Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Astralobe ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: Alright, this story I just started on a whim. I saw so many stories that were unfinished about Duo being related to Koenma, I decided to give my own a try. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own my original characters! If you want to use them for your own purposes, then ask me. I do not however, own any of the Gundam Wing, or Yu Yu Hakusho, cast. Woe is me! Please give me feedback.


By: Skeren Dreamera

"I really don't think they'll believe us." The person speaking was dressed in a white silk oriental outfit, wide eyes pleading with his partner as he looked up at him expectantly. He was wearing a gray cloak over his shirt, so only the ornamental collar could be seen, the hood veiling his face.

"They'll believe what we tell them to, otherwise, it's just a waste of our time, you know I don't waste time." The second speaker was wearing a self-indulgent smirk, his gaze looking down on his partner from his only three-inch taller height of five foot two. His own clothes consisted of a white vest, poet shirt, and tight gray pants made of leather.

"Are you entirely certain we should even be interfering like this in the past? Either past?" The smaller of the two drew back his hood, his almost black blue hair falling in messy streaks around his face and over his dark, nearly black, purple eyes, to the nape of his neck. He also wore an interesting design of black face paint on his chin, and coming in from the bottom sides of his cheeks like little thorns, covering a set of scars.

His partner sighed deeply in annoyance his dark brown uptilted eyes having a fall of pale silvery brown hair along his cheeks. They were both an equally pale color, their skin each a tone of pale ivory. "Yes. We should be interfering. Do you really want what I see happening to happen? Honestly Mirigo?"

The one called Mirigo winced a little, thinking back over the vision his partner had had. Everyone had died, not even a peaceful death, but each and every one had been killed, in the colonies, in the newly inhabited planets in the solar system, everyone on earth itself. Shinigami made a mistake, and that was the result. Now they had to try to fix it before it could happen. "No... No it should have no chance to come to pass Marcell. To the more recent past first then to the far past, agreed?"

"Yes, agreed." Marcell nodded his head slightly, stepping up to his partner in his refined clothes as compared to his own peasant garb. "Open the time gate, and let's get together our charges, shall we?"

"We shall." Mirigo raised his arm, a flare of light spanning out from his palm and the stone within it. His eyes were closed against the light and he tilted his head back, a doorway opening before the pair, showing a swirl of green light that Marcell pulled himself and Mirigo through, then it closed behind them.

It was as the door closed that a pale woman with kind dark blue eyes and messy silver-brown hair ran into the clearing, her eyes pained. "My babies..." She bowed her head for a long moment. "Good luck in your quest my son... and my heart's son." She turned, leaving the clearing by the same path she had taken to enter it.

To be continued.