Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Big Brother with a Difference ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Big Brother

Author: Shinigami195

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: yoai and yuri? Limes? swearing, bashing, ooc

Disclaimer: Don't own GW or the idea of BB

Notes: I'm not a big fan of the real big brother and I was watching it the other day and decided that I would make an gw style bb.

*…* actions in other rooms

(AN/…) Author Notes

Results for Vote:

Thanks for the respond that I got from the prologue ^^, 25 people voted and the winning list was...

LIST B with 16 votes

But, due to who gets evicted and shit, the pairings will change over time! But to start with the pairings are: 1x2x1 RxD 6xL 3xH 13x5 4xC (Will change later on I promise!!!) SxU

There is one pairing that will NOT change and that is 1x2x1!!!!!! My favourite ^^

Thanks to the 25 people who have replied/reviewed to this fic and I'm glad everyone wanted more!

So here it is...

Big Brother - Chapter 1: Food

The room was left in silence and everyone glanced across the room at each other. Even Duo was silent but his body language showed he was nervous and uncomfortable with the silence.

"So..." Quatre said breaking off when everyone looked at him.

"We gotta do something!!!" Duo practically screamed.

"But what?"

"Well I don't know."

"You need to unpack baka." Heero reminded Duo.

"So do I!" A chorus went up around the room part from Relena and Heero.

"I've got an idea." Relena smiled. "Everyone can go and unpack and me and Heero will make lunch."

Heero opened his mouth to protest but everyone else raced out of the room before he could say anything.

"Looks like it's just me and you, Hai Heero?"

Heero tried to smile but found the muscles in his jaw wouldn't obey him.

"Come on!" Relena hurried into the kitchen and started to search for ingredients.

Heero followed her slowly.

"There aren't any!!!" Relena whined.

"Of course there isn't any food." The know-it-all voice came over the system.

"Why not?" Relena asked.

"You haven't ordered any."

Heero sweatdropped. "No food."

Then a black blur came running in. "Did someone say there wasn't any food?"

"Do you listen with your stomach?" Relena sneered.

"Hay a growing boy needs food!" Duo pointed out, leaning against a counter. "How do we order food then?" Duo asked the ceiling.

"Get together and make out a list of 20 objects. Then one of you bring it to the closet and I'll have the food you want by the end of the day."

"Call everyone into the kitchen will you?" Relena asked ever so politely.


Over the next five minutes the large kitchen filled up with 14 bodies. Heero sat on a stroll beside the breakfast bar and Duo was standing beside him leaning on the bar. Dorothy and Sally took up the other two seats on that side and Quatre, Catherine and Trowa leaned across the bar. Relena was standing beside the sink, a pen and paper in her hand. Trieze, Zechs, Lucrezia, and Une walked in together and lent against various sides of the kitchen.

"What's this about?" Wufei asked as he entered the kitchen dressed in a pair of baggy blue shorts and nothing else.

Duo wolf-whistled at the half naked preventer. "Nice bod, Wu-man!"

Wufei glared at Duo as he leaned against the doorframe.

"There is no food Wufei. We have to make a list of 20 items of food that we want." Relena explained.





Everyone glared at Quatre and Duo who both smiled sweetly back.

"Coffee and tea." Quatre begged, his large blue eyes pleading with Relena.

Relena sighed and the whole room turned into a yelling match.








"Don't like fish."

"Don't eat it then."



"Bet Wu's got a big banana!"


"Ice cream!"


Everyone fell silent under Heero's hard gaze.

"I don't know how you lot managed to save the World." The voice overhead mocked. "You can't even decide on what food to eat."

Heero reached for his gun. The other four ex pilots dived forward to stop him.




"Bad idea!"

"Bad boy!" Laughs.



The girls all sweatdropped. "She's right how did you guys save the World?"

The boys all let go of Heero and stepped back, staring at the floor, blushing shamefully.

"Right. Lets think of this now shall we girls?" Catherine asked the other 6 females in the room. "You boys run along and play with your swords and guns and leave the food and cooking to us!" Catherine and Hilde ushered the boys out of the room and then turned to Zechs and Trieze.

"You two as well!" Lucrezia pushed Trieze and Zechs out of the door and closed both entrances into the kitchen and locked the doors.

"Girls, we have work to do!"

The 7 girls huddled around breakfast bar.

"We need to have things like milk, eggs, sugar, tea." Sally said. "And at least one meat."

"True, we need certain stuff, but we can use ingredients to make more advance stuff."

"Eggs! Get eggs. This may sound stupid but Duo can make anything out of eggs." Hilde smiled.


Heero was sitting in the lounge with Wufei, he was checking his gun over while Wufei was polishing his sword (AN/ anyone want a 1x5 lemon? *sniggers* Sorry!) when a loud scream echoed round the house followed by a long line of swear words.

