Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Consciences ❯ Heero's Reply ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Please do not sue. I have no money. I spent it fixing my computer so I could write this fic. I do not own any of the gundam pilots. Don't even bother trying to sue.

A/N: This is just the start of an idea that I had. Please read, ENJOY, review and tell me if I should continue it or not. Happy reading!

This fic is archived at

The crowd hushed and waited for a response from the chosen competitor. Some wondered which song he would sing while others wondered if he would sing at all. Duo just hoped that his teasing hadn't sent him into the deep end. He really hadn't counted on Heero showing up at a time like this. Hell! Heero wasn't even supposed to come to places like this. It just wasn't.Heero.

Seeing the stoic boy make his way towards him, Duo stepped off the stage and handed the microphone over.

"Its two bucks a song Heero." Duo grinned as he flipped him a coin. Heero caught it with ease and proceeded to the jukebox to choose a song.

Heero stood in the middle of the stage and cleared his throat.

"Uh, I'm up here because I was challenged and uh also need to make an apology." He said nervously. "I've never been to a karaoke bar before let alone sing at one so..Duo if I stuff up, I hope you forgive me. I also hope that you'll forgive me for my stupid conscience that tells me to ignore you or to prevent you from doing things you like. Duo.gomen nasai." Heero bowed and then began to sing.

//It's cold here in the city

It always seems that way

And I've been thinking about you almost everyday

Thinking about the good times

Thinking about the rain

Thinking about how bad it feels alone again//

Heero was no dancer so he tried to put as much emotion into the song as possible, hoping that the message he was sending to Duo would be understood

//I'm sorry for the way things are

I'm sorry things ain't what they used to be

But more than anything else

I'm sorry for myself

cause you're not here with me//

He closed his eyes and thought back to the times in the war when he was all alone. Alone and in desperate need of company.

Our friends ask all about you

I say you're doing fine

And I expect to hear from you almost anytime

But they all know I'm crying

I can't sleep at night

They all know I'm dying down deep inside

Heero had always contemplated telling Duo his feelings for the braided boy but never had the guts to actually undertake the mission. He felt cowardly and hated himself for it. Now he was singing his heart, pouring all his frustration and love for Duo into the song.

I'm sorry for all the lies I told you

I'm sorry for the things I didn't say

But more than anything else

I'm sorry for myself

I can't believe you went away

Heero opened his eyes and found Duo looking right back at him. He saw Duo nodding in acceptance of his apology. Heero felt like a giant weight had been lifted off his back.

I'm sorry if I took some things for granted

I'm sorry for the chains I put on you

But more than anything else

I'm sorry for myself

For living without you

The song ended gracefully but Heero wasn't finished yet. He held the microphone up to his mouth.

"Duo, I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me.all I wanted to tell you is that.I love you Duo, and I don't think I could live a day without you by my side."

Knowing Heero could lip read, Duo mouthed back "You're forgiven Heero. You are forgiven."