Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ And peace on earth ❯ Conspiracy ( Chapter 3 )

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Chapter 3




Title: And Peace on Earth (3/?)

Author: Enna Namo


Category: Hmmm, Fluff, I guess, with a little angst and not to forget humor. And I don't care about the timeline.

Pairings: Well, Treize and Zechs, I haven't decided about the others yet, but it defiantly looks as if there will be a little 1+5+2. Oh, and 3+4, certainly.a

Rating: General

Warnings: It is a sweet little "miracle of Christmas"-fic. If you can't stand those, don't read it.


Disclaimer: Who ever owns Gundam Wing should feel very lucky. I don't own it. Thus I feel very miserable and sorrowful. Therefore I wrote this little fluffy story too feel better. But sadly enough I don't get paid for my writing, thus I hope I get some reviews at least.





Trowa observed his gathered comrades and sighed inwardly. Sometimes he hated being in the position of "the voice of reason" but someone had to do it, right? So, when his fellow pilots saw him as that, why weren't they listening to him?


Standing in front of each other, bodies rigid with tension, glaring their most potent death glares Heero Yuy and Chang Wufei had been arguing for an hour by now.


Heero insisted that they should first pay a visit to that base to confirm that Duo indeed wasn't there anymore. And from there they should search the area for their comrade.


Wufei, on the other hand, had insisted that Kushrenada had been on his way to the base and could have very well met him. He had pointed out that Kushrenada was a man of honour. And is was quite possible that Duo now was under the general's protection. Therefore they should pay Kushrenada a visit first.


Trowa sighed deeply. He had tried to interrupt them at some point but had been ignored and therefore left the living room to join a thoughtful Quatre in the kitchen. The blond Arab had only shaken his head when confronted with the possible death of his long haired friend. He had been adamant that he would have felt something if Duo had died, which hadn't been the case.


This had been like fuel to a fire for Wufei, who at once had started to argue that they should go and pay Kushrenada a visit. Heero, of course, refused to even think about that because there were to many risks. Which had been the start of another round of heated discussion. At some point Quatre had left, massaging his temples in frustration.


"They are still arguing?"


Trowa nodded and then shrugged dismissingly. Quatre smiled at him and winked.


"They are not going to listen to us, right?"




Quatre lifted his cup and sipped elegantly at his tea.


"I say we prepare the jeep, sedate Heero and Wufei, get them into the jeep and then visit Kushrenada."


Trowa nodded considerate and then smirked. It was a pleasure to work together with Quatre. He never failed to come up with a perfect plan.



=============================================================== ======



It was late in the evening when a servant knocked at the huge door to the living room to inform General Kushrenada that "young Mister Winner, son to Mr. Winner from L4" was waiting for an audience. The Winner name wasn't unknown to Kushrenada but he couldn't think of a reason why the son of a sworn pacifist would visit him. Zechs puzzled expression told him that he didn't had a clue either. But there was only one way to find out.



=============================================================== ======



Quatre glanced nervously around. Heero was hiding behind a pillar on the left side, gun aiming at the entrance. Wufei, standing behind a pillar on the right side, was sharpening his sword, glare glued to same direction as Heero's. Occasionally both of them glared at him. They hadn't been pleased to awake in the back of the jeep. Quatre didn't know what had made them more furious, that they had been sedated or that they had awoken cuddled into each others arms. And the first word they both had uttered had been a mumbled: "Duo?" It would have been funny if the circumstances had been different, Quatre thought.


Further contemplations were stopped because someone opened the entrance door and a familiar red-haired General, accompanied by a masked blond pilot, stood in front of him. But before the blond Arab could greet him, the pointy end of a sword was pressed against Kushrenada's throat and the barrel of a gun poked between his ribs. Quatre groaned.


"Hey… Comrades… Heero, Wufei, erm... friends, I thought you agreed to the "first-talk-and-then-shot" tactic."


Two nearly identical grunts were the answer. Quatre sighed, shook his head and suppressed the urge to massage his temples.


"Stop that and drop the weapons. We are here to question Kushrenada, not kill him on sight."


"I just want to make certain that you have his undivided attention." The sword was lifted a little to emphasise this statement.


