Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Midnight Lullaby ❯ Prologue

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A Midnight Lullaby
by Melody Tanaka

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

Another moon-lit sky, another night filled with tossing and turning. It looked like imsomnia and I couldn't get enough of each other.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

And another night listening to the sound of that god-awful clock. I yawned, got up, and made my way wearily to grandfather clock in my hotel room. It was so damn loud! I leaned over and checked the label on the side. 'Made in America.' So that explained it.(^ ^)

I used my fingers to feel my way around it. I felt the long cord portruding from its side. With one tug, I removed it from its socket.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Ti...

Finally. Silence.

I walked back to my bed and lay there, watching the stars as they stood their ground on the vast velvet sky. I wrinkled my brow as the uneasy feeling I received when I arrived here continued to pull on the strings of my sanity.

The past five days we were here, I wasn't able to get a good night's sleep. It was just something about this place, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It drove me crazy. As a person who was in control of all his emotions, this...lingering feeling in the back of my skull wasn't one I was too comfortable with.

Lady Une sent Sally and I to check up on the Preventers branch in Beijing. True, I was raised in the colonies, but China was home nevertheless.

But this was our last night in Beijing, so I wasn't too worried. Tomorrow I'd be back in my apartment, in my own bed, able to sleep soundly. I couldn't wait.

After a few minutes, exhaustion finally swept over me. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.



Can you hear me, Wufei?

Do you remember me?

What? These voices...what was going on? I tried opening my eyes, but it felt as if they were sealed shut.

It's me, Wufei...

That last voice was a combination of many. Master Long...Trieze...Meiran... So this was it. This was why I was so uneasy being in China. It brought back so many painful memories of my past. I tried blocking out the voices in my head, but they refused to go away.

Why are you trying to forget us?

Forget you? No. Of course not! I couldn't forget all of you even if I wanted to. I wasn't trying to forget you it's just...

You don't want to remember us.

Blocking you out from my memory is my way of dealing. It was too painful keeping you in my memory.

You can't keep doing that forever. You don't deserve to be alone.

So what if I live alone all my life? At least I wouldn't get hurt when I lose someone I love.

No. Because by blocking us out, you are blocking others out, as well.

I don't care about anyone else anymore. Do you know what your deaths did to me?

You cannot use us an excuse not to love anymore, Wufei. Use us as a reason to reach out to her.

I was getting tired of these voices telling me what to do. They weren't real. Just figments of my imagination.

Don't keep your walls up any longer...


I jerked up, my body in a cold sweat. I looked around. I was still in my hotel room. I glanced at the silent grandfather clock until I was able to regain my senses. That dream...

I used exhaustion as an excuse. The past five days I had a total of eight hours of sleep; that was enough to push one to their limits. Right. That was it. Exhaustion. I wiped my brow and threw myself back into bed.

I closed my eyes, wanting desperately to leave this place. It was too much for even me to handle. The war between the Earth and the colonies was over long ago, but the battle I was fighting within myself was far from it. And I wasn't sure if I was going to win.

I let out a jagged breath, and pulled the covers over my body. I closed my eyes even tighter, hating the fact that my future was filled with so much uncertainty.

As my breathing calmed, I heard a soft humming sound from outside my window. I must have left it open and forgot to close it. Slowly, I sat up, and glanced outside to see where the melody was coming from.

I glanced outside, and saw Sally standing in her balcony. She was in her bathrobe, brushing out her golden brown hair. Her ice blue eyes were pointed to the heavens, and her thin lips were pressed together gently in a soft song.

I watched as she continued humming that sweet tune, my mind and body transfixed as she went along. After a while, she stopped, sighed softly, and smiled. She sighed contently once her hair was untangled, and turned back into her hotel room.

That...dream I had...whether or not I choose to believe it was actually those people...or just my own mind...whatever it was...I was grateful.

These past five years since the war was over, I placed these barriers up in order to deal with my pain. It wasn't until now that I realized that I shouldn't keep the walls up any longer. That I shouldn't block out the people who cared about me...and who I cared about.

Unfortunately Sally wouldn't know until tomorrow.

I was too tired, and her midnight lullaby took its toll on me. I smiled before I drifted off to sleep.

Wait for me, Sally, It's going to be a long journey, but I know I'll get there...if I'm with you.


Author's note: Hehe...sappy, I know. I just love Wufei and Sally. It's my favorite straight couple, next to Duo and Relena. This was a fic that I felt like I needed to write, I don't know why. Wufei is just adorable!! Well, hope you liked it! Oh yeah...that little remark about the clock being loud and made in America...hehe...guess who I'm talking about. =P