Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Astralobe ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: Look! Plot! And corrections to all the other chapters too!!

Disclaimers: I own my original characters. Wanna borrow them, just ask. I do not however, own the characters from Gundam Wing and Yu Yu Hakusho.


By: Skeren Dreamera


While the other people in the little time traveling group were talking, Mirigo had been explaining to Koenma what his ancestry was. Of course, when Yuusuke entered the room, Mirigo latched onto him adoringly as well, having figured out the relation. Thus how they came to Duo with his current speech.

"Waitaminute here!!! Wait, you mean that these two are my mom 'n dad? They're both male if you hadn't noticed!" He spun from Mirigo to point at Yuusuke and Koenma. "You are both guys right? Cause neither one of you looks all that feminine. Suuuuure, I can get the whole Idea that I am the son of the death man, but two pappies instead of a mum and dad? How would that work exactly?"

Mirigo sniggered. "Do you mean to tell me you hadn't thought about why my name isn't Maxwell?"

Turning away from the slightly off guard pair that were taking in the information their grandchild provided for them, they had the pleasure of seeing Duo freeze. "What?"

"You figure it out. It's something Koenma grampa over there passed down the line." Mirigo sounded rather smug over that, watching the braided man try and gather his argument for that particular bombshell. He was failing.

Shaking off the minor shock that had overcome him when the person claiming to be his grandchild declared him and Koenma had a child together, Yuusuke butted into the conversation. "Wait a second here! Since when did I get up close and personal with Koenma? I have Keiko, remember?"

Koenma peered at the boys who were supposedly his relations, a faint grin crossing his face. "He does have your attitude Yuusuke."

Looking gravely insulted, Duo looked to Yuusuke, then to Koenma. "I do not have an attitude! I have a pleasant outlook. Besides, I can't say you two aren't my parents any more than I can say for sure if I really am his dad. It's not like anybody actually raised little ol' me."

That drew silence from the other, to which Duo waited oh so patiently. Koenma was the first one to break the silence. "I would never have abandoned my child."

Mirigo sighed slightly, lowering his head a bit. "Well, you sort of never had a choice Koenma. You aren't around to have raised him. That's one of the reasons I'm here. We need to figure out what happened to you."


In the other room, Marcell was getting acquainted with his own relations, his attention moving from one to another consideringly. He really had less heritage in common with this lot than Mirigo, but that didn't mean he was entirely excluded from his mess of heritage.

Hiei took in the fact of relation to the green eyed man calmly, then asked an incredibly obvious question, at least to his point of view. "How precisely is it that me and Kurama have a grandchild together? It isn't exactly my want to part from him anytime in the future."

Marcell shook his head a little, moving closer to the pair and studying Kurama, then Hiei. "You have Koorime in you."

Hiei didn't look exactly pleased by this announcement, scanning the room quickly to be sure Yukina was nowhere nearby to hear it before looking back to the teen who was only a few inches taller than him. "Yes, and?"

"It's harder for you to conceive, but you can have kids too, just like a normal Koorime." Marcell tilted his head, considering a little before spinning to look at Trowa. "You have a sister right? That's why you're my great great uncle."

Hiei was trying to piece together his possibility for having children, and he looked fit to hurt Kurama when he saw how amused the fox was. He didn't have any right to look that amused! "Kurama, I think you should stop smirking now before I find another method and do it for you."

Kurama obligingly covered his mouth, still far too amused. "So Trowa, where is it you grew up?"

Trowa shook his head, a faint smile flickering across his face before disappearing again. "I grew up with mercenaries."

Kurama blinked once, then looked to Hiei. "Maybe you should talk to him then."

Hiei peered back at Kurama and snorted before looking back at the other green-eyed teen, ignoring Marcell as he backed off quickly from the three. "Mercenaries? Are you joking?" Hiei frowned slightly. -And why are you sharing something like that anyway? Do you just not care?-

Trowa shook his head slightly. "Not joking. They were dead a while before I got brought here. A few years. If it makes you feel better, my sister grew up at a circus, she was fond of me since I found the caravan." The pair didn't know how to reply to that, and the three fell into a companionable silence.


Heero crossed his arms, leaning on the wall beside Quatre and Wufei as Botan gravitated towards them, a welcoming smile on her face. "Hello! My name is Botan, what are your names?"

Quatre smiled back at the blue haired girl, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "I am Quatre Raberba Winner, as I told your friend Suuichi, who seems to be related to my Trowa…" Quatre paused as Botan frowned a little in puzzlement. "Is something wrong?"

Botan shook her head with a little. "Who is Suuichi?"

Quatre gave her an odd look, gesturing toward the three across the room. "The redhead?"

"Kurama?" Botan paused, then her eyes widened. "Oh, human name! Right! Okay, go on, please, I was just confused for a minute."

Quatre's odd look got a little worse as he tried to understand what she'd meant by that, and he shook his head to clear it, gesturing to Heero. "He's Heero Yuy." He then gestured at Wufei, knowing he'd say his own name for the woman.

"Chang Wufei." He tipped his head slightly, but otherwise said nothing more. Overall, the entire room was rather tense.

To be continued.