Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Changes aren't Always for the Better ❯ Always a friend; Never a Lover ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Changes aren't always For the Better

Chapter 1: Always the Friend; Never the Lover

Author: Xel-chan

Rating: PG (for now I guess. The rating may go up)

Authors Notes: This story has 2+1, 1+R and I think that's all so far.
Not a lot of language, but it's still there. Thinks that's all,
Enjoy!! Oh yeah, any suggestions for a title would be nice. Blame my
lack of creativity, anything but me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, zilch. Well, I think I own the plot?

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Duo's P.O.V.

"So Heero, what're you up to tonight, another date with the computer?"
I said jokingly. Part of me wished he would turn around, say Duo,
don't be an idiot, it's you I want to spend time with. But I knew that
would never happen. Heero wasn't aware of how beautiful he was. I'm
surprised he's never caught me when I glance at him. Of course, I
always try to be careful. It's so hard being in love with the perfect
soldier. I sighed wistfully, hoping against hope.

Heero turned and gave me one of those glares. You know, the one that
says "You're annoying, please shut up". One of those glares. Oh his
eyes, I could go on forever just talking about his eyes. They are the
most mysterious shade of blue. Kinda like the soldier himself. "What
does it matter to you?"

I chuckled nervously, what was it supposed to mean to me? `Quick Duo,
I have to find an answer before he gets suspicious. "Oh, just wanted
to know if I'm a third wheel once again tonight." I cringed. That
sounded corny even to my ears. "I mean," I rushed to explain, "It
seems as though you're in love with your computer" But I wish you were
with me. You always seem to know how to push the right buttons.

"Well, if you must be so nosy, I'm going with Relena tonight" My heart
dropped. Really, it just went to the pit of my stomach. He could spend
a whole night with me, but yet he was going out with Relena? I
straightened myself out a bit and plastered a huge fake smile on my
face. It actually hurt to be smiling. "So how'd she get you to go?"
There goes all tinges of subtlety. I had to know. I just had to. How
could Relena Peacecraft, a girl has threatened to kill more times than
the telemarketers call the house, convince Heero to go out with her?
There must be a secret, it had to be the perfume.

"She asked me to go." Huh? That was it? All she'd done was ask? Hell,
if I'd known that some time ago, I could've Heero right now. Mentally
I evaluated this. It wasn't fair. Some people have all of the luck.

************************************************************ **********

Heero's P.O.V.

As I gave Duo the answer to his question, I could see utter confusion
on his face. Had my answer really been that shocking? I mentally
evaluated. Nope, nothing seemed to be wrong. But the why was Duo
staring at me like that. Suddenly, Duo seemed to gather himself.

"Sorry Hee-man! For a second there I was shocked" Duo smiled, but it
didn't seem genuine. I had seen his expression. It had not been shock
I was sure. But, what more could be said to force him to tell? I
turned back to my computer. The game of Solitaire I had been playing
previously was still up, I was winning.

I heard Duo as he left the room. I couldn't help wondering what was
bothering him. He had seemed hopeful when Heero had first looked at
him. Then after I had asked him why he'd asked such a nosy question,
he'd responded with a corny joke. He was hiding something, I was sure
of it. The only question was what it was.

************************************************************* *********

Duo's P.O.V.

Never have I hated a human being more than I hate Relena Peacecraft.
She had every thing anyone could ever want, and now she wanted more.
Then again, one had to remember how spoiled she was. She could easily
marry some other rich guy! But no, she had to mess with his Heero. I
sat on the couch huffily. God was so unfair. I'd suffered through the
war like everyone else. Why can't I get a chance at happiness? Why
doesn't anyone ever throw the orphan from L2 a rope every once in a
while. I sat there in thought. It didn't matter what it would take,
Heero would be mine.

************************************************************ **********

Heero's P.O.V.

Relena had asked me to come to the restaurant at seven. It was only
six and five seconds. I guess it would be about time for me to get
ready. Then again, if I waited a little longer, maybe I could beat
this cheating computer. I wonder what Duo's doing. I don't have to
wonder for long because a few minutes later, he comes storming
upstairs into the bedroom. I hear him rummaging through drawers as he
talks to himself softly. Even concentrating I couldn't make out what
he was saying. He threw me a glance he must of thought I was unaware
of, sighed sadly and walked out again. Actually, he glanced quite
often when he thought I hadn't noticed. I wondered what all those
glances added up to. Oh well, it's time for me to get ready to go.
I'll try to figure him out later.

*********************************************************** ***********

Duo's P.O.V.

If I have my way, no one will ever find out about this. I'm sitting at
this the restaurant, wearing a lavender sweater, a black skirt, and
hoping no one will recognize. It's hard to see when one is wearing
sunglasses inside wouldn't you say? I honestly think they should hang
the person who invented pantyhose. They were itchy, and they tore too
easily. Relena was clinging to Heero and chatting away. When the
waiter came to take my order, I simply ordered water, no need to spend
all of my money. I settled in for a long wait

************************************************************* *********

Relena's P.O.V.

As Heero and I ate, the brown haired girl I'd noticed before was
staring at me. There seemed to be an evil glint in her eye. How many
people wore sunglasses in restaurants anyway? In my opinion, she was
far past suspicious.

"Heero" I began trying to catch his attention, "Do you know that girl
that's staring at us?"

Heero turned quickly. Seeing she'd been caught, the girl quickly
lowered her eyes. I noticed she was about to get up. But my soldier
Heero wasn't going to have any of that. He walked quickly catching the
girl by the arm. Relena shook her head, spies were nothing but trouble
these days.

************************************************************ **********

Duo's P.O.V.

I have to admit, when I saw Heero coming at me, I panicked. I tried to
get out of the restaurant, but he had caught hold of my arm. Quickly
his hand snapped up to take off the glasses.

"DUO?" Damn it, I was sol (1) "Hee-man, what a surprise!"

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Authors Notes:

(1) sol, commonly known as shit outta luck, that is, and will always
be my favorite phrase.

Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed it, C&C highly appreciated.