"We have a mission to accomplish. We don't have time for chit-chat." The barrel was pressed a little harder against a rip-cage.


This time Quatre didn't suppress the urge.


"I have to apologies for their rude behaviour, General, but they are worried about…"


"Duo Maxwell, I guess? He will be delighted to see you. Will you follow me please? But keep quit he is hopefully resting in one of my guestrooms."


An amused smirk crossed the tall man's face at the wide eyes, gaping mouths and all in all baffled expressions on the young faces.



=============================================================== ======



Some more threats, though silent ones, more apologizes, glares and temple massaging later the door to a luxurious guestroom was opened. Carefully, as if walking through a minefield, two boys tiptoed towards a huge and very comfortable looking bed. It's occupant was hardly visible under the amounts of bedding but the long hairy snake dangling over the side gave his identity away.


Both boys sneaked nearer to the bed until they stood on either side of it. And with lightning like speed they grabbed the blanket and threw it off.




The startled scream of the so harshly woken sleeper abruptly turned into a coughing fit that had Zechs rushing forward immediately. With an obviously practiced movement the tall pilot picked up the gasping boy and held him until the coughing stopped. The glare he aimed at the retreating Asian pilots would have had anyone else running for cover. General Kushrenada cleared his throat.


"Gentlemen, as you can see, Mr. Maxwell is quite alive."


"No thanks to you both."


A raspy voice from the bed interrupted him. Duo Maxwell was leaning slumped against Zechs Merquise chest, with an expression of hurt and betrayal on his face.


"I know that you don't like me, but I didn't know you hate me that much. Could you please restrain yourself from killing me until I'm better and able to defend myself?"


Taken aback by that accusation both Asian boys tried to justify their action.


"I had to confirm the extension of your injuries too verify the parameters for the amount of time you need for healing."


"Maxwell, it is an injustice to accuse me of such an dishonourable action. I would never attack a fallen comrade."


"Yeah, yeah, yeah, as if the great general over there couldn't have answered that question, Yui. And I have every reason to accuse you, Chang. You were his partner in crime. Or are you going to deny that you helped him?"


The injured pilot snuggled deep into the blanket a thoughtful Zechs Merquise had arranged around him.


"Duo, you shouldn't be too harsh on Heero and Wufei, they were really worried about you."


The addressed pilot perked over his saviours shoulder and his eyes widened happily.


"Quatre! And Trowa, man, that is great. At least someone who cares about little old me."


His weak attempt to push the blanket away and leave the bed was stopped by the tall, short haired aristocrat.


"I dare to interrupted, Mr. Maxwell. The doctor was quite clear about what you are allowed to do and what not. Leaving the bed and running around wasn't part of the things he advised to do."


And to show that he agreed with his friend, Zechs Merquise rose from his spot, tucking the slightly protesting pilot back into bed.


"Visiting time is over, young one. That was enough excitement for the moment. Your friends know now that your are alive and mostly fine. Everything else can be dealt with later."




"No buts, I know that you are tough, you don't have to prove it. Get your rest and later we all will eat together, deal?"


A deep sigh that turned into a yawn showed the surrender of one very reluctant gundam pilot.


"You better not forget about it. Or I'll have to come and remind you -Yawn- why I'm called the god of death."


A half-hearted death glare was Duo's last attempt to intimidate the Lightning Count but another yaw-breaking yawn slightly diminished its effect.


"Oh fine, have it your way, daddy-hen. Are you going to give me a good night kiss, too and read me a story?"


"Only if you want me too, young boy.", Zechs chuckled silently and ruffled his charges bangs.


Embarrassed, but obviously liking the additional attention Duo smiled content before he snuggled deeper under the blanket.


"See you later, then."


A last yawn, a little wiggle and then regular breathing revealed that the Deathscythe pilot had fallen asleep.


Zechs turned around. One look around revealed two puzzled Asian gundam pilots, two mischievously looking gundam pilots and an obviously amused general. He lifted a hand to get their attention.


"We leave. Now!"


Surprisingly no one protested. Upon closing the door Zechs glanced back at the huge bed.


"Sweet dreams, little pilot."



=============================================================== ======


Treize Kushrenada was having a hard time keeping his facial expressions under control. And a look to his left, where his long time friend and lover sat, confirmed that Zechs had the same problem.


