Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Changes aren't Always for the Better ❯ Bad Luck Blues ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Changes aren't always For the Better

Chapter Title: Bad Luck Blues

Author: Xel-chan

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None that I can think of. Oh yeah 2+1. That's all

Author's Note: Here's Chapter 2!! Yeah me for getting it out!! I hope
you enjoy, and C&C is always welcome and Appreciated.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, zilch. But the plot is mine!!!

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Heero's Computer Journal

I hate surprises. Finding Duo at that restaurant was an unpleasant
surprise. Was he attempting to follow me around? Hn. That boy is
confusing. After he'd been caught, he'd had that trapped look about
him. I really do wonder what was wrong with him. After what he'd done
last night, my dinner with Relena had been ruined. I guess that's not
so bad. That girl is so insipid and superficial. I wonder what kind of
dinner date Duo would be?

End Journal Entry

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Duo's Journal

I can't believe I got caught. By Relena no less. I'm really feeling
low on myself now. When Heero'd caught me, all he'd done was stare.
Then he'd looked down my sweater. Now, they say snoring is
embarrassing, they say having toilet paper stuck to your shoe is
embarrassing, but they have never seen true embarrasement until
they've had the perfect soldier look down your shirt in the middle of
a sophisticated restaurant. That ladies and gentlemen, is the top of
embarrassment. On the way home, I'd gotten hit on five times, so I
must have looked good. But the most priceless thing was the look on
Heero's face when he saw it was me. That was extremely priceless. If
that was all it would take to get him to notice me, I'd cross-dress

End Journal Entry

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Third Person view.

Now rewinding events, the waiter who'd been serving water to the brown
haired girl, noticed that she looked kinda cute. He looked at the
label of the drug, perfect. He dropped it in her drink hoping no one
would notice and served it to her. Unfortunately for this waiter,
Heero interrupted his little game. The drug was supposed to make any
female taking it extremely horny. But what happens if a male takes it?

************************************************************** ********

The Morning After

Duo's P.O.V.

I woke up groggily. Man did I have a headache. May I mention that it
was a killer headache? Did I say that already? Either way, it really
hurt. I was trying to wander to the bathroom to relieve myself when I
caught my reflection. The image staring back at me was wearing black
boxers. Check. They were wearing a white raggedy T-shirt. Check. What
wasn't in check you ask? The two bumps under my T-shirt. I did the
only thing I could think to do at that moment, I fainted.

Coming to, I saw Quatre's worried face leaning over me. "Quatre" I
mumbled noticing that my voice was higher pitched. This was the first
sign I had that this was not a bad dream. "Duo" He mumbled, checking
over me cautiously like the mother hen he is. "It's not a nightmare is
it" Damn, now I sounded like I was about to cry. Quatre's eyes were
huge as they stared down at me. "No Duo, I'm afraid it's not a

************************************************ **********************

Heero's P.O.V.

I was so happy to reach home. Since it was approaching Christmas, the
weather was horrible. As I hung up my jacket, I saw Quatre sitting in
the living room looking like someone had died. "Quatre, is everything

Quatre turned to me, doing his best to form a glare. "Duo followed you
last night?" I had never planned to tell anyone about the spectacle
Duo had made of himself the previous evening. At my curt nod, Quatre
went on. "Actually, it's better if you go see him yourself." Had
something serious happened to Duo? Something Quatre didn't want to
tell me? I took the stairs slowly, nervous at what I might find.

I walked into our room. There was Duo. There didn't seem to be
anything wrong with him. That's when I saw. My mouth had to be hanging
open. This had to be the first time in my life that I had ever gotten
a totally unexpected surprise. "Duo?" I managed to squeak, not able to
do much else.

"Who else did you think it was, the muffin man?" The girl on the bed
shot back nastily. Yep, it was Duo alright, same sharp comebacks.

"What, What happened to you" I was gesturing to you know, something
that definitely shouldn't have been there.

Duo flicked her legs over the side of the bed. She stood up calmly.
She walked towards me. The last thing I ever expected her to do was
slap me. I swear bells were ringing at that instant. Holding my palm
over the offended piece of skin, I looked carefully at Duo. Apologize,
that's what I should do. But, as I looked at the bright fire in Duo's
eyes, the only thought running through my mind was that mission was
waaaay to dangerous at this point in time. I took a slow step back. I
couldn't believe I was hiding from a girl. But as I looked at the
violence in Duo's eyes, I couldn't help running down the hall as fast
as my feet would carry me.

************************************************************** ********

Duo's Journal

I hate Heero!!! I hate him. I hate him. Why does all of the bad crap
always happen to me, what've I ever done. God has a very sick sense of
humor. I hate Heero. Why arre my thoughts jumping around like this?
Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah!! Heero Yuy is the biggest
piece of scum to walk this Earth!!!

End Journal Entry

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Heero's Computer Journal

I have learned many important lessons today. Lesson one, Duo makes a
good looking girl. Lesson two, never let Duo's hand enter that
proximity again. Lesson three, a woman scorned is one hell of a pissed
woman. Is there anymore? I should hope not. I cancelled the raincheck
with Relena for tonight. I figured it'd be interesting to see what
transpired at home.

End Journal Entry

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The End for now!!

I hope you've enjoyed so far!! And note to the reviewer, I'm totally
for 1x2. There's no one I hate more than Relena!! Well, bye for now!!