Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 101 Things You'll Never Hear on GW ❯ Thing You'll Never Hear ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ohayo minna! Since some people asked for more 101 Things You'll Never See on GW, I decided to make one on things you'd never hear on the show. And I'd just like to say that it is a lot harder to make up things for them to say instead of just popping them into ridiculous situations. Much harder.

Also, almost ever reviewer said something along the lines of "I could see them doing this!" Well, I luv ya'll, but that's not the point of the list. The point is that you'd never see/hear it on the show (I'm not including any manga in that). Personally, I could see all of them doing whatever I said they did, simply because I imagined it. Doesn't mean it'll ever really happen. ^_^

Disclaimer: I am omnipotent!!! I own EVERYTHING! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!

Seigimegami- She's just kidding.

Am not.

Seigimegami- <locks SilverShinigami in a closet> Yes she is. Back off, lawyer scum! <thoughtful pause> No offense to any lawyers reading this. Now, go read and for the love of sliced cheese, leave a review!!!

101 Things You'll Never Hear on GW

Heero- I love you, Relena!

Treize- What's with all these roses? They're sickening!

Quatre- Why do I always get tea? I don't even like tea.

Dorothy- Oh, please, just stop fighting, everyone!

Wufei- So I was like, no way, and she was like, yes way, and....

Duo- I'm a little teapot, short and stout! Here is my handle....

Relena- Why won't everyone just leave me alone?!

Trowa- First I'm going to skin you, you stupid lion, and use your hide for a rug....

Zechs- Who said I fight for peace? World domination, baby, yeah!

Noin- Zechs, why won't you just leave me alone?

Sally- <giggles> Drugs are good...

Une- Look at me, I'm a bunny! (there's a long story behind that, and even I don't understand it)

Wufei- <jumps off a cliff> I believe I can fly!!!

Duo- Could you show me how to set my own leg, Heero? It looks so cool!

Relena- Oh, I just can't wait to see Hannibal tonight, Heero. I just love psychotic, cannibalistic psychiatrists!

Quatre- I hate pink. It's so girlie.

Zechs- In the name of the moon, I shall punish you! (gomen, I couldn't resist)

Dorothy- Damn these eyebrows! They're so freaky.

Treize- I choose you, Pikachu! (gomen ne...)

Une- Treize, you're such a bastard.

Trowa- Prepare to feel the wrath of the Smelly Sock of Doom!

Sally- I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it, I'm a survivor....

Heero- Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third...

Duo- I'm not a puppet, I'm a real boy!

Quatre- Do any of you know where I could get some more booze?

//Duo- Shinigami is back from- aw, screw it, guys. I'm tired of being the God of Death.

Heero- Yes, I think the God of Chibi Boxer Shorts suits you much better.//

//Zechs- Do you think I should dye my hair red or green, Noin?

Noin- I think you should try for teal, darling.//

//Duo- <wolf-whistles> There goes Sexy-Zechsy!

Quatre- <catcalls>//

Duo- ....

Trowa- HiQuatrehowareyou?I'mfinebutI'mreallyhappy.Whydon'tyoucomejoinmeandIreallys houldn'thaveputallthatsugarinmyteadontchathinkand...

Duo- I'm sick of this braid- where's Wufei's katana?

//Heero- What sound does the cow make?

Duo- Mmmooooooo...//

Dorothy- Oh, wook at you, what a pwetty wittle baby!

Wufei- <takes a gulp from a glass> Ahh...Got milk?

Treize- I'm going to grow my hair out, just like Duo's.

//Zechs- <with a bucket over his head> Duo, I am your father.

Duo- <gasp>//

Trowa- ...I like pie.

Une- Turkeyturkeyturkey.

Sally- I'm melting! I'm meeelllttiiiinnngg!!!!

Trowa- C'mon baby, do the macarena!

Treize- Shagidelic, baby, yeah! (too much Austin...)

Relena- Muahahahahahahaha!!!

//Duo- This scythe is sooo last Tuesday.

Wufei- Yeah, the jump rope look is totally in.//

Sally- <acting like a cheerleader> Like totally! For sure! I just got a manicure...!!

Heero- Slug bug red! (imagine what a punch from him would be like!)

Zechs- Does this dress make me look fat?

Duo- You know, they always say that curiosity killed the cat...

Dorothy- Can't we all just get along?

Wufei- Penny for your thoughts?

Heero- I love you, you love me... (gomen, gomen!)

Treize- Oh thank you, Une. I always did prefer tulips.

Zechs- I think Tallgeese needs a new look. Pink, maybe?

Quatre- Backstreet's back, all right!

Une- There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place....

Dorothy- Happy tra~ils to you...wherever you may go... (Roy Rogers? Maybe? ...ok then.)

Trowa- <dancing> I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world...

Dekim- I'm so pret-ty!

Relena- Oh Heero, don't kill me! Whatever you do, please don't kill me!

Quatre- <cackling> I'm eevil! Eeeeeeeeeeevil!!!!

//Heero- Bud.

Trowa- Weis.

Wufei- Er.//

Sally- <cackling> It's alive! It's alllliiiiiiive!!

Quatre- War is a good thing.

//Quatre- <strikes a pose coordinated with a loud BOOM> Spice!

G-boys- We are the Spice Girls!

Quatre- Baby Spice!

Duo- Posh Spice!

Heero- Scary Spice!

Wufei- Injustice! I am Scary Spice!

<fighting erupts>//

Noin- Oh give me a hoooooommme...Where the buffalo rooooaaaaammmm!!!

Wufei- Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!

Dorothy- Joy of cola, joy of fun, the joy of Pepsi on your tongue...

Rashid- I wish I weren't so damn big...

Sally- Oogilly boogilly!

Duo- <holds a flashlight under his chin and whispers.> I see dead people.

Zechs- <strikes a disco-ish pose> Greased lightnin'!

Treize- To the mattresses! (The Godfather. They made him an offer he couldn't refuse, ne?)

Heero- Oooowwwiiiieeeee!! I stubbed my toe!

//G-boys- We've got spirit, yes we do, we've got spirit, how 'bout you?

OZ- We've got spirit, yes we do, we've got spirit, how 'bout you?//

Zechs- <strumming a guitar and singing harshly> I got the blues...oh, I got the blues!

//Duo- Can you dance at all, Wu-man?

Wufei- <starts dancing> I can raise da roof, uh-huh, uh-huh!//

Heero- Damnit! I just lost another game of Solitaire. <mutters> Stupid laptop...

Wufei- Justice? Who said anything about justice?

Sally- I wonder if I should try a regular ponytail today...?

Trowa- Ah! I'm going to fall! (he never loses his balance...)

Treize- Is that a...spider??? EEEEKKKK!!!!

Catherine- I hate soup. I really do.

Ringmaster- Trowa, you're smiling way too much. You've really got to stop that.

Duo- <as Clark Gable> Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. (I've seen too many times recently not to put it in.)

//Quatre- Heero, exactly where do you keep your gun?

Heero- Wouldn't you like to know.

Trowa- o.O; //

*~* was that? I know it wasn't quite 101 things, but I finally just said screw it, otherwise you'd never get to see it. Gomen, gomen!! <ducks rotten vegetables thrown at her> Um, I would just like to point out one thing.


I do not necessarily agree with anything said by the G-people. If I insulted your favorite pairing, gomen nasai. I just don't think you'd hear it on the show. Also, any references to alcohol and/or drugs being good are NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!!!! Drugs are bad, alcohol is bad, don't touch 'em. <bows> Thank you.

Well, now that that's over with, please leave a review! *puppy dog eyes* Pleeeaassseee???