Sitting at a low table in front of a huge fireplace, both asian pilots where silently, and peacefully, sipping at a cup of hot chocolate. He wouldn't have expected these two boys to be so docile after their performance at their arrival. He would have expected these two boys to wave their weapons around and glare at everyone and everything, to take up watch next to their injured comrade or even insist of getting him out of "enemies hands."


Well, they had done that on the way to the living room until…


No one would have expected the young, polite, civilized and diplomatic Winner heir to snap. And Treize Kushrenada had to admit that he didn't want to ever see that happen again. He was quite relieved that it hadn't been him that had been at the receiving end of that angry outburst. It had left the two asian boys stunned until now and it didn't look as if they would recover from that experience anytime soon. The general had to suppress a smile, he could live with that.


"So, what are we going to do now?"


It was a simple question, the Heavyarms pilot asked but there was no simple answer to it. And they all knew it.


"Duo isn't in a state where I would recommend to move him around. The doctors orders where quite clear about that. He needs to rest, he needs to be save and…"


"If you haven't noticed, Kushrenada, there is a war going on and we are supposed to be enemies."


Leave it to the Wing pilot to come out of his stupor at the mentioning of anything war related, Treize thought bitterly. Having nothing to offer at the moment, he remained silent.


"Heero, please, you're not helping. If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all. This isn't about you or us or the war. We have to decide what is the best for Duo."


Having just experienced a thorough "chiding", Heero simply ducked his head and continued to sip at his cup. He wasn't a coward, no, never. But there was no way he would risk making Quatre angry again… Ever!!


Stretching his arms over his head and folding them behind his neck, the Tallgeese pilot glanced at the ceiling.


"Why not celebrate Christmas together and then decide what to do? After all, Christmas is a time of peace. And it wouldn't be the first time in history that enemies honour this celebration together."


He didn't dare to look at his friend and their guests. Certainly they wouldn't approve of his idea. It was a little crazy after all, he thought until a soft voice proved him wrong.


"I never celebrated Christmas ever before. It isn't part of our culture. But I would be honoured to celebrate it with you this year."


Zechs winced. He should have thought about that. After all, three out of the five pilots didn't have a Christian background.


"Chang Wufei, I am honoured to have you and your friends as my guests."


Adding a slight bow to his words, Treize smiled to himself. It had been a long time since these walls had seen a Christmas celebration and he had to admit to himself that he was looking forward to it. Looking around he noticed that he wasn't the only one.


The sullen and dangerous mood had changed into one of happy anticipation. Both asian boys where grilling Zechs for information, an agitated Quatre interrupting now and then with questions and even his silent companion adding suggestions of his own. He had to think about an adequate reward for his lover, Treize thought.


And then it hit him like a brick. He was going to have a Christmas celebration at his place and the Gundam pilots as his guests. Servants needed to be informed, rooms had to be prepared, cloths to be provided, a feast to be organized. What kind of tree should he get and did he still have the old decoration from his childhood days? Should he get presents for his guests and what would they like to get? He had to take a deep breath to keep his thoughts from overwhelming him. He should take it slowly, one task after the other. And the most important at first.


"Gentlemen, if you agree, we should keep this deal a secret around Mr. Maxwell. He would certainly insist on helping making the proper arrangements and that wouldn't be beneficial to his health. And I have to admit, I'd love to surprise him."


Only the crackling of the fire, that naturally was unimpressed by the conspiracy just being planned in its presence, dared to disturb the silence while anyone imagined Duo's face. Six nearly identical smirks would have scared the fire into silence anyway.


And so it happened, that while Duo Maxwell was peacefully slumbering in a comfortable bed, his friends were plotting the revenge, sorry, holiday of a lifetime, wearing smiles, that would have worried the God of Death, had he seen them.





First I have to apologize to all those who are waiting for me to update. I'm sooo sorry, I haven't abandoned this story and I really try to write, but real life got in the way and my muse disappeared completely for long time. Sigh, my plot-bunny scared her away. But I will update again and I will finish this story. Even if it is going to take years to do so! Even if I have to kill my plot-bunny! And chain my muse to my computer! Promise!