Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Denial ❯ Differences ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN This is chapter 7 and is set about a month after the last chapter, Heero's in the hospital again and Zechs is with him. And I'm begging you now, please review, no one is reviewing this story and I really want to know if it's worth carrying on.

Disclaimer/Summary/Rating see first chapter.


Chapter 7


Zechs' POV

"You chose me."

It's almost a month later but I still don't really believe it, most mornings I awake thinking that the warmth of his body is yet another cruel illusion conjured by my overactive mind to torture me through my waking hours and give some semblance of comfort during those when I am sleeping.

A month since Heero's confession that shocked the world, I don't think any of us had truly anticipated how big the news was going to be. There were allegations, rumours of infidelity, rumours of an arranged marriage to produce an heir that neither of them had wanted, rumours that it was all a cover up for some nefarious scheme, everyone had a theory of why the golden couple had broken up. I don't think anyone expected the truth though.

Then we got careless, over two years of secrets and carefully planned meetings ruined by one innocent kiss caught on camera. The fall-out was instant and catastrophic. That one grainy picture that had managed to be taken was shown on every news channel and in every newspaper that had managed to get hold of a copy.

The husband and the brother, together. The world went mad with sympathy for their queen. Rumours started and escalated of a relationship before the first war ended, that he was the real reason I left, that he was the reason I came back. A full interview with Relena was what finally got the rumours to stop. When she stated, quite firmly, that she did not have a problem with our relationship, that she was ecstatic for us and that anyone who had a problem would have to deal with her and her staff suing them for slander and harassment the voices silenced quickly.

I'll never forget the day after the news broke though, everyone had known about the divorce but very few knew the reasons for it, the pilots, Dorothy, Sally, Noin and Lady Une were the only ones on the planet who were graced with an explanation when they questioned the motive.

They found out two weeks before the rest of the world did and they heard it from us and Relena when they showed up to visit baby Alyssa, it means `truth' Relena named her, she said it was a new start for all of us, being honest this time. My sister's `hi come in and by the way we're getting a divorce,' rolling her eyes at mine and Heero's startled faces she continued, not missing a beat, `oh for crying out loud you two, if you can tell me you can certainly tell them,' seemed to shake them a bit but at least they could see that the split was amicable. Good job too, I don't think that even Heero and I would have stood a chance if we had been attacked by four gundam pilots, several irate friends, a doctor in charge of our general health and an ex-OZ commander all at the same time, all intent on revenge for a friend.

Their reactions were amusing when I think about them now, it seems so long ago, Wufei exploded, cursing us both loudly and describing, in very clear terms, what `dishonourable assholes' he thought we both were for doing this to her, he continued in that vain for sometime until Relena hit him and got him to shut up long enough for her to explain the situation. Quatre looked shocked then understanding and then guilty for not realising sooner and once he checked that everyone really was alright he wished us well. I should have expected his guilt I suppose, Heero said that Duo had told him once that, if they would let him, Quatre would blame himself for the lack of oxygen in space and I must say I agree with him. Trowa's reaction should have been what gave us an indication to just how big this news was going to be, if we could shock the green-eyed pilot then surely it would blow everyone else away. Duo's reaction was also reassuringly typical, once he'd checked that Relena was alright he threatened me if I ever hurt Heero, threatened Heero if he ever hurt me, threatened Wufei if he spoke another word and then hugged us both mock-wiping tears from his eyes as he did so.

The other reactions rated somewhere in between, Sally's was the only one that varied, remarking that she was sick of the good lucking ones turning out gay, with a pointed look to the other pilots who had the grace to look embarrassed.

The day that everyone knew though I've never been stared at so much in my life, both of us were used to it, Heero as the husband of a former queen and me as the former OZ leader, now Preventer agent, brother and brother-in-law to Relena and Heero Yuy Peacecraft Darlian but neither of us were used to this. When we walked through the doors the conversation stopped, even the other pilots were looking at us strangely, I don't think they could believe that we'd been quite so stupid. It died down though, no one had the guts to stare at us for too long, too terrified about what we might do to them if they upset us, most agents were still extremely wary of us, none of them had forgotten out actions during the war.

"I can't believe you picked me."

The whisper is near silent but if he'd been awake he still would have heard me, he's not though, he's unconscious yet again, this time he pushed a civilian out the path of a speeding bullet and placed himself neatly in front of it, if it wasn't for the fact that I knew if he really wanted to he could do a much better job at killing himself I'd swear he was trying to get away from me. As it is though the bullet only just caught him and the only reason he's still in here is because Sally insisted on a blood transfusion.

If it wasn't for a few tiny details I'd swear it was a month before the baby was born, the last time we were here like this, I sat with him, watching him sleep, listening as the beep that was rapidly becoming more familiar echoed round the room, I was stroking his hand, much like I am now, then though I was anxiously listening for every sound for the inevitable moment when I would have to let go and pretend that my concern was just for a partner. Feeling that I didn't have as much right to worry as the others did. The other of course is the absence of a wedding ring on his left hand.

The continuing beep that fills the room reminds me of something he told me a long time ago, that the noise reminds him of J's tests when he was younger and the days that he spent, half-conscious when they tried to knock him out, in OZ labs. I was horrified when I heard he wont let me tell Sally though, she knows how capable he is at faking his health and he's promised her that he wont interfere with her monitors, this makes her feel better about his health, she's still terrified that something that happened to him during the wars is going to show up, even after all this time. Heero isn't worried though and that means that I'm not too panicked, though accepting the word of someone who sets his own broken leg probably isn't the wisest thing to do. It's not that he means to lie, it's just that he doesn't have a normal person's perspective of what classes as being alright.

I'm amazed sometimes, just how far from his training he's broken, not that long ago he wouldn't have dreamed of caring about someone as he does me, or promising an ex-alliance doctor of all things that he wouldn't interfere with the machines, let alone let her keep monitoring him.

Slowly I run my hand over his forehead brushing away the unruly tendrils that always refuse to behave before reaching into my pocket and pulling out a box, I open it and smile at the sight inside then I ask the question that I've never gotten up the courage to ask when he was awake, I couldn't, the memories of what happened last time he did this are too clear, he wont want to risk this now and I wouldn't put him in the position where he has to say `no' it'll be time eventually though and I'll wait till then but maybe if I ask him enough when he can't hear me, when it's time maybe I'll be able to.

"I love you and I know it's not the time to ask but would you marry me Heero Yuy?" Leaning over I gently kiss my sleeping lover, almost jumping as he starts to respond slowly, startled I move to pull away but he stops me. He's smiling but still I watch him warily, almost scared of the answer.

"I love you too and yes, of course I'll marry you."

End Chapter 7

AN Well, what did you think, please review this as it isn't getting many and I would really like to know what people think.

If anyone's reading this on mediaminer I'm not being able to access my reviews, can anyone email me and help me? Thanks.