Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Code Name: Angel of Death ❯ The Truth ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Code Name: Angel of Death

By: Moon Princess

Chapter: 8

Angel lowers her gun, but kept her eyes on Pluto. She wasn't happy with Pluto for dragging her back into that life. She didn't want to be control by destiny again. It wasn't as pleasant to her as it was to everybody else. "I will help with this new enemy, but don't expect me to be control by destiny."

Raye was surprise her princess would act like this; she was so different than before, she thought. "Serena what do you mean by that, you have responsible. Besides it was destined that you became all that you were supposed to become. I thought you accept it a long time ago."

Next thing Raye knew she was throw up against a wall with a knife at her throat. Angel glared at Mars with such hate, that Raye was scared for her life. "Get one thing straight the Serena you knew died when she was force to watch her friends die by the man she thought she was destined to be with. She had to watch her family be murdered in front of her by the man she thought she love with all her heart," she said with such anguish in her voice.

All the other scouts didn't know what to say after that. I didn't know their princess suffer that much. She released Raye, turned to the rest of the scouts with no motions show expect in her eyes. Nobody could really tell what kind of emotions they were angry, regret and suffering nobody should ever encoder for few seconds before disappearing.

"Dr. J I'm sure you know about the sailor scouts, they are standing before you now. The one in red is Mar also know as Raye Hino, the one in green is Jupiter also know as Lita Kino, the one in blue is Mercury also know as Amy Mizuno, and the one in orange is Venus also know as Mina Aino the leader of the inner scouts. You just meant the inner scouts. The one in sandy-blond is Uranus also know as Amara Ten'ou, the one in teal is Neptune also know as Michelle Kaiou, the one blackish-purple is Saturn also know as Hotaru Tomoe, and Dr. M is Pluto also know as Trisha Meiou the leader of the outer scouts."