Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Forgotten Past ❯ Chapter 2 Duo Maxwell ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

:)Hey peps! It's me agian!! surprise surprise. Ok this is the 2nd chapter of
A Forgotten Past. For all of you who didn't seem to get it last chapter Angel is the
other twin. Ok now thats settlead i am going to let you sit and wait till i tell you
who her twin is. You will have to keep reading this Story if you want to find out.
This next chapter will be pretty interesting i hope. Oh and i want to thank all of you
who reviewed the 1st chapter i really appriciate it. A shout out to Anime Princess and
Jaelawyn Noble . Also to Cara and Kat you all know who you are. A special thanx to all
of you. Love you guys!!!!

Disclaimers- I do not own Gundam Wing. To bad thats a shame the G-bys would
have had a real fun time with me. Angel belongs to me and any other character that is not
in the show Gundam Wing. Or any other Japanese anime for that matter.

Warnings- a little bad language, some flirting, maybe some touchy feely ness going
on and thats a MAYBE . I am not sure. And also some butt kicking. Ty!!

A Forgotten Past
Chapter2- Duo Maxwell
By The Angel Of Death

And then she saw it the thing that was causing all the trouble in space and on Earth
a Gundam......
The supeirior Mobile suit landed and Angel ran over to her Uncle Howard. A transmission
was coming onto his vid- phone. The pilots face did not register but his voice however started
to talk.
"Howard ... I have been sent here by Doctor G. (A.N. the one with the mushroom hair) I
am requesting repairs on my Gundam and a place to stay for a while."
"Request granted please dock your Gundam and meet me down here."
"Roger that" the pilot cut transmission. The giant suit walked over to a maintnence sector
and stopped. The power was cut off making the briliant green glow of the eyes dissapear.
"Uncle Howard are you sure we can trust this pilot?"
"I am not but we will have to see now won't we?"
The chest hatch opened and the piolt stepped out. He jumped down and walked twords them.
He was absolutly goergues. His long brown hair was pulled into a braid that dangled behind him.
He had the moost beautiful violet eyes she had ever seen and smile to go with it. His outfit
consisted of all black pants and shirt with a priest's collar. He was failey tall an inch or so
more than Angel.
"Howard it is nice to finally get to meet you." he said "My name is Duo, Duo Maxwell. And
who might you be?" He asked. His eyes travleing up and down Angel's body.
"This is my neice Angel. She works for me here one of the best machnics we've got."
"Well it's nice to meet you also Angel" Duo said extending his hand out to her. In all
truth she really didn't want to and wasn't going to until her Uncle elbowed her and she was forced
"Why are you here?" She asked
"Like i said my Gundam needs repairs. And i need a place to stay for a while. Your Uncle
here offered to help me out and so here i am at your service babe." Duo stated.
"That's nice. May i leave now?" she asked turning to her uncle.
"Actually Angel Duo needs a mechanic to help him out and your the best one we've got besides
"Well then why don't you go help him?"
"Because i've got things to do buissness. Ya know?"
"Ugh how did i ever get stuck in this sittuation." she said "Fine lets get going." Angel
started walking twords where the Gundam was placed.
"Woah hold on there wait for me." Duo yelled running after her. When she got close enough
she looked up at the amazing site before her. The gigantic almost all black suit with a demonic look
made her catch her breath in her throat.
"It's so so... amazing. I've never seen anything like it." she said not to any one impaticular.
"yup i know it's my baby." Duo stated
" Oh really."
"Yes and thats a very interesting outfit you have on."
"Do you have a problem with it Mr. Maxwell? This is what i ware simple as that."
"No no i don't have a problem with it and you can call me Duo."
"But that would mean we are on a first name basis and i just met you."
"Well i perfer Duo." He said grinning at her. Angel was now smileing for the first time.
"Yuu know you should do that more ofter."
"you mean smile? Why"
"because you have a beatiful smile."
"Are we going to get working on this or are you going to flirt with me some more?"
"Why settle for one when we can do both?" Duo said walking over to her and lightly stroking