The two boys looked at each other before opened the French doors and walking out passed the vegetable patch and onto the deck beside the swimming pool.

"What's going on?"

Quatre, who was doubled up in laughter on the deck by the edge, pointed at the black clad figure that has just surfaced from the water.

Duo shook his hair out of his eyes and hissed like an angry goose at Quatre. "What the fucking hell was that for?"

"You looked way too hot Duo." Quatre said winking at the wet boy as Duo heaved himself on to the poolside.

"He looks even hotter now." Trieze purred and Duo turned and glared at the ex-oz leader.


Heero strolled forward. "Good thing it's a hot day, you wont catch a cold."

Duo suddenly grinned evilly and lashed out his hand caught Heero's ankle and he pushed Heero into the pool.

"DUO!!!" Heero resurfaced, his Prussian eyes burning at Duo with promise of punishment.

"Oh no!" Duo throw himself backwards as his best friend jumped out of the pool and gave chase after the braided boy.


"Boys." Sally muttered laughing; Une was standing next to her also watching Heero chase Duo around the garden.

"Got it!" Relena cheered holding up the food list.

"What we got then Miss Relena?"

Relena blushed at Dorothy's comment and read the list.

"Eggs, Milk, Tea, Sugar, Chicken, Beef burgers, white and brown bread, butter, beer for the boys and wine for us, chocolate, apples, cereal, orange juice, coca cola, cheese and tomato pizza, potatoes, cheese and coffee."

"What about vegetables?"

"All ready in the fridge, as with things like yoghurt and peanut butter."

"You gave us peanut but not milk?" Lucrezia asked the system.

"You wont given them by me."

"Duo brought the peanut butter and yoghurt."

Catherine smiled "And Quatre brought in the vegetables. Check the freezer there should be a leg of lamb and in the cupboards are some spices, soups and tuna tins."

Une smiled and nodded her approve and rested her head against Sally's shoulder and continued to stare at the boys.

Sally looked shocked and glanced at Une.

The other girls slipped out without the two women noticing.

"Are you alright?"

Une suddenly blinked and lifted her head. Her brown eyes met Sally's and she smiled.

"Yeah." (AN/ SOZ Lady Une is out of character!!! But then she isn't a meanie any more ^^ Nice lady Une? Scary!)


Relena had just given the list to the system when the boys, now all of them, soaking wet came into the lounge wearing nothing but their boxers (AN/ Feel free to drool!).

"Decided on the food yet?" Duo asked her, his long hair plastered to his back.

"Just done it. You finished unpacking yet?"

"Let us wash first onna." Wufei grumbled walking pass them all and into his room which, to his dislike, he was sharing with Trieze.

"What's wrong with him?" Hilde asked.

"He's pissed off."


"Duo pushed him in the pool." Quatre laughed.

"Go clean up guys." Catherine told them laughing as well and the boys disappeared.

"This is going to be fun!"


"PIZZA!!!" Duo carried the large dish into the lounge where everything was laid out ready for the feast that was about to begin.

The meal passed without anything happened and that evening the group of 14 sat round the lounge talking about the pass few years.

"So Trieze, how come you are still alive?" Duo asked. He was sitting on the floor by the armchair where Heero was, his shoulder leaning against Heero's calf.

"I floated in space, away from the falling Libra. When I woke up Mariemaia had already tried to make herself leader. Lady Une was kind enough to help me out."

The boys nodded.

"How did the Preventers come about?" Dorothy suddenly asked.

Lady Une raised her head from Sally's shoulder.

"It's was Miss Relena's idea. She thought the world needed someone to help protect it like Heero protects her." (AN/ Is it? No idea! Made up!)

Relena smiled at Heero who groaned to himself and only Duo felt it.

The conversation carried on into the early hours of the morning. By then Duo was asleep, his head resting on Heero's thigh. Lucrezia was asleep as well her head nesting in Zech's lap.

"Bed time." The overhead voice announced waking Duo and Lucrezia from their sleep.

"Night everyone!"

"Night Duo."

Heero helped the rather sleepy Duo into their room and Duo collapsed on to his bed fast asleep. Heero watched him sleep for a few minutes before pulling the covers up over Duo's body. His lips brushed against Duo's forehead.

"Sleep well."



Now, I need to start getting rid of people. *Laughs* To start with please can you tell me 2 characters you would like to see go first! You aren't voting them out yet you are nominating who should go first! Then the 2 characters that most people want to go rid of will go head to head in the next chapter and you can decide which one stays and which one goes. Understand me? I hope so.

VOTE! You know you want too ^.~

Review as well!!!!

