: Riiiight. Why would you know that?

Setsuna: I am the senshi of time. I can see the future.

Vegeta: Ok whatever you say. I will not be taunted by a bunch of weak onnas! Come on Kakarott, you and the brats need to change to prove our manliness

Sfox: I know another way you can prove your manliness… *smiles wickedly and winks *

Vegeta: …..

*Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goku, and the rest of the males change, they return a few moment later *

Sfox and the rest of the girls: * drool*

Harry: AHEM, Serenefox, we need to continue do we not?

Sfox: *looks dazed * huh? Oh yea *shakes herself * Ok now we have four groups of six each and they are as follows:

Usagi Vegeta Heero Goku Rei Hermione

Trowa Seiya Yaten Ami Haruka Rini

Taiki M.Trunks Duo Galaxia Setsuna Hotaru

Gohan Wufei Quatre Michiru Makoto Minako

Harry: The winner of each group, who is the last one upright, will go one to the final round where the four group winners will go against each other. Whoever is the last standing in that game will be declared the winner.

Gohan: What do we win?

Sox and Harry: Ummmm…..

Sfox: Anyways lets begin. Everyone to your respective groups! Chop chop

*everyone slowly pads to a Twister board, three on each side *

Harry: Ok everyone, left hand blue!

*everyone places the left hand on blue *

Sfox: Left foot red

*all left feet on red *

Harry: Right hand yellow!

*all on yellow, Usagi and Goku get tangled up as do Trowa Yaten and Ami, Galaxia and Setsuna, who glare at each other, and Michiru and Makoto *

Sfox: Left hand on green * Seiya, Yaten, Ami, and Quatre fall* You are out for the rest of the game

Ami: Good I am NOT flexible enough to be all twisted like that

Harry: Right foot Red!

*all on red, Rei falls on her head, causing Usagi to fall on Heero, who trips up Goku who knocks over Vegeta so… *

Harry: Hermione is the winner in Group one! Go `Mione!

Vegeta: Baka Onna! You caused me to lose! You are a poopy head!

Rei: Poopy head? Revert to kindergarten much?

Vegeta: *mumbles about ki blasts *

Sfox: Ok now calm down people! Left foot on blue and right hand on green!

* Trowa goes for the green, causing Rini to fall over as well as Haruka, in group three Taiki pushes Hotaru into Trunks so all three fall, in group four Minako and Makoto get tangled up causing one big pile of limbs*

Harry: Ok so all you who fell, go sit down! All we have left are:

Group two: Trowa and Duo

Group three: Galaxia and Setsuna

Group four: Michiru Gohan and Wufei

Ok so people here we go *spins the spinner * Left hand on yellow!

*Trowa leans for yellow, and falls on his cute butt, Setsuna and Galaxia fight over a yellow, but Galaxia pushes Setsuna off of the mat, Michiru mumbles something about how this is stupid and sits down on Gohan's head who unbeknownst to her, reached for the yellow *

Gohan: *sees stars * wow. A hott girl just sat on my head. How often does that happen? *gets punched by Haruka * OWWW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR???

Haruka: She is my girlfriend. She should only sit on my head!

Sfox: Riiiight. Anyways, the winners are Hermione, Duo, Galaxia (chibi Setsuna: NO DAMMIT NOT HER!) and Wufei

Harry: Now for the final round! When we return from commercials

Sfox: Hey Harry, ya wanna do our own game of twister?

Harry: What do you mean?

Sfox: * leans over and whispers not-so-innocent things in his ear, he blushes tomato red and drags Serenefox off to her dressing room* We'll be right back!