her cheack. "come on we have work to do"
Slightley dazed from his gentele touch she followed him. They started to work on the Gundam,
Angel quiet as always when working.
"You know you remind me of one of my friends so into your work and cold."
"Exuse me i am not cold i just don't like it when guys are acting like dogs calling me
names like baby, and hot stuff and shit like that. I am really sick of it. I grew up in a mans world and
i excelled in it. I became one of the best mechanics on this earth and yet i wonder if this is really
who i am meant to be." She looked up at him with a look of pain in her eyes. "But you wouldn't understand
would you?"
"Hey i'm sorry if i offended you but i understand where you coming from. My life hasn't been a
piece of cake either."
Angel looked down at her work. "I can imagine."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
That night she led him to where he would be sleeping. They walked the long halls until they came
upon the manny rooms that lined the it. "Alright" she said "You have room B2. That's right here." She
pointed out the door.
"Wow i get my own room cool. So where do you sleep?"
Angel was taken aback a little suprised "Well arn't we forward."
"That's me"
"Well if you really want to know i sleep just down the hall. Room C2 but i don't think you'll
be needing to know. that."
"Thanx for helping me with the repairs on my Gundam."
"Your welcome" She said turning around and walking down the hall. She looked over her shoulder.
"Goodnight Mr. Maxwell.'
"Goodnight Angel." He replied eyes on her until she disappered around a corner. She had an
excellent body he had to admit. And those jeans fit so low on her swaying hips as she walked. "Watch out
baby Duo Maxwell is coming to get you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Angel got up early the next morning and went over to her Uncle's office. She walked in and turned
on the computer. She sorted through all the files she could find. Finally she came upon a file called pilots.
She opened it and found 4 diffrent sub-files. OZ, rebles, Gundam, and V, Yuy. "What the hell is that?"
She had origanilly came to look up Duo on the computer but somthing told her to check this out. She
opended the file and gasped. "What the fuck?" there was a picture of herself on the file but under a different
name. "Victoria Yuy, age 15 5 foot 2. 100 punds. blonde hair blue eyes female." She read out loud what is
going on?" she went depper in the file and found that her birth certificate was a fake. She printed out the file
and shut off the coumputer. Angel grabbed the papers and walked briskley down the hall. Her Uncle and Duo were in
a larger sitting type room. She walked in and the door slid behind her.
"Good morning Angel" Her uncle greeted her.
"Are you sure?" she said giving him a look of betrayal. "What the hell is this?" she yelled at him waving
the file around.
"Angel calm down and talk to me." Howard said.
'Calm down? Calm down? how can you tell me to calm down when my life is all fake?"
"What do you mean?" she handed him the file. "Oh man, Angel i didn't think that..."
'What you didn't think i would find out? Who am i Howard? tell me who am i?" All this time Duo was just
standing there in shock.
"Your name is Victoria Yuy."
"Yeah i kinda saw that." She said angreiley. "Who am I really?" Where do I belong?"
"I will tell you if you sit down and stop yelling. It might take a bit."
"Do you want me to leave?" Duo asked
"No you can stay if you want" Howard said. Angel sat down on the couch next to Duo. "Let me start
from the begging. When you were born your mother died during labor. You weren't the only one you have a twin
brother. Your brother is a Gundam Pilot. You too were seperated at birth he was taken to get trained and I took
you to Earth and brought you up as my neice. Your brother and you were never supposed to meet because that would
jeperdize the war. But now that you know i wonder if it is necesseriy. I mean you would be a help to the pilots.
After all that i have taught you i wouldn't be supprised if you were an equal to them."
"What are you trying to say Howard?" she asked.
"What i'm trying to say is that you are a Gundam Pilot."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


OK ppl get ready the next chapter should prove to be very interesting. Please read and review!!!